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Dr Ralf Gertisser's Outputs (82)

The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 29-51.

The most recent, mainly explosive eruptions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, have been constrained by detailed field volcanological studies, major element pumice glass geochemistry, luminescence and radiocarbon dati... Read More about The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29ka BP time interval.

The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval (2016)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2016). The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 29-51.

The most recent, mainly explosive eruptions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, have been constrained by detailed field volcanological studies, major element pumice glass geochemistry, luminescence and radiocarbon dati... Read More about The latest explosive eruptions of Ciomadul (Csomád) volcano, East Carpathians — A tephrostratigraphic approach for the 51–29 ka BP time interval.

The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism (2015)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2015). The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism. Geology Today, 132 -136.

The year 2015 marks the bicentenary of the largest eruption in recent historic times: the 10–11 April 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, Indonesia. Two hundred years after the eruption, an incomplete or inaccurate record of large eruptions over the past... Read More about The great 1815 eruption of Tambora and future risks from large-scale volcanism.

Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK (2015)
Journal Article
Moseley, D., Pringle, J., Haslam, R., Egan, S., Rogers, S., Gertisser, R., …Stimpson, I. (2015). Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK. Geology Today, 109 -115 (6).

The geology of the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales comprises a mixture of Lower Palaeozoic shallow marine sediments, acidic igneous rocks and basic intrusions of the Welsh Basin that were subsequently deformed during the Caledonian Orogeny. Th... Read More about Geophysical surveys to help map buried igneous intrusions, Snowdonia, North Wales, UK.

The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka (2015)
Journal Article
Lowe, J. J., Ramsey, C. B., Gertisser, R., Housley, R. A., Lane, C. S., & Tomlinson, E. L. (2015). The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 118, 1-17.

This paper introduces the aims and scope of the RESET project (RESponse of humans to abrupt Environmental Transitions), a programme of research funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) between 2008 and 2013; it also provides the contex... Read More about The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka.

The major and trace element glass compositions of the productive Mediterranean volcanic sources: tools for correlating distal tephra layers in and around Europe (2014)
Journal Article
Tomlinson, E. L., Smith, V. C., Albert, P. G., Aydar, E., Civetta, L., Cioni, R., …Zanchetta, G. (2015). The major and trace element glass compositions of the productive Mediterranean volcanic sources: tools for correlating distal tephra layers in and around Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 118, 48-66.

The increasing application of cryptotephra studies is leading the identification of new tephra marker layers the sources of which in many cases may not be known or may be ambiguous. In this contribution, we discuss the controls on tephra geochemistry... Read More about The major and trace element glass compositions of the productive Mediterranean volcanic sources: tools for correlating distal tephra layers in and around Europe.

Pre- and syn-eruptive degassing and crystallisation processes of the 2010 and 2006 eruptions of Merapi volcano, Indonesia (2014)
Journal Article
Gertisser. (2014). Pre- and syn-eruptive degassing and crystallisation processes of the 2010 and 2006 eruptions of Merapi volcano, Indonesia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,

The 2010 eruption of Merapi (VEI 4) was the volcano’s largest since 1872. In contrast to the prolonged and effusive dome-forming eruptions typical of Merapi’s recent activity, the 2010 eruption began explosively, before a new dome was rapidly emplace... Read More about Pre- and syn-eruptive degassing and crystallisation processes of the 2010 and 2006 eruptions of Merapi volcano, Indonesia.

Insights from Pb and O isotopes into along-arc variations in subduction inputs and crustal assimilation for volcanic rocks in Java, Sunda arc, Indonesia (2014)
Journal Article
Handley, H. K., Blichert-Toft, J., Gertisser, R., Macpherson, C. G., Turner, S. P., Zaennudin, A., & Abdurrachman, M. (2014). Insights from Pb and O isotopes into along-arc variations in subduction inputs and crustal assimilation for volcanic rocks in Java, Sunda arc, Indonesia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 139, 205-226.

New Pb isotope data are presented for Gede Volcanic Complex, Salak and Galunggung volcanoes in West Java, Merbabu and Merapi volcanoes in Central Java and Ijen Volcanic Complex in East Java of the Sunda arc, Indonesia. New O isotope data for Merbabu... Read More about Insights from Pb and O isotopes into along-arc variations in subduction inputs and crustal assimilation for volcanic rocks in Java, Sunda arc, Indonesia.

Pumice deposits of the Santorini Lower Pumice 2 eruption on Anafi island, Greece: Indications for a Plinian event of exceptional magnitude (2014)
Journal Article
Keller, J., Gertisser, R., Reusser, E., & Dietrich, V. (2014). Pumice deposits of the Santorini Lower Pumice 2 eruption on Anafi island, Greece: Indications for a Plinian event of exceptional magnitude. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 278-279, 120-128.

Isolated patches of Santorini pumice deposits are analysed from the non-volcanic island of Anafi at a distance of 31–38 km east from the centre of the Santorini caldera. The deposits are Plinian fall profiles with a primary thickness at this distance... Read More about Pumice deposits of the Santorini Lower Pumice 2 eruption on Anafi island, Greece: Indications for a Plinian event of exceptional magnitude.

The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East Java, Indonesia (2013)
Journal Article
Jeffery, A. J., Gertisser, R., Troll, V. R., Jolis, E. M., Dahren, B., Harris, C., …Chadwick, J. P. (2013). The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East Java, Indonesia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(1), 275-308.

Abstract Kelut volcano, East Java, is an active volcanic
complex hosting a summit crater lake that has been the
source of some of Indonesia’s most destructive lahars. In
November 2007, an effusive eruption lasting approximately 7 months led to the... Read More about The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East Java, Indonesia.

Textural and micro-petrological variations in the eruptive products of the 2006 dome-forming eruption of Merapi volcano, Indonesia: Implications for sub-surface processes (2013)
Journal Article
Preece, K., Barclay, J., Gertisser, R., & Herd, R. A. (2013). Textural and micro-petrological variations in the eruptive products of the 2006 dome-forming eruption of Merapi volcano, Indonesia: Implications for sub-surface processes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261, 98-120.

The interplay between magma ascent, degassing and changing magmatic properties are widely recognized as critical factors controlling the style of silicic volcanic eruptions. Microlite textures in samples from the prolonged dome-forming eruption of Me... Read More about Textural and micro-petrological variations in the eruptive products of the 2006 dome-forming eruption of Merapi volcano, Indonesia: Implications for sub-surface processes.

Magma rheology variations in sheet intrusions of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (Scotland) inferred from gabbro inclusion characteristics (2013)
Journal Article
Gertisser, R. (2013). Magma rheology variations in sheet intrusions of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (Scotland) inferred from gabbro inclusion characteristics. Journal of Petrology, 75 - 102.

Entrainment of xenoliths and their consequent assimilation are key processes in modifying the crystallization kinetics and magma dynamics of conduit systems. Here, an integrated textural and mineral chemical study of the evolution of a suite of gabbr... Read More about Magma rheology variations in sheet intrusions of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (Scotland) inferred from gabbro inclusion characteristics.

Crustal differentiation processes at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2013)
Journal Article
Gertisser, R. (2013). Crustal differentiation processes at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia. Journal of Petrology, 149 - 182.

Anak Krakatau is a basaltic andesite cone that has grown following the famous caldera-forming 1883 eruption of Krakatau. It breached sea level in 1927 and since the 1950s has been growing at an average rate of ~8 cm a week. We present new major and t... Read More about Crustal differentiation processes at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia.

Chapter 9 Eruptive history and magmatic evolution of the island of Salina (central Aeolian archipelago) (2013)
Journal Article
Lucchi, F., Gertisser, R., Keller, J., Forni, F., De Astis, G., & Tranne, C. A. (2013). Chapter 9 Eruptive history and magmatic evolution of the island of Salina (central Aeolian archipelago). Memoirs, 37(1), 155-211.

Stratigraphic, structural, volcanological and geochemical data allow a detailed reconstruction of the geological history of the island of Salina (central Aeolian sector). Its subaerial volcanism (c. 244 ka to 15.6 ka) developed through six successive... Read More about Chapter 9 Eruptive history and magmatic evolution of the island of Salina (central Aeolian archipelago).

Paroxysmal dome explosion during the Merapi 2010 eruption: Processes and facies relationships of associated high-energy pyroclastic density currents (2013)
Journal Article
Komorowski, J., Jenkins, S., Baxter, P. J., Picquout, A., Lavigne, F., Charbonnier, S., …Surono. (2013). Paroxysmal dome explosion during the Merapi 2010 eruption: Processes and facies relationships of associated high-energy pyroclastic density currents. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261, 260-294.

An 11-minute sequence of laterally-directed explosions and retrogressive collapses on 5 November 2010 at Merapi (Indonesia) destroyed a rapidly-growing dome and generated high-energy pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) spreading over 22 km2 with a ru... Read More about Paroxysmal dome explosion during the Merapi 2010 eruption: Processes and facies relationships of associated high-energy pyroclastic density currents.

Evaluation of the impact of the 2010 pyroclastic density currents at Merapi volcano from high-resolution satellite imagery, field investigations and numerical simulations (2013)
Journal Article
Charbonnier, S., Germa, A., Connor, C., Gertisser, R., Preece, K., Komorowski, J., …Connor, L. (2013). Evaluation of the impact of the 2010 pyroclastic density currents at Merapi volcano from high-resolution satellite imagery, field investigations and numerical simulations. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261, 295-315.

Compositionally heterogeneous podiform chromitite in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex (Scotland): Implications for chromitite petrogenesis and late-stage alteration in the upper mantle portion of a supra-subduction zone ophiolite (2012)
Journal Article
Derbyshire, E., O'Driscoll, B., Lenaz, D., Gertisser, R., & Kronz, A. (2013). Compositionally heterogeneous podiform chromitite in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex (Scotland): Implications for chromitite petrogenesis and late-stage alteration in the upper mantle portion of a supra-subduction zone ophiolite. Lithos, 162-163, 279-300.

The mantle sequence of the ~ 492 Ma Shetland Ophiolite Complex (SOC; Scotland) contains abundant compositionally heterogeneous podiform chromitite bodies enclosed in elongate dunite lenses in the vicinity of the petrological Moho. Chromitite petrogen... Read More about Compositionally heterogeneous podiform chromitite in the Shetland Ophiolite Complex (Scotland): Implications for chromitite petrogenesis and late-stage alteration in the upper mantle portion of a supra-subduction zone ophiolite.

Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano: inclusion petrology and oxygen isotopes (2012)
Journal Article
Troll, V. R., Deegan, F. M., Jolis, E. M., Gertisser, R., Harris, C., Chadwick, J. P., …Preece, K. (2013). Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano: inclusion petrology and oxygen isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261, 38-49.

Indonesian volcano Merapi is one of the most hazardous volcanoes on the planet and is characterised by periods of active dome growth and intermittent explosive events. Merapi currently degasses continuously through high temperature fumaroles and erup... Read More about Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano: inclusion petrology and oxygen isotopes.