A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia
Journal Article
Ogrodnik, P. J., Thomas, P. B., Moorcroft, C. I., & Mohammed, K. N. (2013). A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 227(10), 1125-1134. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954411913495789
A model for the stiffness of a fractured human tibia has been developed. The model is based on Mohr’s circle of inertia and relies on tibial fracture stiffness being measured in a number of planes. Using in vitro data, it has been shown that this mod... Read More about A multidirectional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia.