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All Outputs (21)

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research,

Good quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person’s life, beliefs, and val... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol.

Protocol for a mixed methods process evaluation for a randomised controlled trial to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines: the iFraP study (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Cherrington, A., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., Bentley, I., Nicholls, E., …Paskins, Z. (in press). Protocol for a mixed methods process evaluation for a randomised controlled trial to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines: the iFraP study. NIHR Open Research, 4, 70.

High quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians working together to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person’s life, beliefs, and v... Read More about Protocol for a mixed methods process evaluation for a randomised controlled trial to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines: the iFraP study.

Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors (2024)
Journal Article
Moult, A., McGrath, C., Lippiett, K., Coope, C., Turner, A., Chillcott, S., …Dziedzic, K. (2024). Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), Article 99.

Background: The aim of this project is to evaluate public contributors’ experiences of their involvement in qualitative data analysis workshops during an on-going research project titled ‘Personalised Primary care for Patients with Multiple long-term... Read More about Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors.

Knee braces for knee osteoarthritis: A scoping review and narrative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials (2024)
Journal Article
Holden, M. A., Murphy, M., Simkins, J., Thomas, M. J., Huckfield, L., Quicke, J. G., …Peat, G. (2024). Knee braces for knee osteoarthritis: A scoping review and narrative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,

To identify and synthesise the content of knee bracing interventions in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of knee osteoarthritis (OA).

In this scoping review, three electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane) were... Read More about Knee braces for knee osteoarthritis: A scoping review and narrative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials.

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S., Jinks, C., Buttery, A., Ashworth, J., …Dikomitis, L. (2024). Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection. British Journal of Pain,

Introduction Understanding patients’ experiences is important when developing interventions for people living with persistent pain. Interviews and focus groups are frequently used to capture beliefs, views, and perspectives. These methods often requi... Read More about Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection.

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S. A., Jinks, C., Buttery, A., Ashworth, J., …Dikomitis, L. (2024). Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection. British Journal of Pain, 18(6), 461-471.

Understanding patients’ experiences is important when developing interventions for people living with persistent pain. Interviews and focus groups are frequently used to capture beliefs, views, and perspectives. These methods often requ... Read More about Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection.

Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Manning, F., Hawarden, A., Fleming, J., Leyland, S., Clark, E. M., …Paskins, Z. (in press). Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study. Archives of Osteoporosis, 19(1), Article 50.

Interviews and focus groups with patients, FLS clinicians, and GPs identified challenges relating to clinical and shared decision-making about bone health and osteoporosis medicines. Findings will inform the development of the multicomponent... Read More about Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study.

Presentation / Conference
Watson, L., Cornwall, N., Jinks, C., Bradbury, K., Goff, L., Little, P., …Roddy, E. (2024, June). AB0105 ‘..THERE’S TOO MUCH TO PUT IN A LEAFLET’: A QUALITATIVE EXPLORATION OF STAKEHOLDER VIEWS OF LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS FOR GOUT. Paper presented at EULAR 2024 European Congress of Rheumatology, 12-15 June. Vienna, Austria, Vienna

Background: Lifestyle has been associated with gout for centuries and dietary triggers of flares remain of great interest to people with gout. However, there is a lack of robust clinical trial evidence about the eff... Read More about AB0105 ‘..THERE’S TOO MUCH TO PUT IN A LEAFLET’: A QUALITATIVE EXPLORATION OF STAKEHOLDER VIEWS OF LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS FOR GOUT.

P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Bullock, L., Fleming, J., Clark, E. M., Leyland, S., Thomas, S., Gidlow, C., …Paskins, Z. (2024, April). P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2024

Background/Aims Shared decision-making (SDM) is a joint process in which a person and healthcare professional work together to reach decisions about care. The iFraP (Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments) intervention comprises comp... Read More about P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention.

Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Dikomitis, L., Harrisson, S. A., White, S., Helliwell, T., …Jinks, C. (2024). Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), Article BJGPO.2023.0221.

Background Opioids are frequently prescribed for persistent non-cancer pain despite limited evidence of long-term effectiveness and risk of harm. Evidence-based interventions to address inappropriate opioid prescribing are lacking.

Aim To explore... Read More about Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study.

Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England (2024)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Hussain, Z., Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Holmstrom, C., …Helliwell, T. (2024). Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 14(4), Article e083816.

Objectives: To determine General Practice (GP) recording of carer status and the number of patients self-identifying as carers, while self-completing an automated check-in screen prior to a GP consultation.

Design: A descriptive cross-sectional st... Read More about Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England.

Current osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings: a national esurvey (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Hawarden, A., Cox, N., Bullock, L., Protheroe, J., Jinks, C., & Paskins, Z. (2024, April). Current osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings: a national esurvey. Poster presented at World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024): Plenary Lectures Abstracts, London, UK

Objective: To identify current practice and perceptions of osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings.

Reviews for multimorbidity risk in people with inflammatory conditions: a qualitative study. (2024)
Journal Article
Gray, L., Bullock, L., Chew-Graham, C. A., Jinks, C., Paskins, Z., & Hider, S. (in press). Reviews for multimorbidity risk in people with inflammatory conditions: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), BJGPO.2024.0011.

People with inflammatory rheumatological conditions (IRCs) are at high risk of developing other conditions including cardiovascular disease and mood disorders. To explore perspectives of people with IRCs and healthcare practitioners (HCPs) on the con... Read More about Reviews for multimorbidity risk in people with inflammatory conditions: a qualitative study..

Protocol for a trial-based economic evaluation analysis of a complex digital health intervention including a computerised decision support tool: the iFraP intervention (2024)
Journal Article
Siciliano, M., Bathers, S., Bentley, I., Bullock, L., Cherrington, A., Clark, E., …Iglesias-Urrutia, C. (in press). Protocol for a trial-based economic evaluation analysis of a complex digital health intervention including a computerised decision support tool: the iFraP intervention. NIHR Open Research, 4(15),

Digital health interventions (DHI) are associated with significant promise. In recent years, the need to assess the value of these healthcare technologies has motivated a debate regarding the suitability of existing economic evaluation me... Read More about Protocol for a trial-based economic evaluation analysis of a complex digital health intervention including a computerised decision support tool: the iFraP intervention.