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Ivonne Solis-Trapala's Outputs (1)

Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study (2013)
Journal Article
Jenkins, V., Catt, S., Banerjee, S., Gourley, C., Montes, A., Solis-Trapala, I., …Fallowfield, L. (2013). Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study. British journal of cancer, 2264 - 2271.

BACKGROUND: Most patients presenting with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) eventually relapse. Symptom palliation, maintenance of quality of life (QoL) and prolongation of life are primary therapeutic goals. METHODS: Sixty-six U.K. oncologists completed... Read More about Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study.