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Gendered Rage (2022)
Journal Article
Lau, L., & Mendes, A. (2022). Gendered Rage.

<jats:p>This article brings the concept of anger, particularly gendered anger, to bear on a postcolonial and intersectional reading of the apparent ragelessness of working-class Indian women who act as surrogates in the international commercialgestat... Read More about Gendered Rage.

Extended reality (XR) virtual practical and educational eGaming to provide effective immersive environments for learning and teaching in forensic science (2022)
Journal Article
Hobson, L., Stimpson, I., Wisniewski, K., Pringle, J., Heaton, V., Zholobenko, V., …Rogers, S. (2022). Extended reality (XR) virtual practical and educational eGaming to provide effective immersive environments for learning and teaching in forensic science. Science and Justice, 62(6), 696-707.

Online virtual learning resources have been available for learning and teaching in forensic science for some years now, but the recent global COVID-19 related periods of irregular lockdown have necessitated the rapid development of these for teaching... Read More about Extended reality (XR) virtual practical and educational eGaming to provide effective immersive environments for learning and teaching in forensic science.

Consumer Perceptions of Blended Hydrogen in the Home: Learning from HyDeploy (2022)
Robinson, Z., Peacock, A., Thompson, M., & Catney, P. (2022). Consumer Perceptions of Blended Hydrogen in the Home: Learning from HyDeploy. Keele University: Keele University

This report presents the results of
research into consumer perceptions and
the subsequent degree of acceptance of
blended hydrogen in domestic properties.
Evidence from two trial sites of the
HyDeploy programme: i) a private site trial
at... Read More about Consumer Perceptions of Blended Hydrogen in the Home: Learning from HyDeploy.

The opportunities and challenges of governing mobility in the rural-urban fringe - a study of Warrington, UK (2022)
Peacock, A. J. (2022). The opportunities and challenges of governing mobility in the rural-urban fringe - a study of Warrington, UK. (Thesis). Keele University

The rural-urban fringe is a complex space, yet one increasingly being viewed as a unique, positive opportunity space (Scott et al., 2013). It is characterised by a flexible, contextspecific spatial form and is subject to governance pressures by both... Read More about The opportunities and challenges of governing mobility in the rural-urban fringe - a study of Warrington, UK.

Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Graveyards with Contrasting Soil Types (2022)
Journal Article
Madden, C., Pringle, J., Jeffery, A., Wisniewski, K., Glanville, H., Heaton, V., …Oliver, I. (2022). Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Graveyards with Contrasting Soil Types. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 55278–55292.

Human remains have been interred in burial grounds since historic times. Although the re-use of graveyards differs from one country, region or time-period to another, over time graveyard soil may become contaminated or enriched with heavy metal eleme... Read More about Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Graveyards with Contrasting Soil Types.

Geothermal energy as a means to decarbonize the energy mix of megacities (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Geothermal energy as a means to decarbonize the energy mix of megacities. Communications Earth & Environment,

The global number of megacities is projected to increase from 33 to 43 by 2030. Megacities are critical for the world’s economy; however, their resource management is particularly challenging. The increase of energy demand, in parallel to population... Read More about Geothermal energy as a means to decarbonize the energy mix of megacities.

Controlling trapping, overgrazing and invasive vegetation is key to saving Java’s last population of the Black-winged Myna (2022)
Journal Article
M Squires, T., J Collar, N., Devenish, C., Owen, A., Pratiwi, A., L Winarni, N., & J Marsden, S. (2022). Controlling trapping, overgrazing and invasive vegetation is key to saving Java’s last population of the Black-winged Myna. Ornithological Applications, 124(2),

The Black-winged Myna (Acridotheres melanopterus) is an Endangered passerine endemic to the islands of Java and Bali, Indonesia. Illegal trapping to supply the cage-bird trade has led to its near-total extinction, with the global population estimated... Read More about Controlling trapping, overgrazing and invasive vegetation is key to saving Java’s last population of the Black-winged Myna.

The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks (2022)
Journal Article
Halama, R., Harris, B., & De Hoog, J. (2022). The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 16-34.

Understanding the Earth’s geological nitrogen (N) cycle requires an understanding of how N behaves during dehydration of subducted crust. We present the first in situ measurements of N in silicate minerals by secondary ion mass spectrometry, focusing... Read More about The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks.

Characterisation of riverine dissolved organic matter using a complementary suite of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods (2022)
Journal Article
Lloyd, C. E. M., Mena-Rivera, L. A., Pemberton, J. A., Johnes, P. J., Jones, D. L., Yates, C. A., …Evershed, R. P. (2023). Characterisation of riverine dissolved organic matter using a complementary suite of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods. Biogeochemistry, 164(1), 29-52.

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a fundamental role in nutrient cycling dynamics in riverine systems. Recent research has confirmed that the concentration of riverine DOM is not the only factor regulating its functional significance; the need to... Read More about Characterisation of riverine dissolved organic matter using a complementary suite of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods.

Thermal and Economic Analysis of Heat Exchangers as Part of a Geothermal District Heating Scheme in the Cheshire Basin, UK (2022)
Journal Article
Brown, C. S., Cassidy, N. J., Egan, S. S., & Griffiths, D. (2022). Thermal and Economic Analysis of Heat Exchangers as Part of a Geothermal District Heating Scheme in the Cheshire Basin, UK. Energies, 15(6),

Heat exchangers are vital to any geothermal system looking to use direct heat supplied via a district heat network. Attention on geothermal schemes in the UK has been growing, with minimal attention on the performance of heat exchangers. In this stud... Read More about Thermal and Economic Analysis of Heat Exchangers as Part of a Geothermal District Heating Scheme in the Cheshire Basin, UK.

From alchemy to modern mineralogy: dating mineral collections via chemical notation (2022)
Journal Article
Cooke, J. C., & Jeffery, A. J. (2022). From alchemy to modern mineralogy: dating mineral collections via chemical notation. Geology Today, 38(2), 58-64.

Mineral specimens found in historical collections often include specimen labels, which may provide vital information on the nature, chemistry and origin of the material. However, the evolution of chemical notation, particularly during the eighteenth... Read More about From alchemy to modern mineralogy: dating mineral collections via chemical notation.

A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK (2022)
Journal Article
Cassidy, N. J., Egan, S. S., Griffiths, D., & Brown, C. S. (2022). A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55(3), Article qjegh2021-131.

Deep hot sedimentary aquifers (HSAs) are targeted for geothermal exploitation in the Cheshire Basin, UK. In this study, a single extraction well targeting the Collyhurst Sandstone Formation was modelled on MATLAB coupling heat and fluid flux. The Col... Read More about A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK.

Distribution and conservation status of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Peru (2022)
Journal Article
More, A., Devenish, C., Carrillo-Tavara, K., P. Piana, R., Lopez-Malaga, C., Vega-Guarderas, Z., & Nuñez-Cortez, E. (2022). Distribution and conservation status of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Peru. Journal for Nature Conservation, 66, Article 126130.

The mountain tapir Tapirus pinchaque is one of the largest and most threatened mammals of the northern South American Andes. It is distributed in montane forests and paramos mainly above 2000 m, from Colombia to north Peru. The species is categorised... Read More about Distribution and conservation status of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Peru.

The Philippines’ Business Process Outsourcing Industry through COVID-19 (2022)
Book Chapter
(2022). The Philippines’ Business Process Outsourcing Industry through COVID-19. In Covid-19 in Southeast Asia Insights for a Post-Pandemic World.

In 2019, the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry was the second largest contributor to the Philippines’ economy, providing US$26 billion to the Philippine economy in 2019 (Rosales 2020) and employing at least 1.3 million people in over 1,000... Read More about The Philippines’ Business Process Outsourcing Industry through COVID-19.

The use of portable XRF as a forensic geoscience non-destructive trace evidence tool for environmental and criminal investigations (2022)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Jeffery, A., Ruffell, A., Stimpson, I., Pirrie, D., Bergslien, E., …Partridge, J. (2022). The use of portable XRF as a forensic geoscience non-destructive trace evidence tool for environmental and criminal investigations. Forensic Science International, 111175 - 111175.

Hand-held, portable X-Ray fluorescence instruments (pXRF) provide a means of rapid, in-situ chemical characterisation that has considerable application as a rapid trace evidence characterisation tool in forensic geoscience. This study presents both a... Read More about The use of portable XRF as a forensic geoscience non-destructive trace evidence tool for environmental and criminal investigations.

Vistes panoràmiques, cartes militars i plànols urbanístics a Barcelona del segle XVI al XIX: Edited by Ramon Grau and Carme Montaner. Barcelona: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, 2020. ISBN 978-84-9156-303-7. Pp. 250, illus. Euro €33.65. (2022)
Journal Article
Nobajas, A. (2022). Vistes panoràmiques, cartes militars i plànols urbanístics a Barcelona del segle XVI al XIX: Edited by Ramon Grau and Carme Montaner. Barcelona: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, 2020. ISBN 978-84-9156-303-7. Pp. 250, illus. Euro €33.65. Imago Mundi, 74(1), 133-134.