Scottish Wildcat Action final report: Disease surveillance
Bacon, A., Beckmann, K. M., Anderson, N. E., Alves, B. S. G., Ogden, R., & Meredith, A. (2021). Scottish Wildcat Action final report: Disease surveillance. NatureScot
All Outputs (1795)
The Long Way Home: A Sufi Response to Covid-19 (2021)
Journal Article
Sheikh, N. (in press). The Long Way Home: A Sufi Response to Covid-19
Microclimates (2021)
Morgan, C. (2021). Microclimates. [digital gallery]Contribution to #WalkCreate digital gallery curated by Dee Heddon et al
Lovespoon/Llwy garu (2021)
Journal Article
Morgan, C. (2021). Lovespoon/Llwy garu. Writing in Education,
Islam and the Liberal State: National Identity and the Future of Muslim Britain (2021)
Jones, S. H. Islam and the Liberal State: National Identity and the Future of Muslim Britain. Bloomsbury.
The Rise of Victorian Caricature by Ian Haywood (review) (2021)
Journal Article
Janes, D. (2021). The Rise of Victorian Caricature by Ian Haywood (review). Victorian Studies, 64(1), 131-132.
The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Anuar, A. (2021). The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia.In the mainstream, national development is often defined in terms of economic growth that privileges modernity, urbanization and scientific expertise. The promise of science, technology and innovation in contributing to development is reified through... Read More about The building “bricks” of informal STEM education: Narratives of a participatory project on aspirations for development in rural Malaysia.
Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory (2021)
Childs, L., Greither, C., Keating, K., Koch, A., Kohl, T., Truman, P., & Underwood, R. (2021). Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory. American Mathematical Society. algebras have been shown to play a natural role in studying questions of integral module structure in extensions of local or global fields. This book surveys the state of the art in Hopf-Galois theory and Hopf-Galois module theory and can be vie... Read More about Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory.
Psoriasis and COVID-19: findings from PsoProtectMe. (2021)
Presentation / Conference
McGrath, C., Yates, M., Yiu, Z., Langan, S., Tsakok, T., Dand, N., …Mahil, S. (2021, December). Psoriasis and COVID-19: findings from PsoProtectMe
Doctors' Challenges During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Medical Education Insights from Realistic Fiction Movies (2021)
Journal Article
Daher-Nashif, S. (2021). Doctors' Challenges During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Medical Education Insights from Realistic Fiction Movies. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 12, 265-272.
The value of local community knowledge in species distribution modelling for a threatened Neotropical parrot (2021)
Journal Article
Biddle, R., Solis-Ponce, I., Jones, M., Marsden, S., Pilgrim, M., & Devenish, C. (2021). The value of local community knowledge in species distribution modelling for a threatened Neotropical parrot. Biodiversity and Conservation,
Splitting hares: Current and future ecological niches predicted as distinctly different for two congeneric lagomorphs (2021)
Journal Article
Bedson, C., Devenish, C., Symeonakis, E., Mallon, D., Reid, N., Edwin Harris, W., & Preziosi, R. (2021). Splitting hares: Current and future ecological niches predicted as distinctly different for two congeneric lagomorphs. Acta oecologica,
Assessing the Extinction Probability of the Purple-winged Ground Dove, an Enigmatic Bamboo Specialist (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Assessing the Extinction Probability of the Purple-winged Ground Dove, an Enigmatic Bamboo Specialist. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,
An Investigation of Advertising Agency Creative Managers' Perspectives on the Impact of Digital Threats and Opportunities: The Case of UK SMEs – It Is Tricky; How Does a Brand Leopard Change Its Spots? (2021)
Book Chapter
Raghubansie, A., & Samaradivakara, C. A. (2021). An Investigation of Advertising Agency Creative Managers' Perspectives on the Impact of Digital Threats and Opportunities: The Case of UK SMEs – It Is Tricky; How Does a Brand Leopard Change Its Spots?. . IGI Global.
Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: Multi-centre pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (RaCeR) (2021)
Journal Article
Littlewood, C., Bateman, M., Butler-Walley, S., Bathers, S., Cookson, T., Bromley, K., …Foster, N. (2021). Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: Multi-centre pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (RaCeR). Physiotherapy, 113(S1), e13-e14. Shoulder pain is a highly prevalent complaint and disorders of the rotator cuff, including tears, are thought to be the most common cause. The number of operations to repair the torn rotator cuff has risen significantly in recent years. Whil... Read More about Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: Multi-centre pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial (RaCeR).
Describing the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic in people with psoriasis: findings from a global cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article
Mahil, S., Yates, M., Yiu, Z., Langan, S., Tsakok, T., Dand, N., …Smith, C. (2021). Describing the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic in people with psoriasis: findings from a global cross-sectional study. MedRxiv,
Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Detection of Copy-move Image Forgery with Post-processed Attacks (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Kanwal, N. (2021). Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Detection of Copy-move Image Forgery with Post-processed Attacks. .
Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Automated COVID-19 Diagnosis from CXR Images (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Hussain, Z., Andleeb, I., Ansari, M., & Kanwal, N. (2021). Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Automated COVID-19 Diagnosis from CXR Images. .
Deep Learning based Customer Count/Flow Monitoring System for Social Distancing (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Kanwal, N. (2021). Deep Learning based Customer Count/Flow Monitoring System for Social Distancing. .
Journal Article
Hamdi Karaoglu, M., Zholobenko, V., & Aslan, S. (2021). PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF KOH IMPREGNATED SEPIOLITE AS A SOLID BASE CATALYST FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION USING MICROWAVE IRRADIATION. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society,An active basic solid catalyst for biodiesel production was obtained via KOH impregnation onto sepiolite support followed by high temperature calcination.
The transesterification of rapeseed oil over the resulting nanocomposite structure was inves... Read More about PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF KOH IMPREGNATED SEPIOLITE AS A SOLID BASE CATALYST FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION USING MICROWAVE IRRADIATION.