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Dr Thomas Shepherd's Outputs (38)

Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2021)
Journal Article
Prior, J. A., Paskins, Z., Whittle, R., Abdul-Sultan, A., Chew-Graham, C. A., Muller, S., …Mallen, C. D. (2021). Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Arthritis Care and Research, 73(1), 130-137.

Objective To examine the risk of self-harm in rheumatological conditions Methods Retrospective cohort study using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Patients with ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arth... Read More about Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Supervised treatment in outpatients for schizophrenia plus (STOPS+): protocol for a cluster randomised trial of a community-based intervention to improve treatment adherence and reduce the treatment gap for schizophrenia in Pakistan (2020)
Journal Article
Shepherd, T. A., Ul-Haq, Z., Ul-Haq, M., Firaz Khan, M., Afridi, A., Dikomitis, L., …Farooq, S. (2020). Supervised treatment in outpatients for schizophrenia plus (STOPS+): protocol for a cluster randomised trial of a community-based intervention to improve treatment adherence and reduce the treatment gap for schizophrenia in Pakistan. BMJ Open, 10(6),

Introduction: There is a significant treatment gap, with only a few community-based services for people with schizophrenia in Low- and Middle-Income countries. Poor treatment adherence in schizophrenia is associated with poorer health outcomes, suici... Read More about Supervised treatment in outpatients for schizophrenia plus (STOPS+): protocol for a cluster randomised trial of a community-based intervention to improve treatment adherence and reduce the treatment gap for schizophrenia in Pakistan.

Using Google Trends to assess the impact of global public health days on online health information seeking behaviour in Central and South America (2020)
Journal Article
Havelka, E. M., Mallen, C. D., & Shepherd, T. A. (2020). Using Google Trends to assess the impact of global public health days on online health information seeking behaviour in Central and South America. Journal of Global Health, 10(1),

Public health awareness can help prevent illness and result in earlier intervention when it does occur. For this reason, health promotion and disease awareness campaigns have great potential to alleviate the global burden of disease. Glob... Read More about Using Google Trends to assess the impact of global public health days on online health information seeking behaviour in Central and South America.

Protocol for establishing a child and adolescent twin register for mental health research and capacity building in Sri Lanka and other low and middle-income countries in South Asia (2019)
Journal Article
Jayaweera, K., M Craig, J., M S Zavos, H., Abeysinghe, N., De Alwis, S., Andras, A., …Sumathipala, A. (2019). Protocol for establishing a child and adolescent twin register for mental health research and capacity building in Sri Lanka and other low and middle-income countries in South Asia. BMJ Open, 9(10), Article e029332.

INTRODUCTION: Worldwide, 10%-20% of children and adolescents experience mental health conditions. However, most such disorders remain undiagnosed until adolescence or adulthood. Little is known about the factors that influence mental health in childr... Read More about Protocol for establishing a child and adolescent twin register for mental health research and capacity building in Sri Lanka and other low and middle-income countries in South Asia.

Playing in the UEFA Europa League Does Not Adversely Affect English Premier League or La Liga Performance (2018)
Journal Article
Stephens, R., Bosworth, G., & Shepherd, T. A. (2018). Playing in the UEFA Europa League Does Not Adversely Affect English Premier League or La Liga Performance. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 4(1 (Special Issue Sport Psychology)),

This article presents data challenging the widely held but untested view that concurrently playing mid-week Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Europa League matches adversely affects domestic league performance.

Over... Read More about Playing in the UEFA Europa League Does Not Adversely Affect English Premier League or La Liga Performance.

The value of an embedded qualitative study in a trial of a second antidepressant for people who had not responded to one antidepressant: understanding the perspectives of patients and general practitioners (2018)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham, C., Shepherd, T., Burroughs, H., Dixon, K., & Kessler, D. (2018). The value of an embedded qualitative study in a trial of a second antidepressant for people who had not responded to one antidepressant: understanding the perspectives of patients and general practitioners. BMC Family Practice,

BACKGROUND: Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. The number of prescriptions for antidepressants has risen dramatically in recent years yet up to 50% of patients... Read More about The value of an embedded qualitative study in a trial of a second antidepressant for people who had not responded to one antidepressant: understanding the perspectives of patients and general practitioners.

Presentation / Conference
Prior, J., Whittle, R., Abdul-Sultan, A., Chew-Graham, C., Sumathipala, A., Sheperd, T., …Paskins, Z. (2018, December). INCREASED RISK OF SELF-HARM IN PATIENTS WITH OSTEOPOROSIS: A UK POPULATION STUDY. Poster presented at Osteoporosis Conference 2018, Birmingham, UK

Background: Prevention of self-harm, as a key risk factor for suicide, is an international public health priority. The World Health Organization recommends that clinicians should assess the potential for self-harm in patients in high-risk groups e.g.... Read More about INCREASED RISK OF SELF-HARM IN PATIENTS WITH OSTEOPOROSIS: A UK POPULATION STUDY.

Mirtazapine added to SSRIs or SNRIs for treatment resistant depression in primary care: phase III randomised placebo controlled trial (MIR) (2018)
Journal Article
Kessler, D. S., MacNeill, S. J., Tallon, D., Lewis, G., Peters, T. J., Hollingworth, W., …Wiles, N. J. (2018). Mirtazapine added to SSRIs or SNRIs for treatment resistant depression in primary care: phase III randomised placebo controlled trial (MIR). BMJ, k4218 - ?.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effectiveness of combining mirtazapine with serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants for treatment resistant depression in primary care. DESIGN: T... Read More about Mirtazapine added to SSRIs or SNRIs for treatment resistant depression in primary care: phase III randomised placebo controlled trial (MIR).

A feasibility study for NOn-Traditional providers to support the management of Elderly People with Anxiety and Depression: The NOTEPAD study Protocol (2018)
Journal Article
Burroughs, H., Bartlam, B., Ray, M., Kingstone, T., Shepherd, T., Ogollah, R., …Chew-Graham, C. (2018). A feasibility study for NOn-Traditional providers to support the management of Elderly People with Anxiety and Depression: The NOTEPAD study Protocol. Trials,

Anxiety and depression are common among older people, with up to 20% reporting such symptoms, and the prevalence increases with co-morbid chronic physical health problems. Access to treatment for anxiety and depression in this population... Read More about A feasibility study for NOn-Traditional providers to support the management of Elderly People with Anxiety and Depression: The NOTEPAD study Protocol.

Twins as Participants in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Review of Published Literature (2017)
Journal Article
Sumathipala, A., Yelland, L., Green, D., Shepherd, T., Jayaweera, K., Ferreira, P., & Craig, J. M. (2017). Twins as Participants in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Review of Published Literature. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 21(1), 51-56.

Monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins participate in research that partitions variance in health, disease, and behavior into genetic and environmental components. However, there are other innovative roles for twins in medical research. One such w... Read More about Twins as Participants in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Review of Published Literature.

Developing a community-based psycho-social intervention with older people and third sector workers for anxiety and depression: a qualitative study. (2017)
Journal Article
Kingstone, T., Burroughs, H., Bartlam, B., Ray, M., Proctor, J., Shepherd, T., …Chew-Graham, C. A. (2017). Developing a community-based psycho-social intervention with older people and third sector workers for anxiety and depression: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice,

BACKGROUND: One-in-five people in the UK experience anxiety and/or depression in later life. However, anxiety and depression remain poorly detected in older people, particularly in those with chronic physical ill health. In the UK, a stepped care app... Read More about Developing a community-based psycho-social intervention with older people and third sector workers for anxiety and depression: a qualitative study..

Feasibility of a randomized single-blind crossover trial to assess the effects of the second-generation slow-release dopamine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole on cued recall memory in idiopathic mild or moderate Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment (2017)
Journal Article
Shepherd, T. A., Edelstyn, N. M., Longshaw, L., Sim, J., Watts, K., Mayes, A. R., …Ellis, S. J. (2017). Feasibility of a randomized single-blind crossover trial to assess the effects of the second-generation slow-release dopamine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole on cued recall memory in idiopathic mild or moderate Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment. Pilot and Feasibility Studies,

BACKGROUND: The aim was to assess the feasibility of a single-centre, single-blind, randomized, crossover design to explore the effects of two slow-release dopamine agonists, ropinirole and pramipexole, on cued recall in Parkinson's disease. As the d... Read More about Feasibility of a randomized single-blind crossover trial to assess the effects of the second-generation slow-release dopamine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole on cued recall memory in idiopathic mild or moderate Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment.

Exploring views about older people with anxiety and depression in the community to refine a psychosocial intervention delivered by non-statutory providers: a UK qualitative study. (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Shepherd, T. (2016, November). Exploring views about older people with anxiety and depression in the community to refine a psychosocial intervention delivered by non-statutory providers: a UK qualitative study. Paper presented at 2016 NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Evidence of an amnesia-like cued-recall memory impairment in nondementing idiopathic Parkinson's disease. (2015)
Journal Article
Edelstyn, N. M., John, C. M., Shepherd, T. A., Drakeford, J. L., Clark-Carter, D., Ellis, S. J., & Mayes, A. R. (2015). Evidence of an amnesia-like cued-recall memory impairment in nondementing idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Cortex, 71, 85-101.

Medicated, non-dementing mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease (PD) patients usually show recall/recollection impairments but have only occasionally shown familiarity impairments. We aimed to assess two explanations of this pattern of impairment. Reco... Read More about Evidence of an amnesia-like cued-recall memory impairment in nondementing idiopathic Parkinson's disease..

Second-generation dopamine agonists and recollection impairments in Parkinson's disease (2013)
Journal Article
Shepherd, T. A., Edelstyn, N. M. J., Mayes, A. R., & Ellis, S. J. (2013). Second-generation dopamine agonists and recollection impairments in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuropsychology, 7(2), 284-305.

A selective deficit in the recollection of episodic details is frequently reported in Parkinson's disease (PD). Previous explanations implicate dopamine dysregulation in prefrontal structures on which strategic memory processes rely. However, neuroim... Read More about Second-generation dopamine agonists and recollection impairments in Parkinson's disease.

Effect of disease severity and dopaminergic medication on recollection and familiarity in patients with idiopathic nondementing Parkinson's. (2009)
Journal Article
Edelstyn, N., Shepherd, T. A., Mayes, A. R., Sherman, S. M., & Ellis, S. J. (2010). Effect of disease severity and dopaminergic medication on recollection and familiarity in patients with idiopathic nondementing Parkinson's. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 931 -938.

The effect of disease severity and dopaminergic medication on the assessment of familiarity and the recollection of episodic details during recognition in nondementing idiopathic Parkinson's is uncertain. Some studies have reported familiarity as def... Read More about Effect of disease severity and dopaminergic medication on recollection and familiarity in patients with idiopathic nondementing Parkinson's..