Conn McGrath
Psoriasis and COVID-19: findings from PsoProtectMe.
McGrath, Conn; Yates, Mark; Yiu, Zenas; Langan, Sinead; Tsakok, Teresa; Dand, Nick; Mason, Kayleigh; McActeer, Helen; Meynell, Freya; Coker, Bola; Vincent, Alexandra; Urmston, Dominic; Vesty, Amber; Sewell, Georgia; Kelly, Jade; Lancelot, Camille; Moorhead, Lucy; Bachelez, Herve; Bechem, Katie; Capon, Francesca; Contreras, Claudia; De La Cruz, Claudia; Di Meglio, Paola; Gisondi, Paolo; Jullien, Denis; Lambert, Jo; Naldi, Luigi; Norton, Sam; Puig, Luis; Spuls, Phyllis; Torres, Tiago; Warren, Richard; Waweru, Hoseah; Weinman, John; Galloway, James; Griffiths, Christopher; Barker, Jonathan; Smith, Catherine; Mahil, Satveer
Mark Yates
Zenas Yiu
Sinead Langan
Teresa Tsakok
Nick Dand
Dr Kayleigh Mason
Helen McActeer
Freya Meynell
Bola Coker
Alexandra Vincent
Dominic Urmston
Amber Vesty
Georgia Sewell
Jade Kelly
Camille Lancelot
Lucy Moorhead
Herve Bachelez
Katie Bechem
Francesca Capon
Claudia Contreras
Claudia De La Cruz
Paola Di Meglio
Paolo Gisondi
Denis Jullien
Jo Lambert
Luigi Naldi
Sam Norton
Luis Puig
Phyllis Spuls
Tiago Torres
Richard Warren
Hoseah Waweru
John Weinman
James Galloway
Christopher Griffiths
Jonathan Barker
Catherine Smith
Satveer Mahil
McGrath, C., Yates, M., Yiu, Z., Langan, S., Tsakok, T., Dand, N., …Mahil, S. (2021, December). Psoriasis and COVID-19: findings from PsoProtectMe
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (unpublished) |
Deposit Date | Aug 7, 2023 |
DOI | |
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