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Steven Rogers' Outputs (29)

Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2019). Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Ovummuridae are calcareous egg-shaped microfossils of unknown biological affinity. There are limited observations in the literature due to their occurrence only within exceptionally preserved carbonate rocks. The first observation and subsequent erec... Read More about Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2019). Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Ovummuridae are calcareous egg-shaped microfossils of unknown biological affinity. There are limited observations in the literature due to their occurrence only within exceptionally preserved carbonate rocks. The first observation and subsequent erec... Read More about Reflected Light Microscopy as an Efficient and Costeffective Method for the Detection Of Calcareous Micro-fossils, An Example from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R., Rogers, S., & Clarke, S. (2020). A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 6(1), 41-61.

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by siliciclastic aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite their common recognition within these environments, carbonate deposits are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight int... Read More about A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA.

Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK (2018)
Journal Article
Rogers, S., Egan, S., & Stimpson, I. (2018). Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Sustainability of the planet is fundamental to our common future, and geologists and geoscientists are key stakeholders in this process. Better understanding of the Earth, its processes and utilisation of its resources, through successful science com... Read More about Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK.

A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain (2018)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2018). A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. Journal of Iberian Geology, 225-241.

Purpose: Mounds from the Pennsylvanian aged San Emiliano Formation (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain) are commonly well exposed. These mounds range from 2 to 50 m in height and are observed to be primary geological features. The mounds are described and c... Read More about A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.

Academic Tribalism and Subject Specialists as a Challenge to Teaching and Learning in Dual Honours Systems; a Qualitative Perspective From the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, Keele University, UK. (2017)
Journal Article
Rogers, S., & Cage, A. (2017). Academic Tribalism and Subject Specialists as a Challenge to Teaching and Learning in Dual Honours Systems; a Qualitative Perspective From the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, Keele University, UK. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Here we give an account of our experiences teaching within a tight cognate group (Earth Sciences) and our perception of academic tribalism within a dual honours teaching and learning environment. We pose the question whether academic tribalism repres... Read More about Academic Tribalism and Subject Specialists as a Challenge to Teaching and Learning in Dual Honours Systems; a Qualitative Perspective From the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, Keele University, UK..

Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK (2015)
Journal Article
Moseley, D., Pringle, J., Haslam, R., Egan, S., Rogers, S., Gertisser, R., …Stimpson, I. (2015). Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK. Geology Today, 109 -115 (6).

The geology of the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales comprises a mixture of Lower Palaeozoic shallow marine sediments, acidic igneous rocks and basic intrusions of the Welsh Basin that were subsequently deformed during the Caledonian Orogeny. Th... Read More about Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK.

Fluorinated microemulsions as reaction media for fluorous nanoparticles (2010)
Journal Article
Hollamby, M., Eastoe, J., Mutch, K., Rogers, S., & Heenan, R. (2010). Fluorinated microemulsions as reaction media for fluorous nanoparticles. Soft Matter, 971 -976.

New fluorinated microemulsions (F-MEs) formulated from partially fluorinated solvent–co-solvent mixtures and fluorinated anionic AOT-analogue surfactants are reported. These F-MEs permit incorporation of water into fluorinated solvents, up to a volum... Read More about Fluorinated microemulsions as reaction media for fluorous nanoparticles.

Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha
Presentation / Conference
Rogers. Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha. Presented at The British Sedimentological Research Group AGM

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite being commonly recognised, carbonate deposits within these environments are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight into the deposit... Read More about Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha.