La Commission, c’est moi? The invisible hand of Article 17(6) TEU in the presidentialisation of the European Commission
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (in press). La Commission, c’est moi? The invisible hand of Article 17(6) TEU in the presidentialisation of the European Commission. [Blog style article]
John Cotter's Outputs (6)
“Bob Dylan and the Law” (2018)
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (2018). “Bob Dylan and the Law”. [Blog style article]There was a time when much of the writing about Bob Dylan’s work consisted of the hagiographic musings of eccentric obsessives known as ‘Dylanologists’. In more recent years, however, analysis of Dylan’s body of work has become a more respectable pur... Read More about “Bob Dylan and the Law”.
“Let’s give the emperor some (real) clothes!” (2018)
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (2018). “Let’s give the emperor some (real) clothes!”. [Blog style article]
“Who will Protect Us from Westminster” (2017)
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (2017). “Who will Protect Us from Westminster”. [Blog style article]
Human Rights Protection and the Perils of Majoritarian Democracy: The Prospective Demise of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFREU) in the UK (2017)
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (2017). Human Rights Protection and the Perils of Majoritarian Democracy: The Prospective Demise of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFREU) in the UK. [Blog style article]
R (Miller) v The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin) : Realpolitik and the Revocation of an Article 50 TEU Notification to Withdraw (2016)
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (2016). R (Miller) v The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin) : Realpolitik and the Revocation of an Article 50 TEU Notification to Withdraw. [Blog style article]