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Professor Simon Pemberton's Outputs (35)

The 'filling in' of community-based planning in the devolved UK? (2015)
Journal Article
Peel, D., Lloyd, G., & Pemberton, S. (2015). The 'filling in' of community-based planning in the devolved UK?. Geographical Journal, 6 - 15.

Political devolution in the UK has afforded opportunities for studying policy differences and similarities in relation to local-level community-based planning initiatives in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Organised around the concepts... Read More about The 'filling in' of community-based planning in the devolved UK?.

The rescaling of economic governance: insights into the transitional territories of England (2014)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Morphet, J. (2014). The rescaling of economic governance: insights into the transitional territories of England. Urban Studies, 2354 - 2370 (16).

The development of functional economic areas and their relationship to governance has been attracting considerable attention. New forms of sub-regional governance have emerged that have been interpreted in a variety of ways. Within this context, a di... Read More about The rescaling of economic governance: insights into the transitional territories of England.

Libertarian paternalism as a tool to explore strategic sub-regional planning in England? (2013)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Morphet, J. (2013). Libertarian paternalism as a tool to explore strategic sub-regional planning in England?. European Planning Studies, 2020 - 2036.

Across Europe, a series of revisions and realignments are currently taking place in sub-national governance structures. In England, this involves the creation of a new scalar construct through the dismantling of the regional tier and the creation of... Read More about Libertarian paternalism as a tool to explore strategic sub-regional planning in England?.

Regions Out—Sub-regions In’—Can Sub-regional Planning Break the Mould? The View from England (2013)
Journal Article
Morphet, J., & Pemberton, S. (2013). Regions Out—Sub-regions In’—Can Sub-regional Planning Break the Mould? The View from England. Planning Practice and Research, 384 - 399 (15).

A number of fundamental concerns have been raised over the recent abolition of regional economic and planning institutions processes and associated plans and strategies in England. In particular, questions have arisen over the strength and democratic... Read More about Regions Out—Sub-regions In’—Can Sub-regional Planning Break the Mould? The View from England.

The Policies and Politics of Managed Migration: Exploring Mature Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe into the UK (2012)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Scullion, L. (2012). The Policies and Politics of Managed Migration: Exploring Mature Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe into the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 443 - 461.

Whilst studies have already focused on the inflow of labour migrants from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries to the UK, most have centred on the experiences of younger migrants. Less attention has been paid to the motivations, experiences a... Read More about The Policies and Politics of Managed Migration: Exploring Mature Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe into the UK.

New Forms of Sub-regional Governance and Implications for Rural Areas: Evidence from England (2012)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Shaw, D. (2012). New Forms of Sub-regional Governance and Implications for Rural Areas: Evidence from England. Planning Practice and Research, 441-458.

Across Europe, and beyond, there have been shifts towards reducing state intervention in ‘middle range’ governance spaces, such as regions, and attempts to devolve decision making to the most appropriate (local) level. Consequently, sub-regional scal... Read More about New Forms of Sub-regional Governance and Implications for Rural Areas: Evidence from England.

Facilitating Institutional Reform in England: Reconciling City-regions and Community Planning for Efficiency Gains? (2011)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Lloyd, G. (2011). Facilitating Institutional Reform in England: Reconciling City-regions and Community Planning for Efficiency Gains?. European Planning Studies, 501 - 517.

Considerable debate has taken place in England around the concept of the city-region. While there is contestation over the terminologies and interpretations of city-regionalism, this paper considers the extent to which it can offer a more integrative... Read More about Facilitating Institutional Reform in England: Reconciling City-regions and Community Planning for Efficiency Gains?.

Moving beyond the limits of joined-up government? Meta-governance, quality of relations and addressing the politics of joining-up. (2010)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Winstanley, R. (2010). Moving beyond the limits of joined-up government? Meta-governance, quality of relations and addressing the politics of joining-up. Urban Research and Practice, 26 - 39.

Recent research has questioned the ability of Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) to secure better coordination and management of regeneration across different branches of the state. In a period of economic recession and a curtailing of regeneration... Read More about Moving beyond the limits of joined-up government? Meta-governance, quality of relations and addressing the politics of joining-up..

Rethinking the changing structures of rural local government – State power, rural politics and local political strategies? (2010)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Goodwin, M. (2010). Rethinking the changing structures of rural local government – State power, rural politics and local political strategies?. Journal of Rural Studies, 272 - 283.

There is a notable absence in contemporary rural studies – of both a theoretical and empirical nature – concerning the changing nature of rural local government. Despite the scale and significance of successive rounds of local government reorganisati... Read More about Rethinking the changing structures of rural local government – State power, rural politics and local political strategies?.

Local Area Agreements as a tool for addressing deprivation within UK cities (2010)
Journal Article
Nurse, A., & Pemberton. (2010). Local Area Agreements as a tool for addressing deprivation within UK cities. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 158 - 167 (9)

Despite a plethora of urban regeneration interventions introduced by UK Governments over the last 20 years, variation remains in respect of levels of deprivation that exist within many urban areas. This paper focuses on the extent to which Local Area... Read More about Local Area Agreements as a tool for addressing deprivation within UK cities.

The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'? (2009)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Stevens, C. (2009). The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'?. Regional Studies, 1289 - 1300.

The latest changes in the UK government's managed migration policy with the introduction of a new Points-Based System have been recognized as privileging White European economic migrant workers – including those from Central and Eastern European (CEE... Read More about The Recruitment and Retention of Central and Eastern European Migrant Workers in the United Kingdom: A Panacea or a Problem under the New Policies of 'Managed Migration'?.

Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England? (2009)
Journal Article
Pemberton. (2009). Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England?. Urban Studies, 1363 - 1384.

Since EU enlargement in 2004, there has been a substantial influx of economic migrants to the UK from the `A8' accession countries. A significant number have moved into Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder areas, which are focused on reshaping failing h... Read More about Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England?.

Co-production and Sure Start Children's Centres: Reflecting upon Users', Perspectives and Implications for Service Delivery, Planning and Evaluation (2008)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Mason, J. (2008). Co-production and Sure Start Children's Centres: Reflecting upon Users', Perspectives and Implications for Service Delivery, Planning and Evaluation. Social Policy and Society, 13 - 24.

In the UK, there has been a re-awakening of interest in the ‘co-production’ approach to involve service users in modernised public services. Within this context, Sure Start Children's Centres are being created to address child poverty and social excl... Read More about Co-production and Sure Start Children's Centres: Reflecting upon Users', Perspectives and Implications for Service Delivery, Planning and Evaluation.

Social Inclusion and the `Get Heard' Process Implications for the Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Governance and Policy in the UK (2008)
Journal Article
Pemberton. (2008). Social Inclusion and the `Get Heard' Process Implications for the Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Governance and Policy in the UK. Public Policy and Administration, 127 - 143.

Since 1997, there has arguably been a 'rediscovery' of those most at risk of poverty and social exclusion by New Labour. Within this context, it is important to consider the European, national and sub-national policy frameworks within which intervent... Read More about Social Inclusion and the `Get Heard' Process Implications for the Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Governance and Policy in the UK.

Tackling the NEET generation and the ability of policy to generate a 'NEET' solution - evidence from the UK (2008)
Journal Article
Pemberton. (2008). Tackling the NEET generation and the ability of policy to generate a 'NEET' solution - evidence from the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 243 - 259.

Both within the UK and in a wider international context, there is an increasing concern with young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The author details research undertaken within Greater Merseyside (UK), which has relat... Read More about Tackling the NEET generation and the ability of policy to generate a 'NEET' solution - evidence from the UK.