'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia
Journal Article
Blake, M., & Sargent, A. (2018). 'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia. Midland History, 43(2), 120-154. https://doi.org/10.1080/0047729X.2018.1519141
The fortifications, or burhs, constructed between 910 and 915 by Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, across much of the western Midlands have often been understood as part of a broader programme initiated by her brother Edward, king of the Anglo-Saxons,... Read More about 'For the Protection of all the People’: Æthelflæd and her Burhs in Northwest Mercia.