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Evaluation of the introduction of a synchronous online induction for postgraduate diploma students. (2023)
Presentation / Conference
O'Byrne, R., & White, S. (2023, September). Evaluation of the introduction of a synchronous online induction for postgraduate diploma students. Poster presented at Pharmacy Education Conference 2023, Stopford building, Oxford road, The University of Manchester, UK


A previous qualitative study identified the need for postgraduate clinical diploma distance-learning students to have a synchronous induction.(O’Byrne,2022) An induction session was created, starting in January 2022 for each new cohor... Read More about Evaluation of the introduction of a synchronous online induction for postgraduate diploma students..

Pharmacists' perspectives on the impact of postgraduate distance learning on their well-being: A qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
O'Byrne, R., White, S., & Chew-Graham, C. A. (in press). Pharmacists' perspectives on the impact of postgraduate distance learning on their well-being: A qualitative study. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 15(10), 861-867.

Introduction: Undertaking postgraduate education is becoming increasingly common among United Kingdom (UK) pharmacists to facilitate career progression. However, whilst there is evidence that postgraduate study can negatively affect well-being (defin... Read More about Pharmacists' perspectives on the impact of postgraduate distance learning on their well-being: A qualitative study..

Under Pressure - Pharmacist's perceptions of the effects of postgraduate education on their wellbeing: a qualitative study (2022)
Presentation / Conference
O'Byrne, R., White, S., & Chew-Graham, C. (2022, September). Under Pressure - Pharmacist's perceptions of the effects of postgraduate education on their wellbeing: a qualitative study. Paper presented at Pharmacy Education Conference 2022, Stopford Building, Oxford Road, The University of Manchester, UK

A 2019 NHS commission on the mental wellbeing of healthcare postgraduate learners reported research largely focused on doctors in training and identified the need for further research into the wellbeing needs and ways to support wellbein... Read More about Under Pressure - Pharmacist's perceptions of the effects of postgraduate education on their wellbeing: a qualitative study.