Dr Kayleigh Mason
Biography | Kayleigh joined Keele University in 2020. Kayleigh previously worked as a Research Associate following her PhD in Medicine (2014) and BSc in Pharmacology (2010) at The University of Manchester. Kayleigh is Principal Investigator for the `Management of musculoskeletal pain in ChiLdren and young people wIth Mental health or neurodivergent comorBidity’ (CLIMB) study funded by NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR). Kayleigh is lead analyst for work packages in two NIHR-funded programmes of work: 1. `Addressing Child and Adolescent Musculoskeletal Pain’ (CAM-Pain), an NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research (PGfAR), and 2. `Building an Evidence Base for the Use of Advice and Guidance' (BADGER), an NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme |
Research Interests | Kayleigh’s expertise and research interests include analysing complex, longitudinal primary care and linked data, and translating those findings into practical information for patients, healthcare professionals and the public. |
Scopus Author ID | 58458513600 |
PhD Supervision Availability | No |