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Outputs (86)

Maritime Security in a Critical Context (2022)
Book Chapter
Ryan. (2022). Maritime Security in a Critical Context. In The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security.

In this chapter I propose a time and place of birth for maritime security. Utilising Deleuze and Guattari’s assemblage theory, I locate the original context from which maritime security arose in a foundational violent event that bore witness to the p... Read More about Maritime Security in a Critical Context.

The Role of Formative Evaluation in Promoting Digitally-based Health Equity and Reducing Bias for Resilient Health Systems: The Case of Patient Portals. (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). The Role of Formative Evaluation in Promoting Digitally-based Health Equity and Reducing Bias for Resilient Health Systems: The Case of Patient Portals.

OBJECTIVES: Patient portals are increasingly implemented to improve patient involvement and engagement. We here seek to provide an overview of ways to mitigate existing concerns that these technologies increase inequity and bias and do not reach thos... Read More about The Role of Formative Evaluation in Promoting Digitally-based Health Equity and Reducing Bias for Resilient Health Systems: The Case of Patient Portals..

Family practices in non-cohabiting intimate relationships in China: doing mobile intimacy, emotion and intergenerational caring practices (2022)
Journal Article
Qiu, S. (2022). Family practices in non-cohabiting intimate relationships in China: doing mobile intimacy, emotion and intergenerational caring practices. Families, Relationships and Societies, 11(2), 175-191.

This article applies David Morgan’s work on ‘family practices’ to the non-cohabiting intimate relationships in China. Through the lens of living apart together (LAT) relationships, I carried out in-depth interviews to examine the family life of worki... Read More about Family practices in non-cohabiting intimate relationships in China: doing mobile intimacy, emotion and intergenerational caring practices.

Histories of everyday life: the making of popular social history in Britain, 1918-1979 (2022)
Journal Article
Howlett, J. (2023). Histories of everyday life: the making of popular social history in Britain, 1918-1979. History of Education, 52(1), 139-141.

This splendidly written and meticulously researched book is an attempt to trace the rise and fall of popular social history in Britain, the most important manifestation of which was the ‘history (or histories) of everyday life’. Whilst such approache... Read More about Histories of everyday life: the making of popular social history in Britain, 1918-1979.

Balancing Evolution and Acquisition in Theoretical Linguistics (2022)
Book Chapter
Dupre, G. (2022). Balancing Evolution and Acquisition in Theoretical Linguistics. In Philosophical Approaches to Language and Communication.

The history of generative linguistics is a history of a tension between, on the one hand, incorporating all the complexity suggested by detailed descriptions of natural languages and the innate knowledge humans bring to the task of acquisition, and o... Read More about Balancing Evolution and Acquisition in Theoretical Linguistics.

Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’ (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’. Probation Journal,

This article offers an original insight into the experiences of former military personnel navigating life after criminalisation in a time of austerity. Drawing on case studies of in-depth narrative and visual interview data with two 'veteran offender... Read More about Hero to zero? Navigating and negotiating the harms of criminalisation as a ‘veteran offender’.