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All Outputs (176)

Exploring Ethnicity and Personality Disorder in a UK Context: A scoping review of the literature (2023)
Journal Article
Lamph, G., Mulongo, P., Bowland, P., Jeynes, T., King, C., Burrell, R., … shorrock, S. (2023). Exploring Ethnicity and Personality Disorder in a UK Context: A scoping review of the literature. Mental Health Review Journal,

The UK Mental Health Act (MHA) Reform (2021) on race and ethnicity promotes new governmental strategies to tackle inequalities faced by ethnically racialised communities detained under the MHA. However, there is a scarcity in personality dis... Read More about Exploring Ethnicity and Personality Disorder in a UK Context: A scoping review of the literature.

A pedagogic evaluation comparing face to face and online formats of a multi-professional offender personality disorder (OPD) higher education training programme (2023)
Journal Article
Lamph, G., Elliott, A., Wheatcroft, S., Rayner, G., Gardner, K., Haslam, M. B., …Wright, K. (2023). A pedagogic evaluation comparing face to face and online formats of a multi-professional offender personality disorder (OPD) higher education training programme. Journal of Forensic Practice,

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of a novel offender personality disorder (OPD) higher education programme and the research evaluation results collected over a three-year period. Data from Phase 1 was collected from a face-to-... Read More about A pedagogic evaluation comparing face to face and online formats of a multi-professional offender personality disorder (OPD) higher education training programme.

A global overview of midwives’ working conditions: A rapid review of literature on positive practice environment (2023)
Journal Article
Carvajal, B., Hancock, A., Lewney, K., Hagan, K., Jamieson, S., & Cooke, A. (2024). A global overview of midwives’ working conditions: A rapid review of literature on positive practice environment. Women and Birth, 37(1), 15-50.

In the United Kingdom (UK), a critical shortage of midwives puts pressure on the already overworked midwives working in maternity services. Considering the challenges that midwives in the UK face, this rapid review was conducted to inform... Read More about A global overview of midwives’ working conditions: A rapid review of literature on positive practice environment.

Developing rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions: using a collaborative, multi-phased, multi-method and multi-stakeholder approach to build consensus (2023)
Journal Article
Bray, L., Carter, B., Kiernan, J., Horowicz, E., Dixon, K., Ridley, J., …Robichaud, F. (in press). Developing rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions: using a collaborative, multi-phased, multi-method and multi-stakeholder approach to build consensus. European Journal of Pediatrics, 182(10), 4707-4721.

Children continue to experience harm when undergoing clinical procedures despite increased evidence of the need to improve the provision of child-centred care. The international ISupport collaboration aimed to develop standards to outline and explain... Read More about Developing rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions: using a collaborative, multi-phased, multi-method and multi-stakeholder approach to build consensus.

Factors Associated with Trust in Public Authorities Among Adults in Norway, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia Two Years after the COVID-19 Outbreak (2023)
Journal Article
Price, D., Bonsaksen, T., Leung, J., McClure-Thomas, C., Ruffolo, M., Lamph, G., …Ostertun Geirdal, A. (2023). Factors Associated with Trust in Public Authorities Among Adults in Norway, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia Two Years after the COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Public Health, 68, Article 1605846.

Objectives: This study aimed to examine the levels of trust in information provided by public authorities 2 years after the COVID-19 outbreak and to examine factors associated with trust.

Methods: Using a cross-national approach, online survey dat... Read More about Factors Associated with Trust in Public Authorities Among Adults in Norway, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia Two Years after the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Use of video group consultations by general practice staff during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Scott, E., Swaithes, L., Wynne-Jones, G., & Finney, A. (2024). Use of video group consultations by general practice staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary Health Care, 34(1),

Background: Video group consultations (VGCs) are one approach to delivering care using a virtual platform for a group of patients with the same or similar health conditions. However, little is known about the use and uptake of VGCs in the UK.

Aim:... Read More about Use of video group consultations by general practice staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Motivation and Hesitancies in Obtaining the COVID-19 Vaccine—A Cross-Sectional Study in Norway, USA, UK, and Australia (2023)
Journal Article
Leung, J., Price, D., McClure-Thomas, C., Bonsaksen, T., Ruffolo, M., Kabelenga, I., …Østertun Geirdal, A. (2023). Motivation and Hesitancies in Obtaining the COVID-19 Vaccine—A Cross-Sectional Study in Norway, USA, UK, and Australia. Vaccines, 11(6), Article 1086.

Background: Vaccinations protect the public against serious diseases or death; however, some individuals are hesitant in obtaining them. We aim to contribute to the understanding of the challenges of vaccination roll-out by examining the motivations,... Read More about Motivation and Hesitancies in Obtaining the COVID-19 Vaccine—A Cross-Sectional Study in Norway, USA, UK, and Australia.

Presentation / Conference
Logan, S., Hider, S., Green, J., & Ryan, S. (2023, May). OP0275-HPR ‘IT’S A LOT TO TAKE IN’: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE INFORMATION NEEDS OF PEOPLE WITH INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS STARTING METHOTREXATE. Presented at EULAR 2023 European Congress of Rheumatology, Milan, Italy

Background Guidelines recommend that people with Inflammatory Arthritis have access to tailored information when starting treatment with Methotrexate (MTX) [1]. It is not known what information people with Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) need to take MTX... Read More about OP0275-HPR ‘IT’S A LOT TO TAKE IN’: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE INFORMATION NEEDS OF PEOPLE WITH INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS STARTING METHOTREXATE.

Working effectively with people who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder (2023)
Journal Article
Elliott, A., Lamph, G., & Kendall, Z. (2023). Working effectively with people who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder. Mental Health Practice, 26(4), 34-41.

Personality disorder is a contentious diagnostic label that is associated with high levels of stigma, leading many practitioners and people with lived experience to call for a change in its use. Mental health nurses frequently encounter people who ha... Read More about Working effectively with people who have received a diagnosis of personality disorder.

E047 I felt like I’d been given a new lease of life: Exploring the information needs and experiences of people with rheumatoid arthritis receiving bridging glucocorticoids when starting methotrexate (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Logan, S. J., Hider, S., Green, J., & Ryan, S. J. (2023, April). E047 I felt like I’d been given a new lease of life: Exploring the information needs and experiences of people with rheumatoid arthritis receiving bridging glucocorticoids when starting methotrexate. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2023, Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester, UK

Working with Complex Cases (2023)
Book Chapter
Lamph, G., & Ellis, S. (2023). Working with Complex Cases. In Working with Serious Mental Illness - A Manual for Clinical Practice (211-226). (3). Elsevier

Perceptions of social media challenges and benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic: Qualitative findings from a cross sectional international survey (2023)
Journal Article
Schoultz, M., Lamph, G., Thygesen, H., Leung, J., Bonsaksen, T., Ruffolo, M., …Østertun Geirdal, A. (2023). Perceptions of social media challenges and benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic: Qualitative findings from a cross sectional international survey. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(1), Article e0001463.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in January 2020 the need for rapid information spread grew and social media became the ultimate platform for information exchange as well as a tool for connection and entertainment. With the rapid informat... Read More about Perceptions of social media challenges and benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic: Qualitative findings from a cross sectional international survey.

Associations between social media use and loneliness in a cross-national population: do motives for social media use matter? (2023)
Journal Article
Bonsaksen, T., Ruffolo, M., Price, D., Leung, J., Thygesen, H., Lamph, G., …Østertun Geirdal, A. (2023). Associations between social media use and loneliness in a cross-national population: do motives for social media use matter?. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11(1),

Background: We aimed to examine the association between social media use and loneliness two years after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Methods: Participants were 1649 adults who completed a cross-sectional online survey disseminated openly in Norway... Read More about Associations between social media use and loneliness in a cross-national population: do motives for social media use matter?.

The corridor of clinical uncertainty: using advanced clinical practice knowledge to make safe clinical decisions (2022)
Journal Article
Jefferson. (2022). The corridor of clinical uncertainty: using advanced clinical practice knowledge to make safe clinical decisions. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This paper offers a critical reflection about how undertaking an MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) programme, led to a greater understanding about how cognitive processes impact on making complex clinical judgements and decisions. Insights are off... Read More about The corridor of clinical uncertainty: using advanced clinical practice knowledge to make safe clinical decisions.