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Dr Ralf Gertisser's Outputs (66)

The cryptotephra record of the Marine Isotope Stage 12 to 10 interval (460–335 ka) at Tenaghi Philippon, Greece: Exploring chronological markers for the Middle Pleistocene of the Mediterranean region (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). The cryptotephra record of the Marine Isotope Stage 12 to 10 interval (460–335 ka) at Tenaghi Philippon, Greece: Exploring chronological markers for the Middle Pleistocene of the Mediterranean region. Quaternary Science Reviews, 313-333.

Precise chronologies that allow direct correlation of paleoclimate archives are a prerequisite for deciphering the spatiotemporal characteristics of short-term climate variability. Such chronologies can be established through the analysis of tephra l... Read More about The cryptotephra record of the Marine Isotope Stage 12 to 10 interval (460–335 ka) at Tenaghi Philippon, Greece: Exploring chronological markers for the Middle Pleistocene of the Mediterranean region.

Structural features and stability of Spanish sepiolite as a potential catalyst (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Ani, . A., Gertisser, R., & Zholobenko, V. (2018). Structural features and stability of Spanish sepiolite as a potential catalyst. Applied Clay Science, 297 -304.

Abstract Sepiolite-based catalysts loaded with potassium hydroxide were prepared via the wet impregnation and ion-exchange methods and evaluated as catalysts in base-assisted reactions, such as transesterification of renewable oils. The structural fe... Read More about Structural features and stability of Spanish sepiolite as a potential catalyst.

Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment via sill intrusion in the Rum Western Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser, R. (2018). Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment via sill intrusion in the Rum Western Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland. Journal of Petrology, 1605-1642.

The construction of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions has traditionally been attributed to gravity driven accumulation, involving the mechanical settling of crystals onto the magma chamber floor, at the interface between the crystal mush at the bas... Read More about Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment via sill intrusion in the Rum Western Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland.

Towards reconstruction of the lost Late Bronze Age intra-caldera island of Santorini, Greece (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). Towards reconstruction of the lost Late Bronze Age intra-caldera island of Santorini, Greece. Scientific reports,

During the Late Bronze Age, the island of Santorini had a semi-closed caldera harbour inherited from the 22 ka Cape Riva Plinian eruption, and a central island referred to as ‘Pre-Kameni’ after the present-day Kameni Islands. Here, the size and age o... Read More about Towards reconstruction of the lost Late Bronze Age intra-caldera island of Santorini, Greece.

Emplacement of the Rocche Rosse rhyolite lava flow(Lipari, Aeolian Islands) (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). Emplacement of the Rocche Rosse rhyolite lava flow(Lipari, Aeolian Islands). Bulletin of Volcanology,

The Rocche Rosse lava flow marks the most recent rhyolitic extrusion on Lipari island (Italy), and preserves evidence for a multi-stage emplacement history. Due to the viscous nature of the advancing lava (108 to 1010 Pa s), indicators of complex emp... Read More about Emplacement of the Rocche Rosse rhyolite lava flow(Lipari, Aeolian Islands).

When the gods are angry: volcanic crisis and eruption at Bali's great volcano (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). When the gods are angry: volcanic crisis and eruption at Bali's great volcano. Geology Today, 62 - 65.

In November 2017, Bali's ‘great volcano’, Gunung Agung, erupted for the first time since 1963—leading to the evacuation of nearly 150 000 people from a preliminary danger zone within a radius of 9–12 km from the summit. Since the phreatic onset of th... Read More about When the gods are angry: volcanic crisis and eruption at Bali's great volcano.

Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 34-52.

We present new 238U-230Th-226Ra-210Pb-210Po, 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic data of whole-rock samples and plagioclase separates from volcanic deposits of the 2006 and 2010 eruptions at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. These data are combined wit... Read More about Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions.

Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions (2018)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2018). Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 34-52.

We present new U-238-Th-230-Ra-226-Pb-210-Po-210, Sr-87/(86) Sr and Nd-143/(144) Nd isotopic data of whole-rock samples and plagioclase separates from volcanic deposits of the 2006 and 2010 eruptions at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. These data are... Read More about Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano (2006-2010), Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and radiogenic isotopic compositions.

The youngest volcanic eruptions in East-Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania (2017)
Journal Article
Karátson, D., Veres, D., Wulf, S., Gertisser, R., Magyari, E., & Bormann, M. The youngest volcanic eruptions in East-Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania. Geology Today, 33(2), 60-65.

Violent explosive eruptions occurred between c. 51 and 29 thousand years ago—during the Last Glacial Maximum in East-Central Europe—at the picturesque volcano of Ciomadul, located at the southernmost tip of the Inner Carpathian Volcanic Range in Roma... Read More about The youngest volcanic eruptions in East-Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania.

The youngest volcanic eruptions in East- Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania (2017)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2017). The youngest volcanic eruptions in East- Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania. Geology Today, 62 -67.

Violent explosive eruptions occurred between c. 51 and 29 thousand years ago—during the Last Glacial Maximum in East-Central Europe—at the picturesque volcano of Ciomadul, located at the southernmost tip of the Inner Carpathian Volcanic Range in Roma... Read More about The youngest volcanic eruptions in East- Central Europe—new findings from the Ciomadul lava dome complex, East Carpathians, Romania.

On the compositional variability of dalyite, K2ZrSi6O15: a new occurrence from Terceira, Azores (2016)
Journal Article
Jeffery, A., Gertisser, R., Jackson, R., O'Driscoll, B., & Kronz, A. (2016). On the compositional variability of dalyite, K2ZrSi6O15: a new occurrence from Terceira, Azores. Mineralogical Magazine, 547-565.

The rare potassium zirconium silicate dalyite has been identified for the first time on Terceira, Azores, within syenitic ejecta of the Caldeira-Castelinho Ignimbrite Formation. New quantitative analyses of this dalyite were combined with the small n... Read More about On the compositional variability of dalyite, K2ZrSi6O15: a new occurrence from Terceira, Azores.

The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians. Journal of Quaternary Science, 565-576.

We present major element glass data and correlations for the ‘Roxolany Tephra’ - a so far geochemically unconstrained volcanic ash layer previously described in last glacial (Marine Isotope Stage 2) loess deposits of the Roxolany loess–palaeosol comp... Read More about The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians.

The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians. Journal of Quaternary Science, 565-576.

We present major element glass data and correlations for the ‘Roxolany Tephra’ - a so far geochemically unconstrained volcanic ash layer previously described in last glacial (Marine Isotope Stage 2) loess deposits of the Roxolany loess–palaeosol comp... Read More about The ‘Roxolany Tephra’ (Ukraine) – new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians.

Transitions between explosive and effusive phases during the cataclysmic 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). Transitions between explosive and effusive phases during the cataclysmic 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology,

Transitions between explosive and effusive activity are commonly observed during dome-forming eruptions and may be linked to factors such as magma influx, ascent rate and degassing. However, the interplay between these factors is complex and the resu... Read More about Transitions between explosive and effusive phases during the cataclysmic 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia.

Temporal evolution of a post-caldera, mildly peralkaline magmatic system: Furnas volcano, São Miguel, Azores (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). Temporal evolution of a post-caldera, mildly peralkaline magmatic system: Furnas volcano, São Miguel, Azores. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,

Furnas is one of three active central volcanoes on São Miguel Island, Azores, and is considered to be one of the most hazardous in the archipelago. In this study, the pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 10 young (<5 ka), intra-caldera, sub-Plin...

The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 29-51.

The most recent, mainly explosive eruptions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, have been constrained by detailed field volcanological studies, major element pumice glass geochemistry, luminescence and radiocarbon dati... Read More about The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval.

The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 29-51.

The most recent, mainly explosive eruptions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, have been constrained by detailed field volcanological studies, major element pumice glass geochemistry, luminescence and radiocarbon dati... Read More about The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval.

The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism (2015)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2015). The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism. Geology Today, 132 -136.

The year 2015 marks the bicentenary of the largest eruption in recent historic times: the 10–11 April 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, Indonesia. Two hundred years after the eruption, an incomplete or inaccurate record of large eruptions over the past... Read More about The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism.