The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 29-51.
The most recent, mainly explosive eruptions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, have been constrained by detailed field volcanological studies, major element pumice glass geochemistry, luminescence and radiocarbon dati... Read More about The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval.