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Danielle Van Der Windt's Outputs (19)

Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (STEER OA): a systematic review update and individual participant data meta-analysis protocol. (2017)
Journal Article
Van Der Windt, Holden, & Dziedzic. (2017). Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (STEER OA): a systematic review update and individual participant data meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open, e018971 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Therapeutic exercise is a recommended core treatment for people with knee and hip OA, however, the observed effect sizes for reducing pain and improving physic... Read More about Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (STEER OA): a systematic review update and individual participant data meta-analysis protocol..

Predictive and prognostic factors influencing outcomes of rituximab therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): A systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Van Der Windt. (2017). Predictive and prognostic factors influencing outcomes of rituximab therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): A systematic review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 384-396.

The clinical outcomes following rituximab (RTX) treatment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is highly variable. We aimed to identify predictive and prognostic factors associated with RTX therapy outcomes in patients with... Read More about Predictive and prognostic factors influencing outcomes of rituximab therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): A systematic review.

A Preliminary Core Domain Set for Clinical Trials of Shoulder Disorders: A Report from the OMERACT 2016 Shoulder Core Outcome Set Special Interest Group (2017)
Journal Article
Buchbinder, R., Page, M. J., Huang, H., Verhagen, A. P., Beaton, D., Kopkow, C., …Set Special Interest Group, T. S. C. O. (2017). A Preliminary Core Domain Set for Clinical Trials of Shoulder Disorders: A Report from the OMERACT 2016 Shoulder Core Outcome Set Special Interest Group. Journal of Rheumatology, 44(12), 1880-1883

Objective. The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Shoulder Core Outcome Set Special Interest Group (SIG) was established to develop a core outcome set (COS) for clinical trials of shoulder disorders.

Methods. In preparation for OMERACT 201... Read More about A Preliminary Core Domain Set for Clinical Trials of Shoulder Disorders: A Report from the OMERACT 2016 Shoulder Core Outcome Set Special Interest Group.

Prognosis of sciatica and back-related leg pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort (2017)
Journal Article
Konstantinou, K., Dunn, K., Ogollah, R., Lewis, M., Van Der Windt, D., Hay, E., & Study Team, A. (2017). Prognosis of sciatica and back-related leg pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort. Spine Journal, 1030-1040.

Background Context
Evidence is lacking on the prognosis and prognostic factors of back-related leg pain and sciatica in patients seeing their primary care physicians. This evidence could guide timely appropriate treatment and referral decisions.... Read More about Prognosis of sciatica and back-related leg pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort.

Mediators of Treatment Effect in the Back In Action Trial: Using Latent Growth Modeling to Take Change Over Time into Account. (2017)
Journal Article
Mansell, G., Hill, J., Main, C. J., Von Korff, M., & Van Der Windt, D. (2017). Mediators of Treatment Effect in the Back In Action Trial: Using Latent Growth Modeling to Take Change Over Time into Account. Clinical Journal of Pain, 33(9), 811-819.

OBJECTIVES: To test whether change in fear-avoidance beliefs was a mediator of the effect of treatment on disability outcome; To test an analytical approach, latent growth modelling, not often applied to mediation analysis.

METHODS: Secondary ana... Read More about Mediators of Treatment Effect in the Back In Action Trial: Using Latent Growth Modeling to Take Change Over Time into Account..

Pain and learning in primary school: a population-based study (2017)
Journal Article
Kosola, S., Mundy, L. K., Sawyer, S. M., Canterford, L., van der Windt, D. A., Dunn, K. M., & Patton, G. C. (2017). Pain and learning in primary school: a population-based study. PAIN, 158(9), 1825-1830.

Despite the frequency of pain among children, little is known about its effects on learning and school outcomes. The objective of this study was to quantify the association of pain and academic achievement while taking into account the presence of co... Read More about Pain and learning in primary school: a population-based study.

Value of physical tests in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Thoomes, E. J., van Geest, S., van der Windt, D. A., Falla, D., Verhagen, A. P., Koes, B. W., …Vleggeert-Lankamp, C. L. (2017). Value of physical tests in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy: a systematic review. Spine Journal, 18(1),

Background context
In clinical practice, the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy is based on information from the patient history, physical examination and diagnostic imaging. Various physical tests may be performed, but their diagnostic accuracy is... Read More about Value of physical tests in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy: a systematic review.

Effective treatment options for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: A systematic overview of current evidence (2017)
Journal Article
Babatunde, O., Jordan, J., Van Der Windt, D., Hill, J., Foster, N. E., & Protheroe, J. (2017). Effective treatment options for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: A systematic overview of current evidence. PLoS ONE, 12(6), Article e0178621.

Background & aims
Musculoskeletal pain, the most common cause of disability globally, is most frequently managed in primary care. People with musculoskeletal pain in different body regions share similar characteristics, prognosis, and may respond to... Read More about Effective treatment options for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: A systematic overview of current evidence.

Management of shoulder pain by UK general practitioners (GPs): a national survey (2017)
Journal Article
Roddy, & Van Der Windt. (2017). Management of shoulder pain by UK general practitioners (GPs): a national survey. BMJ Open, e015711 -?.

OBJECTIVES: Studies in Canada, the USA and Australia suggested low confidence among general practitioners (GPs) in diagnosing and managing shoulder pain, with frequent use of investigations. There are no comparable studies in the UK; our objective wa... Read More about Management of shoulder pain by UK general practitioners (GPs): a national survey.

Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Barnett, L. A., Jordan, K. P., Edwards, J. J., & Van Der Windt, D. A. (2017). Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 623-628.

Obesity is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA) whilst there is some evidence that diabetes also increases risk. Metformin is a common oral treatment for those with diabetes.

The aim is to investigate whether metformi... Read More about Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study.

The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581). (2017)
Journal Article
Foster, N. E., Konstantinou, K., Lewis, M., Ogollah, R., Dunn, K. M., van der Windt, D., …Hay, E. M. (2017). The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18, Article 172.

BACKGROUND: Sciatica has a substantial impact on patients, and is associated with high healthcare and societal costs. Although there is variation in the clinical management of sciatica, the current model of care usually involves an initial period of... Read More about The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581)..

Protocol: a systematic review of studies developing and/or evaluating search strategies to identify prognosis studies (2017)
Journal Article
Corp, N., Jordan, J. L., Hayden, J. A., Irvin, E., Parker, R., Smith, A., & van der Windt, D. A. (2017). Protocol: a systematic review of studies developing and/or evaluating search strategies to identify prognosis studies. Systematic Reviews, 6, Article 88.

Prognosis research is on the rise, its importance recognised because chronic health conditions and diseases are increasingly common and costly. Prognosis systematic reviews are needed to collate and synthesise these research findings, esp... Read More about Protocol: a systematic review of studies developing and/or evaluating search strategies to identify prognosis studies.

Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, Dunn, & Van Der Windt. (2017). Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,

Research investigating prognosis in musculoskeletal pain conditions has only been moderately successful in predicting which patients are unlikely to recover. Clinical decision making could potentially be improved by combining information... Read More about Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain.

Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Timmis, A., Croft, P., van der Windt, D. A., Denaxas, S., González-Izquierdo, A., …Hemingway, H. (2017). Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study. BMJ, 357, Article j1194.

Objective To ascertain long term cardiovascular outcomes in patients whose chest pain remained undiagnosed six months after first presentation.Design Cohort study.Setting UK electronic health record database (CALIBER) linking primary care, secondary... Read More about Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study.

Can we identify who gets benefit or harm from mycophenolate mofetil in systemic lupus erythematosus? a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Van Der Windt. (2017). Can we identify who gets benefit or harm from mycophenolate mofetil in systemic lupus erythematosus? a systematic review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 65-78.

AbstractObjectives We aimed to summarize the evidence examining factors that predict differential response to mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods Systematic searches of randomized clinical trials (RCT) to identi... Read More about Can we identify who gets benefit or harm from mycophenolate mofetil in systemic lupus erythematosus? a systematic review.

Rating of Included Trials on the Efficacy-Effectiveness Spectrum (RITES): development of a new tool for systematic reviews (2017)
Journal Article
Van Der Windt, D. (2017). Rating of Included Trials on the Efficacy-Effectiveness Spectrum (RITES): development of a new tool for systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 95-104.

AbstractBackground Randomized trials may be designed to provide evidence more strongly related to efficacy or effectiveness of an intervention. When systematic reviews are used to inform clinical or policy decisions, it is important to know the effic... Read More about Rating of Included Trials on the Efficacy-Effectiveness Spectrum (RITES): development of a new tool for systematic reviews.

Generic prognostic factors for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a systematic review. (2017)
Journal Article
Artus, M., Campbell, P., Mallen, C., Dunn, K., & van der Windt, D. (2017). Generic prognostic factors for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a systematic review. BMJ Open, e012901 - ?.

OBJECTIVES: To summarise the evidence for generic prognostic factors across a range of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. SETTING: primary care. METHODS AND OUTCOMES: Comprehensive systematic literature review. MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsychINFO and EMBASE we... Read More about Generic prognostic factors for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a systematic review..