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Dr Opeyemi Babatunde's Outputs (3)

Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis (2016)
Walsh, N., Jordan, J., Babatunde, O., Powell, J., & Healey, E. (2016). Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis

This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:

To assess the benefits and harms of community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by non-healthcare exercise professionals for osteoarthriti... Read More about Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis.

046 Effective Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: A Rapid Meta-Synthesis of Current Best Evidence in Primary Care (2016)
Journal Article
Babatunde, O. O., Jordan, J. L., Van der Windt, D., Foster, N. E., & Protheroe, J. (2016). 046 Effective Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: A Rapid Meta-Synthesis of Current Best Evidence in Primary Care. Rheumatology, 55(S1), Article i80.

Background: Treatments that are matched to patient risk subgroups (or stratified care) have the potential to improve the effectiveness of primary care for patients with musculoskeletal pain. However, musculoskeletal pain conditions are extensive and... Read More about 046 Effective Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: A Rapid Meta-Synthesis of Current Best Evidence in Primary Care.