British Influences on International Environmental Law: The Case of Wildlife Conservation
Presentation / Conference
Prost, M. (2015, December). British Influences on International Environmental Law: The Case of Wildlife Conservation. Presented at British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, England, UK
All Outputs (625)
Les trois flottements de la Lex Specialis (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Prost, M. (2015, November). Les trois flottements de la Lex Specialis. Presented at French Society of International Law Conference, Lille, France
Protecting Animals to Kill Them: The 1900 London Convention on African Wildlife (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Prost, M. (2015, November). Protecting Animals to Kill Them: The 1900 London Convention on African Wildlife. Presented at The Law and Environment Workshop, School of Law, Tel Aviv University, Isreal
Spectacles of Illegality: Mapping Ethiopia’s Show Trials (2015)
Journal Article
Allo, A., & Tesfaye, B. (2015). Spectacles of Illegality: Mapping Ethiopia’s Show Trials. African identities, 279 - 296. jurisprudence conceives the courtroom as a space of adjudication and justice far removed from the gravitational field of politics. Both in its normative inscription and function, the court is conceived as a site of truth and justice elevated... Read More about Spectacles of Illegality: Mapping Ethiopia’s Show Trials.
Publication Review - Medial Law: A Very Short Introduction (2015)
Journal Article
Fay. (2015). Publication Review - Medial Law: A Very Short Introduction. Medical Law Review,
Book Review: Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism: Harleys and Hormones (2015)
Journal Article
Pritchard-Jones, L. (2015). Book Review: Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism: Harleys and Hormones. Feminist Review, 111(1), e5-e7.
Let Germaine Greer speak: its the fastest way to discredit her (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Let Germaine Greer speak: its the fastest way to discredit her
Mitochondrial Replacement: ethics and identity (2015)
Journal Article
Wrigley, A., Wilkinson, S., & Appleby, J. (2015). Mitochondrial Replacement: ethics and identity. Bioethics, 631-638. replacement techniques (MRTs) have the potential to allow prospective parents who are at risk of passing on debilitating or even life-threatening mitochondrial disorders to have healthy children to whom they are genetically related. Eth... Read More about Mitochondrial Replacement: ethics and identity.
Solving Conflicts with International Investment Treaty Law from an EU Perspective: Article 351 TFEU Revisited (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Solving Conflicts with International Investment Treaty Law from an EU Perspective: Article 351 TFEU Revisited. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 325-356This article is meant to contribute to the discussion of the relationship between EU and international law. It focuses on bilateral investment agreements between EU Member States (intra-EU BITs), the majority of which will continue to have practical... Read More about Solving Conflicts with International Investment Treaty Law from an EU Perspective: Article 351 TFEU Revisited.
Freedom of Expression in Time of War: The Case of Commercial-Political Advertisements (2015)
Journal Article
Nehushtan, Y. (2015). Freedom of Expression in Time of War: The Case of Commercial-Political Advertisements. Human Rights, 4 - 30
There's more than meets the eye in the case of Gayle Newland (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). There's more than meets the eye in the case of Gayle Newland
'There's More Than Meets the Eye in the Case of Gayle Newland' (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). 'There's More Than Meets the Eye in the Case of Gayle Newland'
Unearthing bureaucratic legal consciousness: government officials' legal identification and moral ideals (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Unearthing bureaucratic legal consciousness: government officials' legal identification and moral ideals. International Journal of Law in Context, 299-319. legal consciousness of citizens receiving the law has been extensively explored but little attention has been paid to the legal consciousness of individuals applying the law. This paper draws on interviews with forty government officials in the R... Read More about Unearthing bureaucratic legal consciousness: government officials' legal identification and moral ideals.
We See it as Being Heterosexualised, Being Put into a Care Home’: Gender, sexuality and housing/care preferences among older LGB individuals in the UK (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). We See it as Being Heterosexualised, Being Put into a Care Home’: Gender, sexuality and housing/care preferences among older LGB individuals in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community, e155 -e163. paper considers the lack of choice in sheltered housing and residential/nursing care provision for older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals in the UK. While there is a growing body of knowledge about their concerns about current options... Read More about We See it as Being Heterosexualised, Being Put into a Care Home’: Gender, sexuality and housing/care preferences among older LGB individuals in the UK.
Dignified Futures: A Queer Case on Marriage Equality? (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Dignified Futures: A Queer Case on Marriage Equality?This Comment queers the logic of love and happiness in the most recent marriage equality case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Complicating Kinship and Inheritance: Older Lesbians’ and Gay Men’s Will-Writing in England (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Complicating Kinship and Inheritance: Older Lesbians’ and Gay Men’s Will-Writing in England. Feminist Legal Studies, 181 -197. article complicates the idea that lesbian and gay kinship is based primarily on friendship, voluntarism and being free from duty and obligation. It also offers a more nuanced understanding of wills as a rich source of evidence for making claims... Read More about Complicating Kinship and Inheritance: Older Lesbians’ and Gay Men’s Will-Writing in England.
Vaccine procurement during an influenza pandemic and the role of Advance Purchase Agreements: Lessons from 2009-H1N1 (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Vaccine procurement during an influenza pandemic and the role of Advance Purchase Agreements: Lessons from 2009-H1N1. Global Public Health, 322 -335. are hugely important tools in minimising the effect pandemic influenza could have on a population. The reforms introduced by the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework are ill-suited to providing sufficient levels of access to vaccines to... Read More about Vaccine procurement during an influenza pandemic and the role of Advance Purchase Agreements: Lessons from 2009-H1N1.
The ‘Horizontal Direct Effect’ of EU International Agreements: Is the Court Avoiding a Clear Answer? (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). The ‘Horizontal Direct Effect’ of EU International Agreements: Is the Court Avoiding a Clear Answer?This article looks at a less discussed topic in European legal scholarship: the horizontal direct effect of EU international agreements and the Court of Justice's apparent reluctance to expressly confirm it. It is argued that the direct effect of EU... Read More about The ‘Horizontal Direct Effect’ of EU International Agreements: Is the Court Avoiding a Clear Answer?.
Alzheimer's Disease, Media Representations and the Politics of Euthanasia Constructing Risk and Selling Death in an Ageing Society (Book Review) (2015)
Journal Article
Pritchard-Jones. (2015). Alzheimer's Disease, Media Representations and the Politics of Euthanasia Constructing Risk and Selling Death in an Ageing Society (Book Review). Medical Law Review, 705-709.
Historicizing 'Law' as a Language of Progress, and Its Anomalies: The Case of Penal Law Reforms in Colonial India. (2015)
Journal Article
Shahabuddin, M. (2015). Historicizing 'Law' as a Language of Progress, and Its Anomalies: The Case of Penal Law Reforms in Colonial India. Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 213-240. paper dispels the myth of liberal Enlightenment in relation to penal law reforms in colonial India by advancing two sets of argument. First, the liberal project of codification on the basis of universalist notion of utilitarianism never broke wi... Read More about Historicizing 'Law' as a Language of Progress, and Its Anomalies: The Case of Penal Law Reforms in Colonial India..