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Outputs (49)

Imagining new dialogues about human rights: The implications of Charles Taylor’s theory of recognition for global feminism (2014)
Journal Article
Mookherjee, M. (2014). Imagining new dialogues about human rights: The implications of Charles Taylor’s theory of recognition for global feminism. Journal of International Political Theory, 10(2), 127-147.

This article explores the implications of Charles Taylor’s politics of recognition for a global feminist theory. The main contention is that Taylor’s thought implies an innovative dialogue about human rights that assists a flexible understanding of d... Read More about Imagining new dialogues about human rights: The implications of Charles Taylor’s theory of recognition for global feminism.

Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town (2014)
Journal Article
Griffiths. (2014). Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town

It has long been contended by both the ‘old’ and ‘new’ Chicago School that immigration fractures effective community controls, resulting in increased crime, conflict and social disorder. Building on the Chicago School approach, this article provides... Read More about Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town.

La pesadilla de Einstein Sobre: la tecno-distopía en Bernard Stiegler (2014)
Journal Article
Featherstone, M. (2014). La pesadilla de Einstein Sobre: la tecno-distopía en Bernard Stiegler. CTheory,

En invierno de 2013, me hice consciente de la "pesadilla de Einstein", un meme de internet, un fragmento de información, que refleja el horror de lo que llamo en este artículo "distopía tecnológica". [1] El meme, titulado "La peor pesadilla de Einste... Read More about La pesadilla de Einstein Sobre: la tecno-distopía en Bernard Stiegler.

Whither the elephant?: the continuing development of clinical leadership in the UK National Health Services (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Whither the elephant?: the continuing development of clinical leadership in the UK National Health Services. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 280-291.

The paper revisits the theme of clinical leadership in UK countries, following an earlier (2009) review. It examines the competency-based approach; considers the emerging voices of clinical leaders; explores the results of evaluation research studies... Read More about Whither the elephant?: the continuing development of clinical leadership in the UK National Health Services.

Kant’s Justification of Welfare (2014)
Journal Article
Baiasu, S. (2014). Kant’s Justification of Welfare. Diametros: A Journal of Philosophy, 39,

For several decades, theorists interested in Kant’s discussion of welfare have puzzled over Kant’s position on the issue of the redistribution of goods in society. They have done this both in order to clarify his position and as a source of inspirati... Read More about Kant’s Justification of Welfare.

Sarah Harrison and Michael Bruter, Mapping extreme right ideology: An empirical geography of the European extreme right, reviewed by Elisabeth Carter (2014)
Journal Article
Carter, E. (2014). Sarah Harrison and Michael Bruter, Mapping extreme right ideology: An empirical geography of the European extreme right, reviewed by Elisabeth Carter. Party Politics, 20(2), 302-303.

As the title suggests, this book sets out to position European extreme right parties within their ideological space. To do this, it first identifies two dimensions that structure this space, namely an ‘authoritarian’ dimension and a ‘negative identit... Read More about Sarah Harrison and Michael Bruter, Mapping extreme right ideology: An empirical geography of the European extreme right, reviewed by Elisabeth Carter.