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Civilised Communities: Reconsidering the 'Gloomy Tale' of Immigration and Social Order in a Changing Town (2014)
Journal Article
Griffiths, C. (2014). Civilised Communities: Reconsidering the 'Gloomy Tale' of Immigration and Social Order in a Changing Town.

Immigration and its effects on crime, social disorder and community tensions remains a pervasive feature of public, government and academic discourse. This discourse often considers immigration, and immigrants themselves, as a threat to the community... Read More about Civilised Communities: Reconsidering the 'Gloomy Tale' of Immigration and Social Order in a Changing Town.

Rethinking Moral Expertise (2014)
Journal Article
Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., & Wrigley, A. (2014). Rethinking Moral Expertise. Health Care Analysis, 393-406.

We argue that the way in which the concept of expertise is understood and invoked has prevented progress in the debate as to whether moral philosophers can be said to be ‘moral experts’. We offer an account of expertise that draws on the role of taci... Read More about Rethinking Moral Expertise.

Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review (2014)
Journal Article
Wrigley. (2014). Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review. Journal of Medical Ethics, 639-643.

The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying has recently been the topic of substantial media interest and also been subject to the independent Neuberger Review. This review has identified clear failings in some areas of care and recommended the Liverpoo... Read More about Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review.

Sustaining the Character of a Judge: Conflict Within the Legal Thought of British India (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Sustaining the Character of a Judge: Conflict Within the Legal Thought of British India. Journal of Legal History, 44-67.

Judicial roles provided the raj with major dilemmas. One persistent dispute related to civil servants sitting as judges. Critics argued that civil servants had a superficial legal education and lacked appropriate practical experience of work in the c... Read More about Sustaining the Character of a Judge: Conflict Within the Legal Thought of British India.

Carers and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Angels Permitted, Devils Prosecuted? (2014)
Journal Article
Brammer. (2014). Carers and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Angels Permitted, Devils Prosecuted?

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 introduced a new criminal offence of ill-treatment or wilful neglect of a person lacking capacity. The Court of Appeal has clarified the terms of the offence in the case of Dunn1, and more recently in Nursing2 and Patel.3... Read More about Carers and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Angels Permitted, Devils Prosecuted?.

What's worth got to do with it? Language and the Socio-Legal advancement of disability rights and equality (2014)
Journal Article
Pearson, A. (2014). What's worth got to do with it? Language and the Socio-Legal advancement of disability rights and equality

This article considers the appositeness of maintaining the defences of 'reasonable adjustment' and 'undue burden' in legislation relating to the rights of persons with disabilities, and what the maintenance of these concepts with legislative parlance... Read More about What's worth got to do with it? Language and the Socio-Legal advancement of disability rights and equality.

Ethics, Law and Society Volume V (Ed. by A. Wrigley) (2013)
Wrigley, A. (2013). N. Prialux, & A. Wrigley (Eds.). Ethics, Law and Society Volume V (Ed. by A. Wrigley). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This key collection brings together a selection of papers commissioned and published by the Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law & Society. It incorporates contributions from a group of international experts along with a selection of short opinion pieces w... Read More about Ethics, Law and Society Volume V (Ed. by A. Wrigley).

EU Member State Enforcement of ‘Mixed’ Agreements and Access to Justice: Rethinking Direct Effect (2013)
Journal Article
(2013). EU Member State Enforcement of ‘Mixed’ Agreements and Access to Justice: Rethinking Direct Effect

Article 344 TFEU forbids Member States to pursue any other means of dispute settlement, when issues regarding the application and interpretation of the Treaties are concerned. The Court of Justice extended this principle to include disputes arising u... Read More about EU Member State Enforcement of ‘Mixed’ Agreements and Access to Justice: Rethinking Direct Effect.