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All Outputs (66)

Musculoskeletal pain and its impact on prognosis following acute coronary syndrome or stroke: A linked electronic health record cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Mason, K. J., Jordan, K. P., Heron, N., Edwards, J. J., Bailey, J., Achana, F. A., …Marshall, M. (2023). Musculoskeletal pain and its impact on prognosis following acute coronary syndrome or stroke: A linked electronic health record cohort study. Musculoskeletal Care, 21(3), 749-762.

OBJECTIVE: Musculoskeletal painful conditions are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), but less is known about whether musculoskeletal pain also worsens prognosis from CVD. The objective was to determine whether patients with musculoskelet... Read More about Musculoskeletal pain and its impact on prognosis following acute coronary syndrome or stroke: A linked electronic health record cohort study.

Use of path analysis to predict changes to community pharmacy and GP emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) provision in England (2022)
Journal Article
Thayer, N., White, S., & Frisher, M. (2022). Use of path analysis to predict changes to community pharmacy and GP emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) provision in England. BMJ Open, 12(11), Article e059039.

In 2014/2015, 46% of community pharmacies were commissioned by local authorities to provide emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) free without prescription in England. Commissioning EHC services influences EHC prescribing from General... Read More about Use of path analysis to predict changes to community pharmacy and GP emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) provision in England.

Elderly Patients' Perspectives on the Acceptability of Deprescribing Medicines: A Qualitative Study Protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Channa, K. K., Venables, R., & White, S. (2022). Elderly Patients' Perspectives on the Acceptability of Deprescribing Medicines: A Qualitative Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21,

The ageing population has resulted in an increase in multimorbidity and polypharmacy, and subsequently the complexity of optimising elderly patients’ medicines. The need for deprescribing can arise from factors such as increased susceptibility to adv... Read More about Elderly Patients' Perspectives on the Acceptability of Deprescribing Medicines: A Qualitative Study Protocol.

Describing the impact of community pharmacy organisation type on emergency hormonal contraception services in England (2022)
Journal Article
Thayer, N., White, S., & Frisher, M. (2022). Describing the impact of community pharmacy organisation type on emergency hormonal contraception services in England. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(6), 514–519.

OBJECTIVES: In England, non-dispensing pharmacy services are commissioned either nationally or locally. For the national service Medicines Use Reviews (MURs), large multiple/chain pharmacies provide more consultations than independents. This study ai... Read More about Describing the impact of community pharmacy organisation type on emergency hormonal contraception services in England.

Exploring community pharmacists' use of health literacy interventions in their everyday practice. (2022)
Journal Article
White, S., & Cork, T. (2022). Exploring community pharmacists' use of health literacy interventions in their everyday practice. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(11), 3948-3952.

BACKGROUND: Limited health literacy often results in people inadequately understanding medicines-related information and subsequently not taking medicines as prescribed. Using health literacy interventions is important for community pharmacists, as t... Read More about Exploring community pharmacists' use of health literacy interventions in their everyday practice..

Professional Dilemmas Experienced by Pharmacy Graduates in the United Kingdom When Transitioning to Practice (2022)
Journal Article
Allinson, M., Black, P., & White, S. (2022). Professional Dilemmas Experienced by Pharmacy Graduates in the United Kingdom When Transitioning to Practice. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 86(5), Article 8643.

Objective. For many UK pharmacy students there are minimal opportunities to learn, or be exposed to, different ways of dealing with ethical and professional dilemmas in real life practice during undergraduate education. This study aimed to explore th... Read More about Professional Dilemmas Experienced by Pharmacy Graduates in the United Kingdom When Transitioning to Practice.

P181 Musculoskeletal pain and prognosis of acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular accident: a linked electronic health record cohort study (2022)
Journal Article
Mason, K. J., Jordan, K. P., Achana, F. A., Bailey, J., Chen, Y., Frisher, M., …Edwards, J. J. (2022). P181 Musculoskeletal pain and prognosis of acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular accident: a linked electronic health record cohort study. Rheumatology, 61(S1),

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Background/Aims</jats:title> <jats:p>There is some evidence of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with painful musculoskeletal conditions, but it is unclear if musculoskele... Read More about P181 Musculoskeletal pain and prognosis of acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular accident: a linked electronic health record cohort study.

Experiencing a virtual patient to practice patient counselling skills (2021)
Journal Article
Lucy Richardson, C., Chapman, S., & White, S. (2021). Experiencing a virtual patient to practice patient counselling skills. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 13(12), 1593-1601.

Introduction Virtual patients (VPs) are a safe and standardised method of simulating clinical environments but few studies have explored health care professional's experiences of learning via a VP. This study explored how users experienced and used a... Read More about Experiencing a virtual patient to practice patient counselling skills.

Establishing the acceptability and usability of an animated virtual patient simulation. (2021)
Journal Article
Lucy Richardson, C., Chapman, S., & White, S. (2021). Establishing the acceptability and usability of an animated virtual patient simulation. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 4, Article 100069.

Background: An animated, video-based, virtual patient (VP) has been developed to allow pharmacists to learn how, and practice how, to advise patients taking non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants, a group of high-risk medicines. VPs are well-established r... Read More about Establishing the acceptability and usability of an animated virtual patient simulation..

Measuring the educational benefits of using a virtual patient to practice pharmacist-patient consultations (2021)
Journal Article
Richardson, C. L., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2021). Measuring the educational benefits of using a virtual patient to practice pharmacist-patient consultations. Pharmacy Education, 382 - 389.

<jats:p>Objective: Virtual patients (VPs) are a method of simulating clinical practice however little is known about their use by healthcare professionals. This study explores if, and how, one VP is educationally beneficial for pharmacists and pre-re... Read More about Measuring the educational benefits of using a virtual patient to practice pharmacist-patient consultations.

Reducing risks associated with medicines and lifestyle in a residential care population with intellectual disabilities: evaluation of a pharmacy review initiative in England (2021)
Journal Article
Thayer, N., White, S., Islam, J., Jones, W., Kenzie, S., & Kullu, R. (2021). Reducing risks associated with medicines and lifestyle in a residential care population with intellectual disabilities: evaluation of a pharmacy review initiative in England. BMJ Open, 11(8), Article e046630.

OBJECTIVES: A collaborative service initiative involving community pharmacists and a specialist mental health pharmacist was developed to provide pharmacist reviews for care home residents with intellectual disabilities (IDs). This study aimed to cha... Read More about Reducing risks associated with medicines and lifestyle in a residential care population with intellectual disabilities: evaluation of a pharmacy review initiative in England.

Experiential learning in public health: evaluation of a health promotion campaign assessment for pharmacy students (2021)
Journal Article
White, S., Gifford, A., & Frisher, M. (2021). Experiential learning in public health: evaluation of a health promotion campaign assessment for pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education, 21(1), 56 - 64.

Description: Students in small groups designed, delivered and evaluated real-life health promotion campaigns in the local community. A peer assessed component was included from the fifth cohort onwards. Evaluation: Six successive cohorts of pharmacy... Read More about Experiential learning in public health: evaluation of a health promotion campaign assessment for pharmacy students.

Pharmacy graduates' perceived impact of long-term undergraduate use of an ethical decision-support tool on their early practice. (2021)
Journal Article
White, S., Allinson, M., & Black, P. (2021). Pharmacy graduates' perceived impact of long-term undergraduate use of an ethical decision-support tool on their early practice. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 13(7), 760 - 769.

INTRODUCTION: Values-based practice is an important concept within healthcare decision-making that sits alongside evidence-based practice. Values Exchange (Vx) ( is an online tool that supports the development of ethical an... Read More about Pharmacy graduates' perceived impact of long-term undergraduate use of an ethical decision-support tool on their early practice..

Validation of a hospital clinical pharmacy workforce calculator: A methodology for pharmacy? (2020)
Journal Article
Bednall, R., White, S., Mills, E., & Thomson, S. (2021). Validation of a hospital clinical pharmacy workforce calculator: A methodology for pharmacy?. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75(5), Article e13932.

The benefits of clinical pharmacy services are established within hospital practice but staff numbers required for service delivery are not well described and staffing levels vary. The need for a consistent, objective method of determining staffing l... Read More about Validation of a hospital clinical pharmacy workforce calculator: A methodology for pharmacy?.

Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review (Preprint) (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2020). Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(11), 1-46.

Virtual patients are interactive computer-based simulations that are being increasingly used in modern health care education. They have been identified as tools that can provide experiential learning and assessment in a standardized and... Read More about Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review (Preprint).

Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2020). Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(11), Article e17146.

Background: Virtual patients are interactive computer-based simulations which are being increasingly used in modern healthcare education. They have been identified as tools that can provide experiential learning and assessment in a standardised and s... Read More about Interactive Clinical Avatar Use in Pharmacist Preregistration Training: Design and Review.

Central nervous system (CNS) medications and polypharmacy in later life: cross-sectional analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) (2020)
Journal Article
Slater, N., White, S., & Frisher, M. (2020). Central nervous system (CNS) medications and polypharmacy in later life: cross-sectional analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). BMJ Open, 10(9),

OBJECTIVES: Many central nervous system (CNS) medications are considered potentially inappropriate for prescribing in older people; however, these medications are common in polypharmacy (=5 medicines) regimens. This paper aims to determine the preval... Read More about Central nervous system (CNS) medications and polypharmacy in later life: cross-sectional analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA).

Virtual patients as a tool for training pre-registration pharmacists and increasing their preparedness to practice: A qualitative study (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2020). Virtual patients as a tool for training pre-registration pharmacists and increasing their preparedness to practice: A qualitative study. PloS one, 15(8), Article e0238226.

Virtual patients are an active learning pedagogical tool which simulate clinical scenarios in a three-dimensional environment. Their use in pharmacy education is under-researched in comparison to other healthcare professions. In the United Kingdom, p... Read More about Virtual patients as a tool for training pre-registration pharmacists and increasing their preparedness to practice: A qualitative study.

Actual vs. Perceived Competency Development-How Can Virtual Patients Impact Pharmacist Pre-Registration Training? (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2020). Actual vs. Perceived Competency Development-How Can Virtual Patients Impact Pharmacist Pre-Registration Training?. Pharmacy, 8(3), Article 138.

Virtual patients are an active learning pedagogical tool that simulate clinical scenarios. There is an established disparity in pre-registration examination pass rates depending on whether individuals complete their training in a community or hospita... Read More about Actual vs. Perceived Competency Development-How Can Virtual Patients Impact Pharmacist Pre-Registration Training?.

Virtual patient technology to educate pharmacists and pharmacy students on patient communication: a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Richardson, C. L., White, S., & Chapman, S. (2019). Virtual patient technology to educate pharmacists and pharmacy students on patient communication: a systematic review. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 332 - 338.

Background Virtual patients (VPs) are a sub-type of healthcare simulation that have been underutilised in health education. Their use is increasing, but applications are varied, as are designs, definitions and evaluations. Previous reviews have been... Read More about Virtual patient technology to educate pharmacists and pharmacy students on patient communication: a systematic review.