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Outputs (36)

The secondary transfer effects of contact in facilitating peace in a frozen conflict: The case of Turkish immigrants in Cyprus (2024)
Journal Article
Ünver‐Aba, H., & Çakal, H. (in press). The secondary transfer effects of contact in facilitating peace in a frozen conflict: The case of Turkish immigrants in Cyprus. European Journal of Social Psychology,

The present research focuses on the secondary transfer effect of contact, a relatively less researched dimension of intergroup contact, on reconciliation in the context of one of the most intractable and longest surviving interethnic conflicts in Eur... Read More about The secondary transfer effects of contact in facilitating peace in a frozen conflict: The case of Turkish immigrants in Cyprus.

Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices (2023)
Journal Article
Pizarro, J. J., Cakal, H., Méndez, L., Zumeta, L. N., Gracia‐Leiva, M., Basabe, N., …Páez, D. (in press). Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices. Political Psychology,

Although different social crises may eventually favor undemocratic and authoritarian forms of governance, at some point, such antidemocratic practices require the support of a significant part of the population to be implemented. The present research... Read More about Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices.

The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria (2023)
Journal Article
Cocco, V. M., Vezzali, L., Kola-Daisi, T. I., & Çakal, H. (in press). The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 136843022311620.

The present research aims to probe the associations of one-group perceptions with collective action intentions among majority group members, by relying on a non-WEIRD sample, that is, from a tribal context in Nigeria. Considering their role in contac... Read More about The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria.

Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study (2023)
Journal Article
Ruhani, A., Keshavarzi, S., Kizik, B., & Cakal, H. (2023). Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology,

Most studies on refugee–host relations focus on attitudes toward refugees based on ethnic and religious differences. In the current research, we focus on how negative attitudes toward refugees are formed in a non-Western, Educated, Industrialized, Ri... Read More about Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study.

Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts (2023)
Journal Article
Hasler, B. S., Leshem, O. A., Hasson, Y., Landau, D. H., Krayem, Y., Blatansky, C., …Halperin, E. (2023). Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 4926.

Transforming long-term conflicts into peaceful intergroup relations is one of the most difficult challenges for humanity. Such meaningful social changes are often driven by young people. But do young people living in contexts of long-term conflicts b... Read More about Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts.

Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach (2022)
Journal Article
Cakal, H., Keshavarzi, S., Ruhani, A., Dakhil‐Abbasi, G., & Ünver, H. (2022). Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 33(3), 690-707.

The positive effects of social identification on mental health are well documented in the literature. However, most of this research has been conducted among small groups in WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic Henrich, Heine, &... Read More about Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach.

‘To participate or not participate, that’s the question’: The role of moral obligation and different risk perceptions on collective action (2022)
Journal Article
Sefa Uysal, M., Gülsüm Acar, Y., Sabucedo, J., & Cakal, H. (2022). ‘To participate or not participate, that’s the question’: The role of moral obligation and different risk perceptions on collective action. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), 445 - 459.

The current research investigates whether moral obligation and perceived close vs. distant risks of high vs. moderate risk collective actions are associated with willingness to participate in collective action in the case of Turkey. Two studies were... Read More about ‘To participate or not participate, that’s the question’: The role of moral obligation and different risk perceptions on collective action.

Conclusion (2022)
Book Chapter
Husnu, S., & Çakal, H. (2022). Conclusion. In Examining Complex Intergroup Relations (357-359). Routledge.

The concluding chapter provides an overview of the book by reflecting on the aims we set out with at the beginning of this journey. It highlights the challenges social psychology and psychology in general confronts when moving forward by addressing t... Read More about Conclusion.

Predicting Acceptance of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Group Norms and Competitive Victimhood as Mediators of Sub versus Common Ingroup Identity and Intergroup Contact (2022)
Book Chapter
Güler, M., Ünver, H., & Çakal, H. (2022). Predicting Acceptance of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Group Norms and Competitive Victimhood as Mediators of Sub versus Common Ingroup Identity and Intergroup Contact. In Examining Complex Intergroup Relations (175-196). Routledge.

Many countries neighbouring Syria, especially Turkey, have received a large number of refugees into their lands. Even though it is temporary initially, this necessary migration flow has become a significant economic, political and social problem for... Read More about Predicting Acceptance of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Group Norms and Competitive Victimhood as Mediators of Sub versus Common Ingroup Identity and Intergroup Contact.

COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Vestergren, & Cakal. (2022). COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data, 1-25.

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVIDiSTRESS Consortium launched an open-access global survey to understand and improve individuals’ experiences related to the crisis. A year later, we extended this line of research by launching a new... Read More about COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic.

From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd (2022)
Journal Article
Cakal, H., Keshavarzi, S., Askari-Nodoushan, A., & Ruhani, A. (2023). From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd. Journal of Youth Studies, 26(7), 823-842.

Understanding what youth aspire is widely considered to be a critical step towards recognizing further changes in societies. This article explores young people's aspirations, including personal and collective desires, in a less-studied social setting... Read More about From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd.

From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd (2022)
Journal Article
Keshavarzi, S., Askari-Nodoushan, A., Ruhani, A., & Cakal, H. (2023). From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd. Journal of Youth Studies, 26(7), 1-20.

Understanding what youth aspire is widely considered to be a critical step towards recognizing further changes in societies. This article explores young people’s aspirations, including personal and collective desires, in a less-studied social setting... Read More about From dreams to possibilities: the role of gender and family income in aspirations among youth in the city of Yazd.

Why people vote for thin-centred ideology parties? A multi-level multi-country test of individual and aggregate level predictors. (2022)
Journal Article
Cakal. (2022). Why people vote for thin-centred ideology parties? A multi-level multi-country test of individual and aggregate level predictors. PloS one, e0264421 - ?.

The present research investigates the individual and aggregate level determinants of support for thin-centred ideology parties across 23 European countries. Employing a multilevel modelling approach, we analysed European Social Survey data round 7 20... Read More about Why people vote for thin-centred ideology parties? A multi-level multi-country test of individual and aggregate level predictors..

Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations. (2021)
Smith-Castro, V., Sirlopú, D., Eller, A., & Çakal, H. (2021). V. Smith-Castro, D. Sirlopú, A. Eller, & H. Çakal (Eds.). Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations. American Psychological Association.

This book addresses the psychosocial causes, consequences, and underpinnings of intraregional migration in Latin America. War, political instability, and disparities in wealth and opportunity have long driven migration within Latin America, and th... Read More about Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations..

Past and Present Intergroup Contact and Conflict Among Inhabitants of Former Mixed Villages of Cyprus: The Role of Individual and Collective Experiences in Predicting Attitudes and Trust (2021)
Journal Article
Kende, J., Psaltis, C., Reiter, J., Fousiani, K., Cakal, H., & Green, E. G. T. (2021). Past and Present Intergroup Contact and Conflict Among Inhabitants of Former Mixed Villages of Cyprus: The Role of Individual and Collective Experiences in Predicting Attitudes and Trust. Political Psychology, 43(4), 751-768.

Positive attitudes and trust towards former adversaries facilitate reconciliation and peacebuilding. Both historical and current intergroup experiences such as intergroup contact and conflict predict intergroup attitudes and trust but no previous res... Read More about Past and Present Intergroup Contact and Conflict Among Inhabitants of Former Mixed Villages of Cyprus: The Role of Individual and Collective Experiences in Predicting Attitudes and Trust.

Workplace Violence and Turnover Intentions among Nurses: The Moderating Roles of Invulnerability and Organizational Support –A Cross-Sectional Study (2021)
Journal Article
Cakal, H., Keshavarzi, S., Ruhani, A., & Dakhil‐Abbasi, G. (2021). Workplace Violence and Turnover Intentions among Nurses: The Moderating Roles of Invulnerability and Organizational Support –A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical Nursing,

Aims and Objectives: To investigate whether internal and external violence are associated with turnover intentions among nurses during a period of extreme duress. Background: Workplace violence can negatively impact upon mental and physical health... Read More about Workplace Violence and Turnover Intentions among Nurses: The Moderating Roles of Invulnerability and Organizational Support –A Cross-Sectional Study.

Support for rights of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The role of secondary transfer effects in intergroup contact (2021)
Journal Article
Cakal, Ünver, H., Çakal, H., Güler, M., & Tropp, L. R. (2021). Support for rights of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The role of secondary transfer effects in intergroup contact. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32(2), 153-171.

This study explored the role of secondary transfer effects (STEs) to test whether and how contact between advantaged Turks and disadvantaged Kurds may shape support for the rights of Syrian refugees. We investigated whether dimensions of contact, pos... Read More about Support for rights of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The role of secondary transfer effects in intergroup contact.

Positive versus negative contact and refugees' intentions to migrate: The mediating role of perceived discrimination, life satisfaction and identification with the host society among Syrian refugees in Turkey (2021)
Journal Article
Özkan, Z., Ergün, N., & Çakal, H. (2021). Positive versus negative contact and refugees' intentions to migrate: The mediating role of perceived discrimination, life satisfaction and identification with the host society among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 31(4), 438-451.

Most research on refugee integration focuses on attitudes toward refugees among the members of the host society. Consequently, little is known on refugees' intentions to return home or migrate to another country. The present research investigates whe... Read More about Positive versus negative contact and refugees' intentions to migrate: The mediating role of perceived discrimination, life satisfaction and identification with the host society among Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey (2021)
Journal Article
Lieberoth, A., Lin, S., Stockli, S., Han, H., Kowal, M., Gelpi, R., …Koszalkowska, K. (2021). Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey. Royal Society Open Science, 8(2), Article ARTN 200589.

The COVIDiSTRESS global survey collects data on early human responses to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic from 173 429 respondents in 48 countries. The open science study was co-designed by an international consortium of researchers to investigate how psyc... Read More about Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey.

Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus (2021)
Journal Article
Cakal. (2021). Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus. Frontiers in Public Health,

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, multidisciplinary research focusing on the long-term effects of the COVID-19 infection and the complete recovery is still scarce. With regards to long-term consequences, biomarkers of physiological effects as well... Read More about Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus.

Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus (2021)
Journal Article
Cakal. (2021). Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus. Frontiers in Public Health,

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, multidisciplinary research focusing on the long-term effects of the COVID-19 infection and the complete recovery is still scarce. With regards to long-term consequences, biomarkers of physiological effects as well... Read More about Joint Investigation of Two-Month Post-Diagnosis IgG Antibody Levels and Psychological Measures for Assessing Longer Term Multi-Faceted Recovery among COVID-19 Cases in Northern Cyprus.

The social identity perspective of social media leadership in collective action participation (2021)
Journal Article
Uysal, M. S., Akfırat, S. A., & Cakal, H. (in press). The social identity perspective of social media leadership in collective action participation. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32(6), 1001-1015.

AbstractThis study examines the Gezi Park protests in Turkey by corroborating the idea that the process of social identity leadership through social media contributes to the formation of protestor identity, which, in turn, allows people to participat... Read More about The social identity perspective of social media leadership in collective action participation.

COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak (2021)
Journal Article
Yamada, Y., Ćepulić, D., Coll-Martín, T., Debove, S., Gautreau, G., Han, H., …Lieberoth, A. (2021). COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. Scientific Data, 8(1), Article ARTN 3.

This N=173,426 social science dataset was collected through the collaborative COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey – an open science effort to improve understanding of the human experiences of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic between 30th March and 30th May, 2020. T... Read More about COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Wellbeing during 8-M Demonstrations (2020)
Journal Article
Zumeta, L. N., Castro-Abril, P., Méndez, L., Pizarro, J. J., Włodarczyk, A., Basabe, N., …Pinto, I. R. (2020). Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Wellbeing during 8-M Demonstrations. Frontiers in Psychology,

8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as colle... Read More about Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Wellbeing during 8-M Demonstrations.

Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia (2020)
Journal Article
Cakal. (2020). Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia

This study analyzes the range and content of Social Representations (SRs) about the COVID-19 pandemic in 21 geographical zones from 17 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia (N = 4430). Based on Social Representations Theory, as well as the psych... Read More about Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Intergroup contact and endorsement of social change motivations: The mediating role of intergroup trust, perspective-taking, and intergroup anxiety among three advantaged groups in Northern Cyprus, Romania, and Israel (2019)
Journal Article
Cakal, H. (2019). Intergroup contact and endorsement of social change motivations: The mediating role of intergroup trust, perspective-taking, and intergroup anxiety among three advantaged groups in Northern Cyprus, Romania, and Israel. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 136843021988516 - 136843021988516.

Three studies investigated the effect of intergroup contact and social identification on social change among three advantaged groups in Cyprus, Romania, and Israel. In Study 1 (n = 340, Turkish Cypriots), intergroup contact with disadvantaged immigra... Read More about Intergroup contact and endorsement of social change motivations: The mediating role of intergroup trust, perspective-taking, and intergroup anxiety among three advantaged groups in Northern Cyprus, Romania, and Israel.

Internally displaced persons and the Cyprus peace process (2019)
Journal Article
Cakal, H. (2019). Internally displaced persons and the Cyprus peace process. International Political Science Review,

The article focuses on Greek Cypriot internally displaced persons and their attitudes towards the island’s reunification talks. We utilize quantitative data from two representative sample surveys, conducted in 2016–2017, which probed respondents on t... Read More about Internally displaced persons and the Cyprus peace process.

The Role of Emergent Shared Identity in Psychosocial Support among Refugees of Conflict in Developing Countries (2019)
Journal Article
Alfadhlil, K., Güler, M., Cakal, H., & Drury, J. (2019). The Role of Emergent Shared Identity in Psychosocial Support among Refugees of Conflict in Developing Countries. International Review of Social Psychology, 2.

In spite of the harsh conditions that refugees of conflicts experience for many years in exile in developing countries, there is evidence showing that refugees of conflict help each other. This study aimed to explore one possible mechanism underlying... Read More about The Role of Emergent Shared Identity in Psychosocial Support among Refugees of Conflict in Developing Countries.

Impact of Pre-War and Post-War Intergroup Contact on Intergroup Relations and Mental Health: Evidence From a Bosnian Sample (2017)
Journal Article
Cakal, H. (2017). Impact of Pre-War and Post-War Intergroup Contact on Intergroup Relations and Mental Health: Evidence From a Bosnian Sample. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 250-259.

Using a sample of Bosnian adults (N = 381) we investigated the association between intergroup contact, measures of intergroup relations, and mental health. Structural equation models with latent variables showed that postwar contact had beneficial ef... Read More about Impact of Pre-War and Post-War Intergroup Contact on Intergroup Relations and Mental Health: Evidence From a Bosnian Sample.

Contact, Political Solidarity and Collective Action: An Indian Case Study of Relations between Historically Disadvantaged Communities (2016)
Journal Article
Cakal, H. (2016). Contact, Political Solidarity and Collective Action: An Indian Case Study of Relations between Historically Disadvantaged Communities. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 83-95.

Research on the contact hypothesis has highlighted the role of contact in improving intergroup relations. Most of this research has addressed the problem of transforming the prejudices of historically advantaged communities, thereby eroding wider pat... Read More about Contact, Political Solidarity and Collective Action: An Indian Case Study of Relations between Historically Disadvantaged Communities.

Predicting support for collective action in the conflict between Turks and Kurds: Perceived threats as a mediator of intergroup contact and social identity (2016)
Journal Article
Çakal, H., Hewstone, M., Güler, M., & Heath, A. (2016). Predicting support for collective action in the conflict between Turks and Kurds: Perceived threats as a mediator of intergroup contact and social identity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 19(6), 732-752.

Two studies investigated the role of perceived realistic and symbolic threats in predicting collective action tendencies, and in mediating effects of intergroup contact and social identity on collective action in the context of an intractable conflic... Read More about Predicting support for collective action in the conflict between Turks and Kurds: Perceived threats as a mediator of intergroup contact and social identity.

Intergroup Relations in Latin America: Intergroup Contact, Common Ingroup Identity, and Activism among Indigenous Groups in Mexico and Chile (2016)
Journal Article
Cakal, H. (2016). Intergroup Relations in Latin America: Intergroup Contact, Common Ingroup Identity, and Activism among Indigenous Groups in Mexico and Chile. Journal of Social Issues, 355-375.

In two correlational studies in Mexico (Study 1: N = 152, Mexican Indigenous people) and Chile (Study 2: N = 185, Chilean Indigenous people, Mapuche), we investigated how different dimensions of common ingroup identity (CII) and intergroup contact be... Read More about Intergroup Relations in Latin America: Intergroup Contact, Common Ingroup Identity, and Activism among Indigenous Groups in Mexico and Chile.