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All Outputs (35)

Prevalence and associated factors of DSM-5 insomnia disorder in the general population of Qatar (2021)
Journal Article
Khaled, S. M., Petcu, C., Al-Thani, M. A., Al-Hamadi, A. M. H. A., Daher-Nashif, S., Zolezzi, M., & Woodruff, P. (2021). Prevalence and associated factors of DSM-5 insomnia disorder in the general population of Qatar. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1),

Epidemiological studies of insomnia in the Middle East remain scarce. The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of insomnia and explore its associations in the general population of Qatar. With almost 100 nationalities, Qatar is... Read More about Prevalence and associated factors of DSM-5 insomnia disorder in the general population of Qatar.

Islam and Mental Disorders of the Older Adults: Religious Text, Belief System and Caregiving Practices (2020)
Journal Article
Daher-Nashif, S., Hammad, S. H., Kane, T., & Al-Wattary, N. (2021). Islam and Mental Disorders of the Older Adults: Religious Text, Belief System and Caregiving Practices. Journal of Religion and Health, 60(3), 2051-2065.

This paper illustrates the impact of Islamic religious texts on dementia care in the Middle East. It examines how old age and older adults mental disorders are framed in the Quran and Hadith, and how these texts are transformed to belief ideologies a... Read More about Islam and Mental Disorders of the Older Adults: Religious Text, Belief System and Caregiving Practices.