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Clare Jinks' Outputs (104)

The feasibility and acceptability of a physical activity intervention for older people with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The iPOPP pilot trial protocol (2017)
Journal Article
Healey, E., Jinks, C., Foster, N., Chew-Graham, Chew-Graham, C., Pincus, T., …McBeth, J. (2017). The feasibility and acceptability of a physical activity intervention for older people with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The iPOPP pilot trial protocol. Musculoskeletal Care, 16(1),

INTRODUCTION: This pilot trial will inform the design and methods of a future full-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT) and examine the feasibility, acceptability and fidelity of the Increasing Physical activity in Older People with chronic Pain (... Read More about The feasibility and acceptability of a physical activity intervention for older people with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The iPOPP pilot trial protocol.

Implementing core NICE guidelines for osteoarthritis in primary care with a model consultation (MOSAICS): A cluster randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K., Hay, E., Porcheret, M., Afolabi, E., Lewis, A., Morden, A., …Healey, E. (2018). Implementing core NICE guidelines for osteoarthritis in primary care with a model consultation (MOSAICS): A cluster randomised controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 26(1), 43-53.

To determine the effectiveness of a model osteoarthritis consultation, compared with usual care, on physical function and uptake of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) osteoarthritis recommendations, in adults =45 year... Read More about Implementing core NICE guidelines for osteoarthritis in primary care with a model consultation (MOSAICS): A cluster randomised controlled trial.

Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization (2017)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Sim, J., Kingstone, T., Baker, S., Waterfield, J., Bartlam, B., …Jinks, C. (2018). Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization. Quality and Quantity, 52, 1-15.

Saturation has attained widespread acceptance as a methodological principle in qualitative research. It is commonly taken to indicate that, on the basis of the data that have been collected or analysed hitherto, further data collection and/or analysi... Read More about Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization.

Integrating case finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety and depression into routine primary care nurse-led long-term condition reviews: results from the enhance pilot trial (2017)
Journal Article
Jinks, C., Nicholls, E., Liddle, J., Healey, E., Evans, A., Chew-Graham, C., …Team, E. (2017). Integrating case finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety and depression into routine primary care nurse-led long-term condition reviews: results from the enhance pilot trial. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76(S2), 1433-1433.

Background Co-morbid osteoarthritis (OA), anxiety and depression are undermanaged in primary care yet have significant impact on pain, disability and outcomes of other long-term conditions (LTCs).

Objectives To test the feasibility and acceptabili... Read More about Integrating case finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety and depression into routine primary care nurse-led long-term condition reviews: results from the enhance pilot trial.

Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, K., Edwards, J., Porcheret, M., Healey, E., Jinks, C., Bedson, J., …Dziedzic, K. (2017). Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 25(10), 1588-1597.

To determine the effect of a model osteoarthritis (OA) consultation (MOAC) informed by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations compared with usual care on recorded quality of care of clinical OA in general... Read More about Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care.

Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a general population survey (2017)
Journal Article
Paskins, Z., Jinks, C., Mahmood, W., Jayakumar, P., Sangan, C. B., Belcher, J., & Gwilym, S. (2017). Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a general population survey. Archives of Osteoporosis, 12(45),

This is the first national study of public and patient research priorities in osteoporosis and fracture. We have identified new research areas of importance to members of the public, particularly ‘access to information from health professionals’. The... Read More about Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a general population survey.

Patient-reported quality indicators for osteoarthritis: a patient and public generated self-report measure for primary care (2016)
Journal Article
Blackburn, S., Higginbottom, A., Taylor, R., Bird, J., Østerås, N., Birger Hagen, K., …Dziedzic, K. (2016). Patient-reported quality indicators for osteoarthritis: a patient and public generated self-report measure for primary care. Research Involvement and Engagement, 2, Article 5.


People with osteoarthritis (OA) desire high quality care, support and information about OA. However, the quality of care for people with OA in general practice is not routinely collected. Quality Indicators (QI) can be used to benefit p... Read More about Patient-reported quality indicators for osteoarthritis: a patient and public generated self-report measure for primary care.

Patient and public involvement in primary care research - an example of ensuring its sustainability (2016)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, & Jinks. (2016). Patient and public involvement in primary care research - an example of ensuring its sustainability. Research Involvement and Engagement,

The international literature on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research covers a wide range of issues, including active lay involvement throughout the research cycle; roles that patients/public can play; assessing impact of PPI a... Read More about Patient and public involvement in primary care research - an example of ensuring its sustainability.

The development and initial validation of a questionnaire to measure help-seeking behaviour in patients with new onset rheumatoid arthritis (2015)
Journal Article
Stack, R. J., Mallen, C., Deighton, C., Kiely, P., Shaw, K. L., Booth, A., …Raza, K. (2015). The development and initial validation of a questionnaire to measure help-seeking behaviour in patients with new onset rheumatoid arthritis. Health Expectations, 18(6), 2340-2355.

BACKGROUND: Early treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is vital. However, people often delay in seeking help at symptom onset. An assessment of the reasons behind patient delay is necessary to develop interventions to promote rapid consultation. O... Read More about The development and initial validation of a questionnaire to measure help-seeking behaviour in patients with new onset rheumatoid arthritis.

Improving the care of people with long-term conditions in primary care: (2015)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Jinks, C., Tan, V. A., Chew-Graham, C. A., Lawton, S. A., Nicholls, E., …Mallen, C. D. (2015). Improving the care of people with long-term conditions in primary care:. Journal of Comorbidity, 2015(5), 135-149.

Long-term conditions (LTCs) are important determinants of quality of life and healthcare expenditure worldwide. Whilst multimorbidity is increasingly the norm in primary care, clinical guidelines and the delivery of care remain focused on... Read More about Improving the care of people with long-term conditions in primary care:.

The triple whammy anxiety depression and osteoarthritis in long-term conditions (2015)
Journal Article
Jinks, Chew-Graham, Mallen, & Healey. (2015). The triple whammy anxiety depression and osteoarthritis in long-term conditions. BMC Family Practice, Article 163.

Improving the management of people with long-term conditions is a key priority of the UK National Health Service. Whilst the coexistence of two or more long-term conditions in one person is increasingly the norm in primary care, guidelines and delive... Read More about The triple whammy anxiety depression and osteoarthritis in long-term conditions.

The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study. (2015)
Journal Article
Coxon, D., Frisher, M., Jinks, C., Jordan, K., Paskins, Z., & Peat, G. (2015). The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study. BMJ Open,

Objectives Some patients spend years with painful osteoarthritis without consulting for it, including times when they are experiencing persistent severe pain and disability. Beliefs about osteoarthritis and what primary care has to offer may influenc... Read More about The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study..