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All Outputs (255)

Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq (2018)
Malik, H. (2018). Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The regime change of 2003 transformed the media environment in Iraq from one that was strictly limited and monopolised by the state, to one without any restrictions imposed by state agencies. Gender culture and ‘family values’ have especially been co... Read More about Media, gender and domestic relations in post-Saddam Iraq.

Tilly Kettle’s portraiture and the art of identity in eighteenth-century Britain and India (2018)
Stringer, G. P. (2023). Tilly Kettle’s portraiture and the art of identity in eighteenth-century Britain and India. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the work of Tilly Kettle (1735-1786), the first professional British artist to work in India, and focuses on his portraiture in a quarter-century that saw Britain defeat European rivals during the Seven Years’ War, gain India, an... Read More about Tilly Kettle’s portraiture and the art of identity in eighteenth-century Britain and India.

Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms (2018)
Prescott, T. (2018). Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

A variety of work has been carried out investigating the suitability of interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs) for musical composition. There have been some promising results demonstrating that it is, in principle, an effective approach. Modern sound... Read More about Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms.

Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall (2018)
Rogers, C. (2018). Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the impact of the social and economic policies of two aristocratic landowners on the development of Staffordshire towns. The integral role of land agents is demonstrated by comparing the earl of Bradford’s Walsall estate with the... Read More about Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall.

Emerging from the Emergency: women in Indira Gandhi’s India, 1975-1977 (2018)
Scott, G. (2018). Emerging from the Emergency: women in Indira Gandhi’s India, 1975-1977. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

India’s State of Emergency (1975-1977) is a critical period in the independent nation’s history. The government’s suspension of democratic norms and its institution of many, now infamous repressive measures have been the subject of much commentary. H... Read More about Emerging from the Emergency: women in Indira Gandhi’s India, 1975-1977.

Icebergs in the desert: the links between capitalistexpansion and the spread of 'American' values in Utah,1847-1896 (2018)
Williamson, J. (2018). Icebergs in the desert: the links between capitalistexpansion and the spread of 'American' values in Utah,1847-1896. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis analyses debates over the economic future of postbellum Utah Territory, in order to demonstrate the connection between economic expansion and the promotion of a homogenous ‘American’ identity. Following the American Civil War, a dominant... Read More about Icebergs in the desert: the links between capitalistexpansion and the spread of 'American' values in Utah,1847-1896.

Vital texts: democratic intertextuality in Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage (1915-1938/67) (2017)
Pritchett, E. R. J. (2017). Vital texts: democratic intertextuality in Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage (1915-1938/67). (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Pilgrimage (1915-­-1938/67), Dorothy Richardson’s long modernist novel of female consciousness, has a history of mischaracterisation. The first novel to be termed stream of consciousness, Pilgrimage offers an account of New Woman, Miriam Hen... Read More about Vital texts: democratic intertextuality in Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage (1915-1938/67).

Dualisms and balances of power: contextualizing the poems of Elizabeth Siddal (2014)
Woolley, A. (2014). Dualisms and balances of power: contextualizing the poems of Elizabeth Siddal. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Existing studies of Elizabeth Siddal are largely biographical and this has coloured the presently limited analysis of her poetry, and to a lesser extent, her art. Where poetic and artistic commentary has been published, it tends to be used as a means... Read More about Dualisms and balances of power: contextualizing the poems of Elizabeth Siddal.

‘This loose, drifting material of life’: experiments in nineteenth and twentieth-century life writing (2010)
Regis, A. K. (2010). ‘This loose, drifting material of life’: experiments in nineteenth and twentieth-century life writing. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Reading life writing as textual performance, this thesis identifies and explores different permutations of “experiment” in nineteenth and twentieth-century life writing. I trace the response of multiple “acts” of (self-) representation to conflicting... Read More about ‘This loose, drifting material of life’: experiments in nineteenth and twentieth-century life writing.

The ethics of pharmacy practice: an empirical and philosophical study (2007)
Deans, Z. The ethics of pharmacy practice: an empirical and philosophical study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores some of the dilemmas pharmacists face in their work, and argues that a combined philosophical and empirical approach is essential for understanding pharmacy ethics.

The aims of the research were to discover (i) the types of e... Read More about The ethics of pharmacy practice: an empirical and philosophical study.

English Queensware and its impact on the French pottery industry 1774-1814 (2002)
Smith, H. A. S. (2002). English Queensware and its impact on the French pottery industry 1774-1814. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Creamware in the 1760s was a marketing success in English domestic markets. It rapidly crossed class barriers as mass production lowered prices and widened consumer markets. In the late 1760s Queensware dominated markets and was copied cheaply in fac... Read More about English Queensware and its impact on the French pottery industry 1774-1814.

The Staffordshire pottery industry and its worldwide markets, with special reference to the nineteenth century (1998)
Booth, P. R. The Staffordshire pottery industry and its worldwide markets, with special reference to the nineteenth century. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis sets out to shew the inherent weaknesses which developed as the Staffordshire Pottery industry grew and which led to its comparative decline in the closing decades of the nineteenth century, in the face of the growing industrialised econo... Read More about The Staffordshire pottery industry and its worldwide markets, with special reference to the nineteenth century.

The theology and practice of baptism amongst British Baptists, 1900-1996 (1997)
Cross, A. R. (1997). The theology and practice of baptism amongst British Baptists, 1900-1996. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This study sets out to examine the theology and practice of believer's baptism amongst Baptists associated with the Baptist Union of Great Britain in the twentieth century and to identify the major influences which have caused both the theology and p... Read More about The theology and practice of baptism amongst British Baptists, 1900-1996.

Thomas and John Gilbert: a study in business enterprise and social mobility in eighteenth century England (1982)
Lead, P. Thomas and John Gilbert: a study in business enterprise and social mobility in eighteenth century England. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

During the eighteenth century many members of the lesser gentry turned their attention from the land, towards the world of business and the professions. Their motivation was a desire for financial and social advancement and they were quick to seize o... Read More about Thomas and John Gilbert: a study in business enterprise and social mobility in eighteenth century England.

The attitudes of three writers of 'innere emigration' to national socialism: Ernst Wiechert, Werner Bergengruen and Erich Kaestner (1972)
Dickins, E. P. (1972). The attitudes of three writers of 'innere emigration' to national socialism: Ernst Wiechert, Werner Bergengruen and Erich Kaestner. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This study is intended as a contribution to the discussion of the attitudes to Nazism of inner emigrant* writers especially in the period 1933-45 and since 1945; and, where appropriate, before 1933.
No comprehensive study of inner emigration has ap... Read More about The attitudes of three writers of 'innere emigration' to national socialism: Ernst Wiechert, Werner Bergengruen and Erich Kaestner.

La Frontera: contesting the cultural construction of the US-Mexico border
Powner, L. (2012). La Frontera: contesting the cultural construction of the US-Mexico border

The purpose of this study is to explore the interconnectedness between the history and cultural memory of the United States-Mexico border with a focus on the period 1821 – 1854. In 1821, Mexico gained its independence from Spain; in 1836 it lost its... Read More about La Frontera: contesting the cultural construction of the US-Mexico border.

Turkey’s Middle Eastern pendulum under contesting geopolitical mentalities and representations (1923-2010)
Sahin, O. (2016). Turkey’s Middle Eastern pendulum under contesting geopolitical mentalities and representations (1923-2010)

This project was initially born out of a curiosity to investigate why Turkey in the 2000s so fervently reclaimed itself in Middle Eastern politics. Such curiosity was further buttressed by additional questions like 'why now?', 'is this the first time... Read More about Turkey’s Middle Eastern pendulum under contesting geopolitical mentalities and representations (1923-2010).