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Extracellular bacterial production of doped magnetite nanoparticles (2012)
Book Chapter
Pattrick, R. A. D., Coker, V. S., Pearce, C. I., Telling, N. D., van der Laan, G., & Lloyd, J. R. (2012). Extracellular bacterial production of doped magnetite nanoparticles. In Nanoscience: Volume 1: Nanostructures through Chemistry (102-115). Royal Society of Chemistry.

Microorganisms have been producing nanoparticles for billions of years and by controlling and tuning this productivity they have the potential to provide novel materials using environmentally friendly manufacturing pathways. Metal-reducing bacteria a... Read More about Extracellular bacterial production of doped magnetite nanoparticles.

Microbial Reduction of Arsenic-Doped Schwertmannite by Geobacter sulfurreducens (2012)
Journal Article
Cutting, R. S., Coker, V. S., Telling, N. D., Kimber, R. L., van der Laan, G., Pattrick, R. A. D., …Lloyd, J. R. (2012). Microbial Reduction of Arsenic-Doped Schwertmannite by Geobacter sulfurreducens. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(22), 12591-12599.

The fate of As(V) during microbial reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens of Fe(III) in synthetic arsenic-bearing schwertmannites has been investigated. During incubation at pH7, the rate of biological Fe(III) reduction increased with increasing initi... Read More about Microbial Reduction of Arsenic-Doped Schwertmannite by Geobacter sulfurreducens.

Characterisation of the dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III)‐oxyhydroxide at the microbe – mineral interface: the application of STXM–XMCD (2012)
Journal Article
COKER, V. S., BYRNE, J. M., TELLING, N. D., VAN DER LAAN, G., LLOYD, J. R., HITCHCOCK, A. P., …PATTRICK, R. A. D. (2012). Characterisation of the dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III)‐oxyhydroxide at the microbe – mineral interface: the application of STXM–XMCD. Geobiology, 10(4), 347-354.

A combination of scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism was used to spatially resolve the distribution of different carbon and iron species associated with Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 cells. S. oneidensis MR-1 cou... Read More about Characterisation of the dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III)‐oxyhydroxide at the microbe – mineral interface: the application of STXM–XMCD.