Double Stent-Retriever Thrombectomy: Exploring Alternative Indications, Deployment Techniques, And Stent Configurations
Presentation / Conference
GRAVINO, G., Nayak, S., Yang, Y., & Roffe, C. (2024, December). Double Stent-Retriever Thrombectomy: Exploring Alternative Indications, Deployment Techniques, And Stent Configurations. Poster presented at 19th UK Stroke Forum Conference, Liverpool, UK
All Outputs (2)
Initial Experience with the Solitaire X 3 mm Stent Retriever for the Treatment of Distal Medium Vessel Occlusions (2023)
Journal Article
Ntoulias, N., Brehm, A., Tsogkas, I., Jesser, J., Caragliano, A. A., Demerath, T., …Psychogios, M. (in press). Initial Experience with the Solitaire X 3 mm Stent Retriever for the Treatment of Distal Medium Vessel Occlusions. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(23), 7289. therapy (EVT) is the standard treatment for ischemic stroke caused by a large vessel occlusion (LVO). The effectiveness of EVT for distal medium vessel occlusions (MDVOs) is still uncertain, but newer, smaller devices show potential for... Read More about Initial Experience with the Solitaire X 3 mm Stent Retriever for the Treatment of Distal Medium Vessel Occlusions.