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All Outputs (28)

Book review: Chris Pallant and Christopher Holliday (eds.), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: New Perspectives on Production, Reception, Legacy. (2025)
Journal Article
Archer, N. (in press). Book review: Chris Pallant and Christopher Holliday (eds.), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: New Perspectives on Production, Reception, Legacy. Open Screens, 7(1), 1-5.

Chris Pallant and Christopher Holliday (eds.), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: New Perspectives on Production, Reception, Legacy. (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2022), pp. 328, ISBN: 9781501373961, pbk. £28.99.

Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy (2023)
Journal Article
Allinson, M., Archer, N., Montero-Diaz, F., Jacklin, S., & Thompson, J. (2023). Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy. Pharmacy Education, 23(1), 732-740.

Background: Demonstrating empathy is a key competency expected of pharmacy undergraduate students. Various art media have been shown to help develop empathy in students. A new optional module designed to incorporate a range of art forms to support em... Read More about Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy.

Ken Loach and the Comedians: The Politics of ‘Acting’ (2021)
Journal Article
Archer. (2021). Ken Loach and the Comedians: The Politics of ‘Acting’. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 280-302.

This article explores a gap in the scholarship on Ken Loach’s filmmaking, focusing on his casting of comedians in central roles, and the specific impacts of such casting strategies across Loach’s work. While the relevance of such casting to Loach’s p... Read More about Ken Loach and the Comedians: The Politics of ‘Acting’.

French connection UK: the Dinard film festival and the politics of culture (2021)
Journal Article
Archer. (2021). French connection UK: the Dinard film festival and the politics of culture. Studies in European Cinema, 1 - 15.

This article looks at the thirty-year history of the Dinard Film Festival (until 2018, the Dinard Festival of British Film), with a particular focus on the financial support provided by bodies with industrial and/or cultural remits: specifically, the... Read More about French connection UK: the Dinard film festival and the politics of culture.

UEFA at the movies: producing space in the 21st century football film (2020)
Journal Article
Archer. (2020). UEFA at the movies: producing space in the 21st century football film. Sport in Society,

Abstract This article focuses on the Goal! series of films (2005-2008), with a particular focus on the first two instalments arguing for the role they perform in football’s shaping of space and identity in the early twenty-first century. Focussing es... Read More about UEFA at the movies: producing space in the 21st century football film.

Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change (2019)
Journal Article
Archer. (2019). Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change. Cinema Journal, 1-25.

This article considers the significance of transnational production, aesthetic, and narrative strategies in recent forms of "apocalyptic" science fiction cinema. As the article explores, a more transnational mode of science fiction offers the opportu... Read More about Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change.

Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research (2017)
Journal Article
Archer. (2017). Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research. Mobilities, 509-519.

This article argues for the use of film studies in the study of mobilities, with a specific focus on the analysis of genre, and the particularly fictional character of genre film. The article focuses on genre’s emerging and shifting forms across temp... Read More about Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research.

Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014) (2016)
Journal Article
Archer. (2016). Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014). Studies in European Cinema, 246-259.

his essay considers the role of imitation in Michael Winterbottom’s film The Trip to Italy, with reference to the performances of mimicry by its two protagonists (Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon), but also on the part of the film itself, both as a sequel... Read More about Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014).