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A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia (2013)
Journal Article
Ogrodnik, P. J., Thomas, P. B., Moorcroft, C. I., & Mohammed, K. N. (2013). A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 227(10), 1125-1134.

A model for the stiffness of a fractured human tibia has been developed. The model is based on Mohr’s circle of inertia and relies on tibial fracture stiffness being measured in a number of planes. Using in vitro data, it has been shown that this mod... Read More about A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia.

The Effects of Laser Marking and Symbol Etching on the Fatigue Life of Medical Devices (2013)
Journal Article
Ogrodnik, P. J., Moorcroft, C. I., & Wardle, P. (2013). The Effects of Laser Marking and Symbol Etching on the Fatigue Life of Medical Devices. Journal of Medical Engineering, 2013, 1-6.

This paper examines the question;“ does permanent laser marking affect the mechanical performance of a metallic medical component?” The literature review revealed the surprising fact that very little has been presented or studied even though intuitio... Read More about The Effects of Laser Marking and Symbol Etching on the Fatigue Life of Medical Devices.