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Dr John Taylor's Outputs (271)

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XXI. The totally-eclipsing B-type system IQ Persei (2024)
Working Paper
Southworth, J. Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XXI. The totally-eclipsing B-type system IQ Persei

IQ Per is a totally-eclipsing binary system containing a B8 V star and an A6 V star in an orbit of period 1.744 d with eccentricity and apsidal motion. We use new light curves from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and published spectr... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XXI. The totally-eclipsing B-type system IQ Persei.

Digging deeper into the dense Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5 with electron-multiplying CCDs: Variable star detection and new discoveries (2024)
Journal Article
Figuera Jaimes, R., Catelan, M., Horne, K., Skottfelt, J., Snodgrass, C., Dominik, M., …Rahvar, S. (2024). Digging deeper into the dense Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5 with electron-multiplying CCDs: Variable star detection and new discoveries. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, Article A108.

Context. High frame-rate imaging was employed to mitigate the effects of atmospheric turbulence (seeing) in observations of globular cluster Terzan 5.

Aims. High-precision time-series photometry with the highest angular resolution so far has been... Read More about Digging deeper into the dense Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5 with electron-multiplying CCDs: Variable star detection and new discoveries.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XIX. The long-period solar-type system V454 Aurigae (2024)
Journal Article
Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XIX. The long-period solar-type system V454 Aurigae. Observatory, 144(1301),

V454 Aur is an eclipsing binary system containing two solar- type stars on an orbit of relatively long period (P P = 2702 d) and large eccentricity (e e = 0381). Eclipses were detected using data from the Hipparcos satellite, and a high-quality doubl... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XIX. The long-period solar-type system V454 Aurigae.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XX. HO Tel checkout (2024)
Journal Article
Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XX. HO Tel checkout. Observatory, 144(1302),

We present a detailed analysis of the detached eclipsing binary system HO Telescopii, which contains two A-type stars in a circular orbit of period 1.613 d. We use light curves from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which observed HO... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XX. HO Tel checkout.

Characterization of the δ Scuti eclipsing binary KIC 4851217 and its tertiary companion as well as detection of tidally tilted pulsations (2024)
Journal Article
Jennings, Z., Southworth, J., Rappaport, S. A., Borkovits, T., Handler, G., & Kurtz, D. W. (in press). Characterization of the δ Scuti eclipsing binary KIC 4851217 and its tertiary companion as well as detection of tidally tilted pulsations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Article stae1879.

Stellar theory enables us to understand the properties of stars at different stages of their evolution, and contributes to other fields of astrophysics such as galactic and exoplanet studies. Assessing the accuracy of stellar theories necessitates hi... Read More about Characterization of the δ Scuti eclipsing binary KIC 4851217 and its tertiary companion as well as detection of tidally tilted pulsations.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVIII. The F-type system OO Pegasi (2024)
Journal Article
Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVIII. The F-type system OO Pegasi. Observatory, 144(1300),

OO Peg is a detached eclipsing binary system containing two late-A-type stars in a circular orbit with a period of 2.985 d. Using published spectroscopic results and a light curve from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) we determine the... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVIII. The F-type system OO Pegasi.

The GAPS Programme at TNG: LV. Multiple molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b and review of the HAT-P-11 planetary system (2024)
Journal Article
Basilicata, M., Giacobbe, P., Bonomo, A. S., Scandariato, G., Brogi, M., Singh, V., …Turrini, D. (2024). The GAPS Programme at TNG: LV. Multiple molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b and review of the HAT-P-11 planetary system. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, Article A127.

Context. The atmospheric characterisation of hot and warm Neptune-size exoplanets is challenging mainly due to their relatively small radius and atmospheric scale height, which reduce the amplitude of atmospheric spectral features. The warm-Neptune H... Read More about The GAPS Programme at TNG: LV. Multiple molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b and review of the HAT-P-11 planetary system.

Star-spot activity, orbital obliquity, transmission spectrum, physical properties, and transit time variations of the HATS-2 planetary system (2024)
Journal Article
Biagiotti, F., Mancini, L., Southworth, J., Tregloan-Reed, J., Naponiello, L., Jørgensen, U. G., …Vignes, J.-P. (2024). Star-spot activity, orbital obliquity, transmission spectrum, physical properties, and transit time variations of the HATS-2 planetary system. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, Article A131.

Aims. Our aim in this paper is to refine the orbital and physical parameters of the HATS-2 planetary system and study transit timing variations and atmospheric composition thanks to transit observations that span more than 10 yr and that were collect... Read More about Star-spot activity, orbital obliquity, transmission spectrum, physical properties, and transit time variations of the HATS-2 planetary system.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani (2024)
Journal Article
Overall, S., & Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani. Observatory, 144(1299),

CW Eri is a detached eclipsing binary system of two F-type stars with an orbital period of 2728 d. Light-curves from two sectors of observations with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and previously published radial-velocity data are a... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani.

Looking for timing variations in the transits of 16 exoplanets (2024)
Journal Article
Yalçınkaya, S., Esmer, E. M., Baştürk, Ö., Muhaymin, A., Kutluay, A. C., Silistre, D. İ., …Yeşilyaprak, C. (in press). Looking for timing variations in the transits of 16 exoplanets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(3), 2475–2495.

We update the ephemerides of 16 transiting exoplanets using our ground-based observations, new TESS data, and previously published observations including those of amateur astronomers. All these light curves were modeled by making use of a set of quan... Read More about Looking for timing variations in the transits of 16 exoplanets.

Observational mapping of the mass discrepancy in eclipsing binaries: Selection of the sample and its photometric and spectroscopic properties (2024)
Journal Article
Tkachenko, A., Pavlovski, K., Serebriakova, N., Bowman, D. M., IJspeert, L., Gebruers, S., & Southworth, J. (2024). Observational mapping of the mass discrepancy in eclipsing binaries: Selection of the sample and its photometric and spectroscopic properties. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, Article A252.

Context. Eclipsing spectroscopic double-lined binaries are the prime source of precise and accurate measurements of masses and radii of stars. These measurements provide a stringent test for models of stellar evolution that are consistently reported... Read More about Observational mapping of the mass discrepancy in eclipsing binaries: Selection of the sample and its photometric and spectroscopic properties.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVI. The δ Scuti / γ Dor hybrid pulsator GK Draconis (2024)
Journal Article
Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVI. The δ Scuti / γ Dor hybrid pulsator GK Draconis. Observatory, 144(1289),

GK Dra is a detached eclipsing binary system containing two early -F stars, one evolved, in an orbit with a period of 9974 d and a small eccentricity. Its eclipsing nature was discovered using Hipparcos data, and pulsations were found in follow-up gr... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVI. The δ Scuti / γ Dor hybrid pulsator GK Draconis.

Optical Monitoring of the Didymos–Dimorphos Asteroid System with the Danish Telescope around the DART Mission Impact (2023)
Journal Article
Rożek, A., Snodgrass, C., Jørgensen, U. G., Pravec, P., Bonavita, M., Rabus, M., …Castillo Baeza, N. S. (2023). Optical Monitoring of the Didymos–Dimorphos Asteroid System with the Danish Telescope around the DART Mission Impact. The Planetary Science Journal, 4(12), Article 236.

The NASA’s Double-Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was a unique planetary defence and technology test mission, the first of its kind. The main spacecraft of the DART mission impacted the target asteroid Dimorphos, a small moon orbiting the asteroid D... Read More about Optical Monitoring of the Didymos–Dimorphos Asteroid System with the Danish Telescope around the DART Mission Impact.

The enigmatic multiple star VV Ori (2023)
Journal Article
Budding, E., Southworth, J., Pavlovski, K., Rhodes, M. D., Zihao, W., Love, T., …Alexander, M. (in press). The enigmatic multiple star VV Ori. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 6389-6405.

New photometry, including TESS data, have been combined with recent spectroscopic observations of the Orion Ib pulsating triple-star system VV Ori. This yields a revised set of absolute parameters with increased precision. Two different programs were... Read More about The enigmatic multiple star VV Ori.

Physical properties of the eclipsing binary KIC 9851944 and analysis of its tidally-perturbed p- and g-mode pulsations (2023)
Journal Article
Jennings, Z., Southworth, J., Pavlovski, K., & Van Reeth, T. (in press). Physical properties of the eclipsing binary KIC 9851944 and analysis of its tidally-perturbed p- and g-mode pulsations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(2), 4052-4075.

Stars that are both pulsating and eclipsing offer an important opportunity to better understand many of the physical phenomena that occur in stars, because it is possible to measure the pulsation frequencies of stars for which the masses and radii ar... Read More about Physical properties of the eclipsing binary KIC 9851944 and analysis of its tidally-perturbed p- and g-mode pulsations.

Journal Article

V570 Per is a binary star system containing two F-type stars in a 1.90 d period circular orbit. It shows shallow partial eclipses that were discovered from its Hipparcos light curve. We present an analysis of this system based on two sectors of high-... Read More about REDISCUSSION OF ECLIPSING BINARIES. PAPER 14: THE F-TYPE SYSTEM V570 PERSEI.

TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b: Two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars (2023)
Journal Article
Barkaoui, K., Timmermans, M., Soubkiou, A., Rackham, B. V., Burgasser, A. J., Chouqar, J., …Zúñiga-Fernández, S. (2023). TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b: Two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 677, Article A38.

We present the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting nearby M dwarfs: TOI-2084 b, and TOI-4184 b. We characterized the host stars by combining spectra from Shane/Kast and Magellan/FIRE, spectral energy distribution analysis, and st... Read More about TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b: Two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars.

OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters Arising from a Five-day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event (2023)
Journal Article
Satoh, Y. K., Koshimoto, N., Bennett, D. P., Sumi, T., Rattenbury, N. J., Suzuki, D., …Spyratos, P. (2023). OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters Arising from a Five-day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event. Astronomical Journal, 166(3), Article 116.

We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0825. This event was identified as a planetary candidate by preliminary modeling. We find that significant residuals from the best-fit static binary-lens model exist and a xallarap effect can... Read More about OGLE-2019-BLG-0825: Constraints on the Source System and Effect on Binary-lens Parameters Arising from a Five-day Xallarap Effect in a Candidate Planetary Microlensing Event.

Power-2 limb-darkening coefficients for the uvby, UBVRIJHK, SDSS ugriz, Gaia, Kepler, TESS, and CHEOPS photometric systems II. PHOENIX spherically symmetric stellar atmosphere models. (2023)
Journal Article
Claret, A., & Southworth, J. (2023). Power-2 limb-darkening coefficients for the uvby, UBVRIJHK, SDSS ugriz, Gaia, Kepler, TESS, and CHEOPS photometric systems II. PHOENIX spherically symmetric stellar atmosphere models. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 674, Article A63.

Context. The phenomenon of limb-darkening is relevant to many topics in astrophysics, including the analysis of light curves of eclipsing binaries, optical interferometry, measurement of stellar diameters, line profiles of rotating stars, gravitation... Read More about Power-2 limb-darkening coefficients for the uvby, UBVRIJHK, SDSS ugriz, Gaia, Kepler, TESS, and CHEOPS photometric systems II. PHOENIX spherically symmetric stellar atmosphere models..