Degradation of metalaxyl-M in contrasting soils is influenced more by differences in physicochemical characteristics than in microbial community composition after re-inoculation of sterilised soils
Journal Article
Baker, K. L., Marshall, S., Nicol, G. W., Campbell, C. D., Nicollier, G., Ricketts, D., …Prosser, J. I. (2010). Degradation of metalaxyl-M in contrasting soils is influenced more by differences in physicochemical characteristics than in microbial community composition after re-inoculation of sterilised soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42(7), 1123-1131.
Rates of degradation of pesticides by soil microorganisms are believed to depend on both microbial community composition and underlying soil physicochemical characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine which of these factors was more impor... Read More about Degradation of metalaxyl-M in contrasting soils is influenced more by differences in physicochemical characteristics than in microbial community composition after re-inoculation of sterilised soils.