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Aaron Poppleton's Outputs (3)

Impact of access to housing on mental health and coping amongst Ukrainian refugees in England (2023)
Journal Article
Seguin, M., Deinekhovska, T., Fokaf, O., Iemelianchuk, K., Poppleton, A., Roberts, B., …Egan, M. (2023). Impact of access to housing on mental health and coping amongst Ukrainian refugees in England. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2),

Background Though the link between war-related trauma and poor mental health is well-established, less is known about stressors due to prolonged displacement, and how these relate to mental health. As the numbers of forcibly displaced persons rise wo... Read More about Impact of access to housing on mental health and coping amongst Ukrainian refugees in England.

What competencies do European general practice trainees value the most? A prioritisation exercise using a Delphi-informed approach (2023)
Journal Article
Junge, H., Poppleton, A., Sun, S., Janos, S., & Dupont, F. (in press). What competencies do European general practice trainees value the most? A prioritisation exercise using a Delphi-informed approach. Education for Primary Care, 1-7.

General Practice has changed over the past decade. Expansion of clinicians' roles may create uncertainty, stress, and overload - particular for those at the start of their career. The WONCA Europe network for medical education, EURACT, has published... Read More about What competencies do European general practice trainees value the most? A prioritisation exercise using a Delphi-informed approach.

Where are we after a year? Providing responsive primary care for Ukrainian refugees (2023)
Journal Article
Poppleton, A., Ougrin, D., Kolesnyk, P., & Morton, S. (2023). Where are we after a year? Providing responsive primary care for Ukrainian refugees. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 73(730), 220-221.

The conflict in Ukraine has displaced over 8.1 million people since February 2022. The UK Government has responded by issuing 224 800 visas for Ukrainians through sponsorship schemes, at the time of writing. One year on, we feel there is value in ref... Read More about Where are we after a year? Providing responsive primary care for Ukrainian refugees.