Multidisciplinary team meetings in primary care: could they help to attract the GPs of tomorrow?
Journal Article
Coventry, J., Coventry, C., & Coventry, P. (2017). Multidisciplinary team meetings in primary care: could they help to attract the GPs of tomorrow?. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 67(659), Article 267.
All Outputs (3)
Looking to the future: should 'prognosis' be heard as often as 'diagnosis' in medical education? (2015)
Journal Article
Croft, P., Dinant, G., Coventry, P., & Barraclough, K. (2015). Looking to the future: should 'prognosis' be heard as often as 'diagnosis' in medical education?. Education for Primary Care, 26(6), 367-371. abstract
The systematic development of a novel integrated spiral undergraduate course in general practice (2015)
Journal Article
McKinley, R. K., Bartlett, M., Coventry, P., Gay, S. P., Gibson, S. H., Hays, R. B., …Savage, K. (2015). The systematic development of a novel integrated spiral undergraduate course in general practice. Education for Primary Care, 189 -196. 2007 Keele University School of Medicine rolled out its novel curriculum to which general
practice makes a major contribution. In this paper we describe the systematic approach we
took to developing the GP curriculum; from the underlying educati... Read More about The systematic development of a novel integrated spiral undergraduate course in general practice.