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All Outputs (2)

Following the trend or resisting the change? The role of dynamic norms in shaping political attitudes (2024)
Eraslan, E. G. (2024). Following the trend or resisting the change? The role of dynamic norms in shaping political attitudes. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the effects of dynamic norm interventions, which highlight changing societal attitudes and behaviour over time, on political attitudes and behavioural tendencies through twelve experiments (three pilot and nine main experiments).... Read More about Following the trend or resisting the change? The role of dynamic norms in shaping political attitudes.

Why groups don’t forgive: refining the contributions of ingroup identity, ingroup attachment, justice concerns, and conflict type to intergroup forgiveness (2024)
Dinnick, I. (2024). Why groups don’t forgive: refining the contributions of ingroup identity, ingroup attachment, justice concerns, and conflict type to intergroup forgiveness. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Researchers have begun to investigate the role of forgiveness in disrupting intergroup conflict and promoting peace. This thesis has refined our understanding of the ingroup identity and forgiveness relationship by determining which ingroup identity... Read More about Why groups don’t forgive: refining the contributions of ingroup identity, ingroup attachment, justice concerns, and conflict type to intergroup forgiveness.