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Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

How global is International Relations really? The discipline of International Relations (IR) has long been criticised for its Eurocentric foundations and perspectives. At the International Studies Association (ISA) Convention in 2014, the ISA Preside... Read More about Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda.

The Governance of British Higher Education: The Impact of Governmental, Financial and Market Pressures: By Michael Shattock and Aniko Horvath. Pp198 + xxiii. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2020. £81 (hbk). ISBN 978-1350074026 (hbk). (2020)
Journal Article
Howlett, J. (2021). The Governance of British Higher Education: The Impact of Governmental, Financial and Market Pressures: By Michael Shattock and Aniko Horvath. Pp198 + xxiii. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2020. £81 (hbk). ISBN 978-1350074026 (hbk). British Journal of Educational Studies, 69(1), 129-131.

World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 238-245.

The UK, and England in particular, has suffered egregiously poor outcomes in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. This short perspective points to the explanation in terms of both current British politics and the public health policy inheritance. Boris Jo... Read More about World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation..

Complexities of Polish migrant's citizenship attributions in the context of Brexit and the Scottish Independence Referendums (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Complexities of Polish migrant's citizenship attributions in the context of Brexit and the Scottish Independence Referendums. Scottish Affairs, 386 - 402.

This article focuses on the experiences of Scotland's largest foreign-born minority group, namely Poles, in the run-up to the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 and subsequently the UK's EU Referendum. Through exploring Polish migrant residents... Read More about Complexities of Polish migrant's citizenship attributions in the context of Brexit and the Scottish Independence Referendums.

What would it mean for natural language to be the language of thought? (2020)
Journal Article
Dupre, G. (2020). What would it mean for natural language to be the language of thought?. Linguistics and Philosophy, 773 - 812.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Traditional arguments against the identification of the language of thought with natural language assume a picture of natural language which is largely inconsistent with that suggested by contemporary linguist... Read More about What would it mean for natural language to be the language of thought?.

Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China. Urban Studies,

In this article, we advocate the adoption of 'more temporal and processual characters' to understand contemporary community governance in China. We show that communities in China are seen both as producing moral problems and as being the solutions to... Read More about Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China.

The social practice of silence in intercultural classrooms at a UK university (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, S., Moskal, M., & Schweisfurth, M. (2022). The social practice of silence in intercultural classrooms at a UK university. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(4), 600-617.

The paper offers an examination of the dynamics between silence, agency and power for students and instructors in intercultural classrooms at a UK university. Silent students are often stereotyped as passive learners or incompetent in critical thinki... Read More about The social practice of silence in intercultural classrooms at a UK university.

A New Climate Movement? Extinction Rebellion’s Activists in Profile. CUSP Working Paper No 25. (2020)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2020). A New Climate Movement? Extinction Rebellion’s Activists in Profile. CUSP Working Paper No 25

Compiled by academics at three UK universities, this report presents a profile of participants in Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) mass civil disobedience actions in London in April and October 2019. The report is compiled from three datasets: a protest s... Read More about A New Climate Movement? Extinction Rebellion’s Activists in Profile. CUSP Working Paper No 25..

Use of home-based records for children in the countries of the WHO European Region (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Use of home-based records for children in the countries of the WHO European Region

A home-based record (HBR) system has long been promoted by WHO as an effective tool for child health. The record contents, design and operation are unique to each individual country. This report compares the contents and processes for HBR use in all... Read More about Use of home-based records for children in the countries of the WHO European Region.

Digital technologies and parental involvement in education: the experiences of mothers of primary school-aged children (2020)
Journal Article
Head. (2020). Digital technologies and parental involvement in education: the experiences of mothers of primary school-aged children. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(5),

This paper makes a contribution to the developing field of the political economy of educational technology and to an understanding of the significance of digital technologies for home-school relations. The digitalisation of social life is increasing... Read More about Digital technologies and parental involvement in education: the experiences of mothers of primary school-aged children.

‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National-Populism (2020)
Journal Article
Mandelbaum, M. (2020). ‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National-Populism. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 451-476.

How could we understand the emotive power of national-populist discourses, indeed the calls to ‘make our country great again’? This paper directly tackles the recent Brexit discourse, within the broader context of rising national-populist sentiments.... Read More about ‘Making Our Country Great Again’: The Politics of Subjectivity in an Age of National-Populism.

Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19. International Journal of Health Planning and Management,

This article gives key reasons for the UK's tardy and confused attempts to react to the COVID-19 pandemic. It explains very poor outcomes in the UK (in terms of the spread of the virus and high mortality, already striking at the time of writing), in... Read More about Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19..

Towards a Bureaucracy of the Body (2020)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2020). Towards a Bureaucracy of the Body. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 97-113.

The objective of this article is to explore the evolution of what Beatrice Hibou calls the bureaucratisation of the world through a cultural history of the idea of bureaucracy in the western canon, taking in readings of Max Weber, Franz Kafka, Hannah... Read More about Towards a Bureaucracy of the Body.

Time-temperature profiles and Listeria monocytogenes presence in refrigerators from households with vulnerable consumers (2020)
Journal Article
Dumitrascu, L., Nicolau, A. I., Neagu, C., Didier, P., Maitre, I., Nguyen-The, C., …Borda, D. (2020). Time-temperature profiles and Listeria monocytogenes presence in refrigerators from households with vulnerable consumers. Food Control, 111, Article ARTN 107078.

A transdisciplinary observational study, coupled with a web-based survey, was conducted to investigate refrigerated storage of food, in five European countries. The investigated consumer groups in this study were: young families with small children a... Read More about Time-temperature profiles and Listeria monocytogenes presence in refrigerators from households with vulnerable consumers.

Moving global horizons: Imagining selfhood, mobility and futurities through creative practice in ethnographic research (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Moving global horizons: Imagining selfhood, mobility and futurities through creative practice in ethnographic research. Culture and Psychology,

This article explores imagined selfhood, mobility and futurities through creative practice in ethnography. Globalisation allows people with varying socio-economic and geographical backgrounds to imagine themselves with more possibilities. How can cre... Read More about Moving global horizons: Imagining selfhood, mobility and futurities through creative practice in ethnographic research.

Navigating the unequal education space in post-9/11 England: British Muslim girls talk about their educational aspirations and future expectations (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Navigating the unequal education space in post-9/11 England: British Muslim girls talk about their educational aspirations and future expectations. Educational Philosophy and Theory,

This paper explores educational inequalities through an analysis of the educational aspirations and future expectations of British girls and young women who identify as Muslim. It draws on qualitative interviews and focus group discussions with teen... Read More about Navigating the unequal education space in post-9/11 England: British Muslim girls talk about their educational aspirations and future expectations.

Apocalypse Now!: From Freud, Through Lacan, to Stiegler’s Psychoanalytic ‘Survival Project (2020)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2020). Apocalypse Now!: From Freud, Through Lacan, to Stiegler’s Psychoanalytic ‘Survival Project. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law,

The objective of this article is to explore the value of psychoanalysis in the early twenty-first century through reference to Freud, Lacan, and Stiegler’s work on computational madness. In the first section of the article I consider the original obj... Read More about Apocalypse Now!: From Freud, Through Lacan, to Stiegler’s Psychoanalytic ‘Survival Project.

Psychoanalysing the 21st Century: Introduction (2020)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2020). Psychoanalysing the 21st Century: Introduction. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 403-408.

The purpose of this introduction is to sketch out the value of psychoanalysis for the twenty-first century and in particular the ways in which analysis might enable us to move beyond the crisis of the post-Cold War symbolic order.