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Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyhexanoate)/Collagen Hybrid Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications (2013)
Journal Article
Lomas, A. J., Webb, W. R., Han, J., Chen, G., Sun, X., Zhang, Z., …Forsyth, N. R. (2013). Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyhexanoate)/Collagen Hybrid Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 19(8), 577-585.

The benefits associated with polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in tissue engineering include high immunotolerance, low toxicity, and biodegradability. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBHHx), a molecule from the PHA family of biopolymers, sh... Read More about Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyhexanoate)/Collagen Hybrid Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications.

The Oswestry Risk Index: An aid in the treatment of metastatic disease of the spine (2013)
Journal Article
Balain, B., Jaiswal, A., Trivedi, J. M., Eisenstein, S. M., Kuiper, J. H., & Jaffray, D. C. (2013). The Oswestry Risk Index: An aid in the treatment of metastatic disease of the spine. The Bone & Joint Journal, 95-B(2), 210-216.

The revised Tokuhashi, Tomita and modified Bauer scores are commonly used to make difficult decisions in the management of patients presenting with spinal metastases. A prospective cohort study of 199 consecutive patients presenting with spinal metas... Read More about The Oswestry Risk Index: An aid in the treatment of metastatic disease of the spine.

Mesenchymal stem cells promote alveolar epithelial cell wound repair in vitro through distinct migratory and paracrine mechanisms. (2013)
Journal Article
(2013). Mesenchymal stem cells promote alveolar epithelial cell wound repair in vitro through distinct migratory and paracrine mechanisms. Respiratory Research, 9 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are in clinical trials for widespread indications including musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac and haematological disorders. Furthermore, MSC can ameliorate pulmonary fibrosis in animal models although mec... Read More about Mesenchymal stem cells promote alveolar epithelial cell wound repair in vitro through distinct migratory and paracrine mechanisms..

Errata: Study of optical properties and proteoglycan content of tendons by polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (2013)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Rupani, A., Bagnaninchi, P., Wimpenny, I., & Weightman, A. (2013). Errata: Study of optical properties and proteoglycan content of tendons by polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(1), 019801.

This article [J. Biomed. Opt.. 17, (8 ), 081417 (2012)] was originally published online on 2 August 2012 with an error in the reference citation of Fig. 1. The correct figure caption and references for Fig. 1 are shown below. A new reference was adde... Read More about Errata: Study of optical properties and proteoglycan content of tendons by polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography.

Antimalarial pharmacology and therapeutics of atovaquone (2013)
Journal Article
(2013). Antimalarial pharmacology and therapeutics of atovaquone. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 977-985.

Atovaquone is used as a fixed-dose combination with proguanil (Malarone) for treating children and adults with uncomplicated malaria or as chemoprophylaxis for preventing malaria in travellers. Indeed, in the USA, between 2009 and 2011, Malarone pres... Read More about Antimalarial pharmacology and therapeutics of atovaquone.

Effects of dietary nutrients on volatile breath metabolites (2013)
Journal Article
(2013). Effects of dietary nutrients on volatile breath metabolites. Journal of Nutritional Science, e34 - ?.

Breath analysis is becoming increasingly established as a means of assessing metabolic, biochemical and physiological function in health and disease. The methods available for these analyses exploit a variety of complex physicochemical principles, bu... Read More about Effects of dietary nutrients on volatile breath metabolites.