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Portable, low-cost, Raspberry Pi-based optical sensor (PiSENS): continuous monitoring of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (2022)
Journal Article
Saiz, E., Banicevic, I., Espinoza Torres, S., Bertata, S., Picasso, G., O'Brien, M., & Radu, A. (in press). Portable, low-cost, Raspberry Pi-based optical sensor (PiSENS): continuous monitoring of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide. Analytical Methods, 15(4), 482-491.

We have developed a sensing system that utilizes a low-cost computer (Raspberry Pi) and its imaging camera as an optical sensing core for the continuous detection of NO2 in the air (PiSENS-A). The sensor is based on colour development as a consequenc... Read More about Portable, low-cost, Raspberry Pi-based optical sensor (PiSENS): continuous monitoring of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide.

Chronic atmospheric reactive N deposition has breached the N sink capacity of a northern ombrotrophic peatbog increasing the gaseous and fluvial N losses (2021)
Journal Article
Sgouridis, F., Yates, C. A., Lloyd, C. E. M., Saiz, E., Schillereff, D. N., Tomlinson, S., …Ullah, S. (2021). Chronic atmospheric reactive N deposition has breached the N sink capacity of a northern ombrotrophic peatbog increasing the gaseous and fluvial N losses. Science of the Total Environment, 787, Article ARTN 147552.

Peatlands play an important role in modulating the climate, mainly through sequestration of carbon dioxide into peat carbon, which depends on the availability of reactive nitrogen (Nr) to mosses. Atmospheric Nr deposition in the UK has been above the... Read More about Chronic atmospheric reactive N deposition has breached the N sink capacity of a northern ombrotrophic peatbog increasing the gaseous and fluvial N losses.