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Dr Aleksandr Pakhomov's Outputs (6)

Migratory birds are able to choose the appropriate migratory direction under dim yellow narrowband light (2023)
Journal Article
Romanova, N., Utvenko, G., Prokshina, A., Cellarius, F., Fedorishcheva, A., & Pakhomov, A. (2023). Migratory birds are able to choose the appropriate migratory direction under dim yellow narrowband light. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(2013),

Currently, it is generally assumed that migratory birds are oriented in the appropriate migratory direction under UV, blue and green light (short-wavelength) and are unable to use their magnetic compass in total darkness and under yellow and red ligh... Read More about Migratory birds are able to choose the appropriate migratory direction under dim yellow narrowband light.

Oscillating magnetic field does not disrupt orientation in the presence of stellar cues in an avian migrant (2023)
Journal Article
Bojarinova, J., Kavokin, K., Fedorishcheva, A., Sannikov, D., Cherbunin, R., Pakhomov, A., & Chernetsov, N. (2024). Oscillating magnetic field does not disrupt orientation in the presence of stellar cues in an avian migrant. Journal of Ornithology, 165(2), 347-354.

Weak oscillating magnetic fields (OMF) in the radiofrequency range are known to disrupt the orientation of birds. However, until now, it has not been experimentally verified that the sensitivity to OMF is a characteristic feature specifically of the... Read More about Oscillating magnetic field does not disrupt orientation in the presence of stellar cues in an avian migrant.

Sensitivity threshold of avian magnetic compass to oscillating magnetic field is species-specific (2022)
Journal Article
Bojarinova, J., Kavokin, K., Cherbunin, R., Sannikov, D., Fedorishcheva, A., Pakhomov, A., & Chernetsov, N. (2023). Sensitivity threshold of avian magnetic compass to oscillating magnetic field is species-specific. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(1),

One of the most unusual features of the avian magnetic compass is its sensitivity to weak oscillating magnetic fields (OMF) in the radiofrequency range. This effect, observed earlier in numerous experiments in European robins Erithacus rubecula and g... Read More about Sensitivity threshold of avian magnetic compass to oscillating magnetic field is species-specific.

Access to the sky near the horizon and stars does not play a crucial role in compass calibration of European songbird migrants (2022)
Journal Article
Pakhomov, A., Prokshina, A., Cellarius, F., Mouritsen, H., & Chernetsov, N. (2022). Access to the sky near the horizon and stars does not play a crucial role in compass calibration of European songbird migrants. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(16),

Migratory birds use different global cues including celestial and magnetic information to determine and maintain their seasonally appropriate migratory direction. A hierarchy among different compass systems in songbird migrants is still a matter for... Read More about Access to the sky near the horizon and stars does not play a crucial role in compass calibration of European songbird migrants.

Ontogeny of the star compass in birds: pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) can establish the star compass in spring (2021)
Journal Article
Zolotareva, A., Utvenko, G., Romanova, N., Pakhomov, A., & Chernetsov, N. (2021). Ontogeny of the star compass in birds: pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) can establish the star compass in spring. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(3),

The star compass of birds, like the sun compass, is not innate. To possess either of them, birds have to observe the rotating sky and determine its centre of rotation (in the case of the star compass) or the sun's movement (for the sun compass). Youn... Read More about Ontogeny of the star compass in birds: pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) can establish the star compass in spring.

A hierarchy of compass systems in migratory birds (2020)
Journal Article
Pakhomov, A., & Chernetsov, N. (2020). A hierarchy of compass systems in migratory birds. Vestnik Sankt Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mechanika, Astronomiya / Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics, 65(3), 7-9.

Migratory birds use several different sources of orientation information. They have at least three compass systems based on different cues: the sun and polarized light, the stars and their constellations, and the geomagnetic field. The concurrent inf... Read More about A hierarchy of compass systems in migratory birds.