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Outputs (27)

Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations (2024)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Garnett, N. (in press). Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-18.

The aim of this paper is to foreground network analysis as a statistical lens through which higher education institutions can articulate their own process of striving for teaching excellence, and how it is constituted in their own contexts. The paper... Read More about Network analysis and teaching excellence as a concept of relations.

International or international(-ised) students? Insights from continental Europe (2023)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Lomer, S. (2023). International or international(-ised) students? Insights from continental Europe. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 32(2), 434-442.

We were very pleased to curate this special issue on constructions of international students across Europe. We called for papers focusing on continental Europe, as whilst there now exists quite a large body of literature on representations of interna... Read More about International or international(-ised) students? Insights from continental Europe.

Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student (2022)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., Lomer, S., & Hayat Taha, S. (2024). Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student. Educational Review, 76(1), 132-144.

This paper focuses on the epistemic inequality of international students as a “new” inequality that is under-represented in the current debates about decolonisation (albeit shaped by colonial discourses depicting international students as in deficit... Read More about Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student.

Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools (2021)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Shain, F. (2023). Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools. Whiteness and Education, 8(1), 82-100.

This paper deconstructs ways in which the white ‘race’ of Eastern European pupils and the class determination of their parents in the country of arrival combine to either afford or deny them racialised privileges in British education. Critically revi... Read More about Whiteness, citizenship of class and educational privilege of Eastern European pupils in British schools.

Datafication of epistemic equality: advancing understandings of teaching excellence beyond benchmarked performativity. (2020)
Journal Article
Hayes, & Cheng. (2020). Datafication of epistemic equality: advancing understandings of teaching excellence beyond benchmarked performativity. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(4), 493-509.

The paper critiques key international teaching excellence and higher education outcomes frameworks for their lack of attention to epistemic equality. It subsequently argues that adequate ‘datafication’ of these frameworks, to demonstrate the extent t... Read More about Datafication of epistemic equality: advancing understandings of teaching excellence beyond benchmarked performativity..

The role of time in policy making: a Bahraini model of higher education competition. (2020)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Findlow, S. (2020). The role of time in policy making: a Bahraini model of higher education competition. Critical Studies in Education, 61(2), 180-194.

This paper contributes to discussions about the nature and scope of higher education (HE) business in light of some of the emerging ways in which countries seem to be reframing the impact of globalism. In particular, it develops a discussion about sp... Read More about The role of time in policy making: a Bahraini model of higher education competition..

'We loved it because we felt that we existed there in the classroom!’ International students as epistemic equals vs. double country oppression (2019)
Journal Article
Hayes. (2019). 'We loved it because we felt that we existed there in the classroom!’ International students as epistemic equals vs. double country oppression. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(5), 554-571.

The article compares student narratives of engagement in internationalization in the United Kingdom and Germany. The comparison signals a new area of critical sociology of internationalization which shows signs that internationalization in non-Anglop... Read More about 'We loved it because we felt that we existed there in the classroom!’ International students as epistemic equals vs. double country oppression.