Prediction of cardiovascular disease in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care
Conference Proceeding
Jordan, K., Rathod-Mistry, T., Bailey, J., Van Der Windt, D., Chen, Y., Clarson, L., …Mamas, M. (in press). Prediction of cardiovascular disease in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care. .
Lorna Clarson's Outputs (3)
P145 Safety of colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis when initiating allopurinol for gout: propensity score-matched cohort studies (2022)
Journal Article
Roddy, E., Bajpai, R., Forrester, H., Partington, R., Mallen, C. D., Clarson, L., …Muller, S. (2022). P145 Safety of colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis when initiating allopurinol for gout: propensity score-matched cohort studies. Rheumatology, 61(S1),<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Background/Aims</jats:title> <jats:p>Initiating urate-lowering therapy for gout commonly triggers a gout flare and hence co-prescription of colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (N... Read More about P145 Safety of colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis when initiating allopurinol for gout: propensity score-matched cohort studies.
Long‐Term Cardiovascular Risk and Management of Patients Recorded in Primary Care With Unattributed Chest Pain: An Electronic Health Record Study (2022)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Rathod‐Mistry, T., Bailey, J., Chen, Y., Clarson, L., Denaxas, S., …Mamas, M. A. (2022). Long‐Term Cardiovascular Risk and Management of Patients Recorded in Primary Care With Unattributed Chest Pain: An Electronic Health Record Study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(7), Article e023146. Most adults presenting with chest pain will not receive a diagnosis and be recorded with unattributed chest pain. The objective was to assess if they have increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those with noncoronary chest... Read More about Long‐Term Cardiovascular Risk and Management of Patients Recorded in Primary Care With Unattributed Chest Pain: An Electronic Health Record Study.