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Laura Campbell's Outputs (17)

Patient and parent perspectives on being invited to join a trial of night-time only versus full-time bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : a qualitative study. (2025)
Journal Article
Sherratt, F. C., Swaby, L., Walker, K., Jayasuriya, R., Campbell, L., Mills, A. J., …Young, B. (2025). Patient and parent perspectives on being invited to join a trial of night-time only versus full-time bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : a qualitative study. Bone & Joint Open, 6(2), 135-146.

AimsThe Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study is a randomized controlled non-inferiority pragmatic trial of 'full-time bracing' (FTB) compared to 'night-time bracing' (NTB) for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). W... Read More about Patient and parent perspectives on being invited to join a trial of night-time only versus full-time bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : a qualitative study..

Using Twitter (X) to mobilise knowledge for First Contact Physiotherapists: A qualitative study (Preprint) (2024)
Journal Article
Campbell, L., Quicke, J., Stevenson, K., Paskins, Z., Dziedzic, K., & Swaithes, L. (2024). Using Twitter (X) to mobilise knowledge for First Contact Physiotherapists: A qualitative study (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, Article e55680.


Twitter (now X) is a virtual social network commonly used by healthcare professionals. Little is known about whether it helps healthcare professionals to share, mobilise and co-create knowledge, or reduce the time between research know... Read More about Using Twitter (X) to mobilise knowledge for First Contact Physiotherapists: A qualitative study (Preprint).

The SelfSTarT intervention for low back pain patients presenting to first contact physiotherapists: A mixed methods service evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
Stevenson, K., Hadley‐Barrows, T., Evans, N., Campbell, L., Southam, J., Chudyk, A., …Hill, J. C. (2024). The SelfSTarT intervention for low back pain patients presenting to first contact physiotherapists: A mixed methods service evaluation. Musculoskeletal Care, 22(1), Article e1876.

Globally, back pain is the leading cause of years of disability. In the United Kingdom, over 20 million people live with musculoskeletal (MSK) pain, with low back pain being one of the most common causes. National strategies promote sel... Read More about The SelfSTarT intervention for low back pain patients presenting to first contact physiotherapists: A mixed methods service evaluation.

Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study – night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: study protocol for a multicentre, randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Swaby, L., Perry, D. C., Walker, K., Hind, D., Mills, A., Jayasuriya, R., …Greenwood, S. (2023). Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study – night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: study protocol for a multicentre, randomized controlled trial. Bone & Joint Open, 4(11), 873-880.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine with associated rotation, often causing distress due to appearance. For some curves, there is good evidence to support the use of a spinal brace, worn for 20 to 24 hours a day to minimize the curve, makin... Read More about Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (BASIS) study – night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: study protocol for a multicentre, randomized controlled trial.

First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. (2021)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Foster, N. E., Hill, J. C., Sowden, G., Evans, N., Bishop, A., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2022). First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 32, 147–155.

Purpose Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is a common cause of work absence. The recent SWAP (Study of Work And Pain) randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that a brief vocational advice service for primary care patients with MSK pain led to fewer days' w... Read More about First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative..

The OARSI “joint effort initiative” repository of online osteoarthritis management programmes: an implementation rapid response during covid-19 (2021)
Journal Article
Quicke, J., Swaithes, L., Campbell, L., Bowden, J., Eyles, J., Allen, K., …Dziedzic, K. (2021). The OARSI “joint effort initiative” repository of online osteoarthritis management programmes: an implementation rapid response during covid-19. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 29, S87-S89.

Purpose: 1) To collate into a repository, best-evidence online osteoarthritis management programmes (OAMPS), and 2) facilitate their implementation, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.The Osteoarthritis Research Society International Joint Effor... Read More about The OARSI “joint effort initiative” repository of online osteoarthritis management programmes: an implementation rapid response during covid-19.

Raising the Standards of Public Involvement in Clinical Trials (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Blackburn, S., Rhodes, C., Higginbottom, A., Campbell, L., User Group, R., Foster, N., & Dziedzic, K. (2019, October). Raising the Standards of Public Involvement in Clinical Trials. Poster presented at 5th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC 2019), Brighton, UK

Introduction: The UK National Standards for Public Involvement in
research have recently been launched to improve the quality of
public involvement. Keele University is one of the ten test sites
nationally developing ways to put the six National S... Read More about Raising the Standards of Public Involvement in Clinical Trials.

Presentation / Conference
deWit, M., Peter, W., Vlieland, T. V., Ingen, R. V., Bierma-Zeinstra, S., Dunweg, A., …Schiphof, D. (2019, June). AB1342 TRANSLATION AND ADJUSTING THE PATIENT GUIDE FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS INTO DUTCH. LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE JIGSAW-E PROJECT. Paper presented at Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2019, Madrid, 12–15 June 2019

OP0294-PARE Addressing key challenges of lay involvement in musculoskeletal research: co-applicants and trial steering committees (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Higginbottom, A., Blackburn, S., Taylor, R., Rhodes, C., Campbell, L., & Dziedzic, K. (2018, June). OP0294-PARE Addressing key challenges of lay involvement in musculoskeletal research: co-applicants and trial steering committees. Paper presented at Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, 13–16 June 2018

Background Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research is a requirement of funding in the UK. It has shown to improve the relevance and quality of research. For over 10 years, a Research User Group (RUG) of over 100 patients with musculoskeletal... Read More about OP0294-PARE Addressing key challenges of lay involvement in musculoskeletal research: co-applicants and trial steering committees.