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All Outputs (7)

Can social adversity and mental, physical and oral multimorbidity form a syndemic? A concept and protocol paper (2025)
Journal Article
Joury, E., Nakhleh, E., Beveridge, E., Tracy, D., Heidari, E., Shiers, D., …Bhui, K. (in press). Can social adversity and mental, physical and oral multimorbidity form a syndemic? A concept and protocol paper. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15,

Background: Clustering mental, physical and oral conditions reduce drastically the life expectancy. These conditions are precipitated and perpetuated by adverse social, economic, environmental, political and healthcare contextual factors, and sustain... Read More about Can social adversity and mental, physical and oral multimorbidity form a syndemic? A concept and protocol paper.

Metformin for the Prevention of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain: Guideline Development and Consensus Validation (2024)
Journal Article
Carolan, A., Hynes-Ryan, C., Agarwal, S. M., Bourke, R., Cullen, W., Gaughran, F., …O’Donoghue, B. (in press). Metformin for the Prevention of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain: Guideline Development and Consensus Validation. Schizophrenia Bulletin,

Background Overweight and obesity are highly prevalent in people with severe mental illness (SMI). Antipsychotic-induced weight gain (AIWG) is one of the most commonly reported and distressing side effects of treatment and people living with SMI plac... Read More about Metformin for the Prevention of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain: Guideline Development and Consensus Validation.

A multidisciplinary weight management intervention for adults with severe mental illness in forensic psychiatric inpatient services (Motiv8): a single blind cluster-randomised wait-list controlled feasibility trial (2024)
Journal Article
Carney, R., Law, H., El-Metaal, H., Hann, M., Shields, G., Savage, S., …Parker, S. (2024). A multidisciplinary weight management intervention for adults with severe mental illness in forensic psychiatric inpatient services (Motiv8): a single blind cluster-randomised wait-list controlled feasibility trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1-13.

Background: People with severe mental illness experience physical health inequalities and a 15–20-year premature mortality rate. Forensic inpatients are particularly affected by restrictions on movement, long admissions, and obesogenic/sedative psych... Read More about A multidisciplinary weight management intervention for adults with severe mental illness in forensic psychiatric inpatient services (Motiv8): a single blind cluster-randomised wait-list controlled feasibility trial.

Supporting movement and physical activity in people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the carer perspective (2024)
Journal Article
Diamond, R., Waite, F., Boylan, A.-M., Hicks, A., Kabir, T., Shiers, D., & Freeman, D. (in press). Supporting movement and physical activity in people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the carer perspective. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,

Background: The need to increase exercise and decrease sedentary behaviour in people diagnosed with psychosis is well-recognised. Aims: We set out to explore caregivers’ perspectives on what supports and prevents physical activity, and how to use car... Read More about Supporting movement and physical activity in people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the carer perspective.

The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long-Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study. (2024)
Journal Article
Carswell, C., Brown, J. V. E., Shiers, D., Ajjan, R., Balogun-Katung, A., Bellass, S., …Coventry, P. (2024). The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long-Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study. Health Expectations, 27(3), 1-11.

People with severe mental illness (SMI) experience higher rates and poorer outcomes of physical long-term conditions (LTCs). The management of SMI and LTCs is highly complex and many people with SMI rely on informal carers for support, wh... Read More about The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long-Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study..

Supporting people in Early Intervention in Psychosis services: the role of primary care. (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Chew-Graham, C., Rickett, M., Kingstone, T., Gupta, V., Shiers, D., French, P., …Ward, J. (2024, March). Supporting people in Early Intervention in Psychosis services: the role of primary care. Presented at BJGP Research and Publishing Conference, RCGP Headquarters, London

Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services offer treatment to people experiencing a first episode of psychosis. Service users may be referred from primary care and discharged directly back at the end of their time in an EIP service. To explore th... Read More about Supporting people in Early Intervention in Psychosis services: the role of primary care..