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The mechanism of uptake and intracellular fate of leupeptin in rat yolk sacs
Clark, S. A. (1986). The mechanism of uptake and intracellular fate of leupeptin in rat yolk sacs

The aim of the work described in this thesis was to determine the mode of uptake of the tripeptide proteinase inhibitor leupeptin, in order to better interpret the effect of leupeptin on protein degradation within cells.
Different methods of leupept... Read More about The mechanism of uptake and intracellular fate of leupeptin in rat yolk sacs.

The ecology of the Chironomidae in a Phragmites reedbed at Cop Mere (Staffordshire, England)
Bell, P. G. (1987). The ecology of the Chironomidae in a Phragmites reedbed at Cop Mere (Staffordshire, England)

The Chironomidae occupying a Phragmites reedbed at Cop Mere, Staffordshire were studied during 1981 and 1982. In 1981, reedstem-dwelling larvae were sampled at monthly intervals from three zones running parallel with the reedbed/open-water interface,... Read More about The ecology of the Chironomidae in a Phragmites reedbed at Cop Mere (Staffordshire, England).

Endocrine and behavioural comparisons of male mice under semi-natural and caged conditions
Bishop, M. J. (1987). Endocrine and behavioural comparisons of male mice under semi-natural and caged conditions

The work of this thesis wes based on Investigations froa previous conventional cage studies which examined the characteristics of dominant and subordinate male mice. It was predicted that high status males would have high testosterone output and heav... Read More about Endocrine and behavioural comparisons of male mice under semi-natural and caged conditions.

Evaluation of the pinocytic uptake and cellular processing of antibody-N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymer conjugates and estimation of their potential use in "targeted" drug delivery
Flanagan, P. A. (1987). Evaluation of the pinocytic uptake and cellular processing of antibody-N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymer conjugates and estimation of their potential use in "targeted" drug delivery

125 I-labelled protein (entibody or trensferrin)-N-(2-hydroxypropy1)methacrylamide (HPMA)copolymer conjugates were characterised using gel permeation chromatography and their average molecular weight (Kw) determined (Chapter 3). It was estimated that... Read More about Evaluation of the pinocytic uptake and cellular processing of antibody-N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymer conjugates and estimation of their potential use in "targeted" drug delivery.

The population dynamics of field pansy (Viola arvensis) and red deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) in winter cereal and oilseed rape fields
Gilbert, J. (1987). The population dynamics of field pansy (Viola arvensis) and red deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) in winter cereal and oilseed rape fields

The population dynamics of Viola arvensis Murr. and Lamiuni purpureum L. were studied in winter cereal and oilseed rape fields in North Staffordshire and Cheshire. The seedling emergence, seedbank density, population survival and potential seed input... Read More about The population dynamics of field pansy (Viola arvensis) and red deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) in winter cereal and oilseed rape fields.

Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography
Mukalaf, A. (1987). Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography

This thesis describes an investigation of the application of adaptive filtering techniques in electrocardiography (ECG), with particular reference to exercise testing. The main objective in this study was to observe the effectiveness of adaptive meth... Read More about Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography.

Enhancing the complexity of neural tissue engineering platforms for repair of neurological injury
(2015). Enhancing the complexity of neural tissue engineering platforms for repair of neurological injury

The extent of regeneration is often limited after spinal cord injury (SCI), due to the post-injury microenvironment that is unsupportive of nerve fibre regeneration and the limited intrinsic reparative capacity of neurons. Current mainstream clinical... Read More about Enhancing the complexity of neural tissue engineering platforms for repair of neurological injury.

Further insight into the role of metals in amyloid formation by IAPP1-37 and ProIAPP1-48
Journal Article
(2015). Further insight into the role of metals in amyloid formation by IAPP1-37 and ProIAPP1-48.

Background: IAPP1-37 and ProIAPP1-48 are amyloidogenic peptides implicated in ß-cell death in diabetes. Interactions with metals may be involved in both the cytotoxicity of these peptides and their deposition as amyloids associated with diabetes-rela... Read More about Further insight into the role of metals in amyloid formation by IAPP1-37 and ProIAPP1-48.

Role of semiochemicals in oviposition and mating behaviour of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
(2013). Role of semiochemicals in oviposition and mating behaviour of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) is the major vector of a number of arboviruses including dengue. Understanding how semiochemicals might mediate the key behaviours of mating and oviposition should lead to a better understanding of the biology of Ae... Read More about Role of semiochemicals in oviposition and mating behaviour of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).

Effects of genetic and environmental factors on reproductive success in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto
(2013). Effects of genetic and environmental factors on reproductive success in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto

Anopheles gambiae is a major vector of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the widespread emergence of pesticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae populations, vector control programs involving the release of sterile males or genetically-modified male... Read More about Effects of genetic and environmental factors on reproductive success in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Sensu Stricto.

The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech
(1968). The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech

Techniques are described for the statistical analysis of
clipped speech in terms of the time intervals between the zero crossings or the speech waveform or its time derivative. The only statistic of this kind which had been used prior to this study... Read More about The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech.

Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator
(1968). Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator

The studies leading to this thesis were commenced in October 1965 in the Department of Communication at the University of Keele under the supervision of Professor D.M. MacKay. In September 1967, with the permission of the senate of the University and... Read More about Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator.

An investigation into the fitness and mating competitiveness of laboratory and transgenic strains of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto
(2013). An investigation into the fitness and mating competitiveness of laboratory and transgenic strains of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto

Malaria is a deadly parasitic disease of humans spread through the bite of Anopheles spp. mosquitoes. Current control methods for the disease are broadly effective, but the spread of insecticide resistance in the principle Anopheline vectors of the d... Read More about An investigation into the fitness and mating competitiveness of laboratory and transgenic strains of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto.

Generation and fitness of transgenic Anopheles gambiae and the impact of multiple feeding on anti-malarial properties of the vida3 transgene
(2011). Generation and fitness of transgenic Anopheles gambiae and the impact of multiple feeding on anti-malarial properties of the vida3 transgene

Malaria, the leading cause of death due to vector-borne disease. is responsible for around 250 million cases and 1 million deaths annually, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa where Anopheles gambiae is the major vector.
Novel approaches to malaria control... Read More about Generation and fitness of transgenic Anopheles gambiae and the impact of multiple feeding on anti-malarial properties of the vida3 transgene.

Small angle scattering studies of chromatin proteins in the human malarial parasite
Jordan, A. (2017). Small angle scattering studies of chromatin proteins in the human malarial parasite

This thesis describes the biochemical, biophysical and structural characterisation of two
proteins believed to play an important role in active gene silencing mechanisms present in
the human malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. These investiga... Read More about Small angle scattering studies of chromatin proteins in the human malarial parasite.