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Sarah Harrisson's Outputs (12)

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S., Jinks, C., Buttery, A., Ashworth, J., …Dikomitis, L. (2024). Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection. British Journal of Pain,

Introduction Understanding patients’ experiences is important when developing interventions for people living with persistent pain. Interviews and focus groups are frequently used to capture beliefs, views, and perspectives. These methods often requi... Read More about Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection.

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S. A., Jinks, C., Buttery, A., Ashworth, J., …Dikomitis, L. (2024). Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection. British Journal of Pain, 18(6), 461-471.

Understanding patients’ experiences is important when developing interventions for people living with persistent pain. Interviews and focus groups are frequently used to capture beliefs, views, and perspectives. These methods often requ... Read More about Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection.

Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Dikomitis, L., Harrisson, S. A., White, S., Helliwell, T., …Jinks, C. (2024). Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), Article BJGPO.2023.0221.

Background Opioids are frequently prescribed for persistent non-cancer pain despite limited evidence of long-term effectiveness and risk of harm. Evidence-based interventions to address inappropriate opioid prescribing are lacking.

Aim To explore... Read More about Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study.

Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study. (2024)
Journal Article
Muller, S., Bailey, J., Bajpai, R., Helliwell, T., Harrisson, S. A., Whittle, R., …Ashworth, J. (in press). Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study. PAIN,

Growing evidence from pharmacovigilance data and postmortem toxicology reports highlights the misuse potential of gabapentinoids. This study aimed to investigate the risk of serious adverse outcomes (drug misuse, overdose, major trauma), and their ri... Read More about Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study..

Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development (2023)
Journal Article
Cornwall, N., Woodcock, C., Ashworth, J., Harrisson, S. A., Dikomitis, L., White, S., …on behalf of the PROMPPT team. (2023). Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development. British Journal of Pain,

Regular review of patients prescribed opioids for persistent non-cancer pain (PCNP) is recommended but not routinely undertaken. The PROMPPT (Proactive clinical Review of patients taking Opioid Medicines long-term for persistent Pain le... Read More about Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development.

Prognosis of patients with neuropathic low back-related leg pain: An exploratory study using prospective data from UK primary care (2023)
Journal Article
Harrisson, S. A., Ogollah, R., Dunn, K. M., Foster, N. E., & Konstantinou, K. (2023). Prognosis of patients with neuropathic low back-related leg pain: An exploratory study using prospective data from UK primary care. Journal of Pain, 25(2), 533-544.

This prospective cohort study investigates the prognosis of patients with neuropathic low back-related leg pain (LBLP) consulting in UK primary care. Data from 511 patients were collected using standardised baseline clinical examinations (including M... Read More about Prognosis of patients with neuropathic low back-related leg pain: An exploratory study using prospective data from UK primary care.

Living with persistent pain: A multi-method qualitative study to reducing opioids in the context of a pain review in primary care (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S., Knaggs, R., Pincus, T., Santar, M., …Jinks, C. (2023, May). Living with persistent pain: A multi-method qualitative study to reducing opioids in the context of a pain review in primary care. Paper presented at 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study (2023)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Bailey, J., Helliwell, T., Harrisson, S., …Mallen, C. (2023). Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 27, Article ARTN 100579.

The UK government reclassified gabapentin and pregabalin as ‘controlled drugs’ from April 2019. This study aimed to describe the trends in gabapentinoid prescribing before and immediately after reclassification, in the UK Clinical Practic... Read More about Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study.

Examining the impact of an innovative online qualitative study (netnography) in developing a clinical pharmacist-led review for persistent pain patients in primary care (PROMPPT study) (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Woodcock, C., Ashworth, J., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S. A., Buttery, A., Jinks, C., …Dikomitis, L. (2020, June). Examining the impact of an innovative online qualitative study (netnography) in developing a clinical pharmacist-led review for persistent pain patients in primary care (PROMPPT study). Presented at ASM 2020 (CANCELLED), Chicago, Illinois

Neuropathic pain in low back-related leg pain patients: What is the evidence of prevalence, characteristics, and prognosis in primary care? A systematic review of the literature. (2017)
Journal Article
Stynes, S., Dunn, K., Foster, N., Konstantinou, K., & Harrisson, S. (2017). Neuropathic pain in low back-related leg pain patients: What is the evidence of prevalence, characteristics, and prognosis in primary care? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Pain, 1295-1312.

This systematic review synthesizes literature describing prevalence, characteristics and prognosis of low back-related leg pain (LBLP) patients with neuropathic pain in primary care and/or similar settings. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were devel... Read More about Neuropathic pain in low back-related leg pain patients: What is the evidence of prevalence, characteristics, and prognosis in primary care? A systematic review of the literature..