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Outputs (209)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure: a position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (2018)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2018). Type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure: a position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart Failure, 853-872.

The coexistence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and heart failure (HF), either with reduced (HFrEF) or preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), is frequent (30–40% of patients) and associated with a higher risk of HF hospitalization, all-cause and car... Read More about Type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure: a position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology.

Impact of human platelet lysate on the expansion and chondrogenic capacity of cultured human chondrocytes for cartilage cell therapy. (2018)
Journal Article
Kuiper, J., & Wright, K. (2018). Impact of human platelet lysate on the expansion and chondrogenic capacity of cultured human chondrocytes for cartilage cell therapy. European cells & materials, 255 - 267.

High hopes have been pinned on regenerative medicine strategies in order to prevent the progression of cartilage damage to osteoarthritis, particularly by autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). The loss of chondrocyte phenotype during in vitro mo... Read More about Impact of human platelet lysate on the expansion and chondrogenic capacity of cultured human chondrocytes for cartilage cell therapy..

The Effects of Biomimetically Conjugated VEGF on Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis of MSCs (Human and Rat) and HUVECs Co-culture Models (2018)
Journal Article
Yang. (2018). The Effects of Biomimetically Conjugated VEGF on Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis of MSCs (Human and Rat) and HUVECs Co-culture Models. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,

The purpose of this work was to investigate if the biomimetically conjugated VEGF and HUVECs co-culture could modulate the osteogenic and angiogenic differentiation of MSCs derived from rat and human bone marrow (rMSCs and hMSCs). After treated by am... Read More about The Effects of Biomimetically Conjugated VEGF on Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis of MSCs (Human and Rat) and HUVECs Co-culture Models.

Elovl6 is a negative clinical predictor for liver cancer and knockdown of Elovl6 reduces murine liver cancer progression (2018)
Journal Article
Wu. (2018). Elovl6 is a negative clinical predictor for liver cancer and knockdown of Elovl6 reduces murine liver cancer progression. Scientific reports,

The elongation of long-chain fatty acids family member 6 (Elovl6) is a key enzyme in lipogenesis that catalyzes the elongation of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Insulin resistance involves upregulation of Elovl6, which has been linked to... Read More about Elovl6 is a negative clinical predictor for liver cancer and knockdown of Elovl6 reduces murine liver cancer progression.

Proteomic analysis of age-related changes in ovine cerebrospinal fluid (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, C., Preston, J., Zhou, S., Fuller, H., Morgan, D., & Chen, R. (2018). Proteomic analysis of age-related changes in ovine cerebrospinal fluid. Experimental Gerontology, 108, 181-188.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates through the brain and has a unique composition reflecting the biological processes of the brain. Identifying ageing CSF biomarkers can aid in understanding the ageing process and interpreting CSF protein changes i... Read More about Proteomic analysis of age-related changes in ovine cerebrospinal fluid.

Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Everett, J., Collingwood, J. F., Tjendana-Tjhin, V., Brooks, J., Lermyte, F., Plascencia-Villa, G., …Telling, N. D. (2018). Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects. Nanoscale, 10(25), 11782-11796.

Altered metabolism of biometals in the brain is a key feature of Alzheimer's disease, and biometal interactions with amyloid-ß are linked to amyloid plaque formation. Iron-rich aggregates, including evidence for the mixed-valence iron oxide magnetite... Read More about Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects.

Accelerated patent haemostasis using a procoagulant disk: a protocol designed to minimise the risk of radial artery occlusion following cardiac catheterisation (2018)
Journal Article
Ayyaz Ul Haq, M., Nazir, S. A., Rashid, M., Shing Kwok, C., Mubashiruddin, S., Alisiddiq, Z., …Nolan, J. (2019). Accelerated patent haemostasis using a procoagulant disk: a protocol designed to minimise the risk of radial artery occlusion following cardiac catheterisation. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 20(2), 137-142.

Radial artery occlusion flowing cardiac catheterisation has been linked to flow reduction and prolonged compression. We investigate whether these factors can be optimised following transradial cardiac catheterisation by using an accelerated... Read More about Accelerated patent haemostasis using a procoagulant disk: a protocol designed to minimise the risk of radial artery occlusion following cardiac catheterisation.

Generation (Wh) Y; The Digital Face of Pharmaceutical Education (2018)
Journal Article
Voisey. (2018). Generation (Wh) Y; The Digital Face of Pharmaceutical Education.

The undergraduate population in pharmaceutical science is now more diverse than ever before, presenting considerable teaching challenges as educators are faced with increasing student numbers, lack of space availability and a desire to provide a more... Read More about Generation (Wh) Y; The Digital Face of Pharmaceutical Education.

Translation of remote control regenerative technologies for bone repair. (2018)
Journal Article
Markides, H., McLaren, J. S., Telling, N. D., Alom, N., Al-Mutheffer, E. A., Oreffo, R. O., …El Haj, A. J. (2018). Translation of remote control regenerative technologies for bone repair. npj Regenerative Medicine, 3, Article 9.

The role of biomechanical stimuli, or mechanotransduction, in normal bone homeostasis and repair is understood to facilitate effective osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro. Mechanotransduction has been integrated into a multitude of... Read More about Translation of remote control regenerative technologies for bone repair..