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Outputs (162)

FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice? (2023)
Dowling, L. M. M. (2023). FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Cancer incidence rates are increasing world-wide including in the UK. An increase in cancer cases puts further pressure on pathology departments that are often already struggling to meet targets to diagnose cancers in a timely manner. Delays in diagn... Read More about FTIR Spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis. How can glass substrates be used to bring it closer to clinical practice?.

The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment (2023)
Journal Article
Oliva, F., Agnes, M., Strollo, F., Danieli, R., & Maffulli, N. (in press). The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment. M.L.T.J. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 13(04), 660.

Introduction. The diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), also known as Forestier-Rotès-Querol disease, is a systemic pathology characterized by the diffuse ossification of the ligaments of the spinal column. It can be linked to several meta... Read More about The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment.

Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development (2023)
Journal Article
Cataldo, A., Cheung, D. G., Hagan, J. P., Fassan, M., Sandhu-Deol, S., Croce, C. M., …Iorio, M. V. (in press). Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development. Non-Coding RNA, 10(1), Article 4.

MiRNAs play crucial roles in a broad spectrum of biological processes, both physiological and pathological. Different reports implicate miR-205 in the control of breast stem cell properties. Differential miR-205 expression has been observed in differ... Read More about Genetic Loss of miR-205 Causes Increased Mammary Gland Development.

Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature (2023)
Journal Article
Oliva, F., Marsilio, E., Cuozzo, F., & Maffulli, N. (in press). Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature. M.L.T.J. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 13(04), 667.

Introduction. Knee extensor apparatus tears are uncommon conditions, affecting middle aged men more than women. Quadriceps tendon ruptures are usually described as an acute consequence of a trauma that could be characterized by a direct or indirect m... Read More about Quadriceps Tendon Tears Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review of the Literature.

Advances in Neurorestoratology—Current status and future developments (2023)
Book Chapter
Huang, H., Ramon-Cueto, A., El Masri, W., Moviglia, G. A., Saberi, H., Sharma, H. S., …Sarnowska, A. (2023). Advances in Neurorestoratology—Current status and future developments. . Elsevier.

Neurorestoratology constitutes a novel discipline aimed at the restoration of damaged neural structures and impaired neurological functions. This area of knowledge integrates and compiles all concepts and strategies dealing with the neurorestoration.... Read More about Advances in Neurorestoratology—Current status and future developments.

Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy (2023)
Storey, E. C. (2023). Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

LMNA-related congenital muscular dystrophy (L-CMD) is a rare disorder predominantly causing muscle weakness and wasting, over time, leading to development of dysphagia and life-threating respiratory insufficiency, and sometimes cardiac arrhythmias. T... Read More about Characterising the molecular consequences of LMNA mutations in congenital muscular dystrophy.

Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques (2023)
Xie, B. (2023). Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Non-degradable and biodegradable implants inevitably generate debris or degradation products in the body, and these induce acute and chronic inflammation. Polyglycolic acid (PGA) is a simple linear aliphatic polyester with a wide set of medical appli... Read More about Unravelling the immunomodulatory effect of Poly (glycolic acid) particles using new techniques.

Testosterone replacement therapy: association with mortality in high‐risk patient subgroups (2023)
Journal Article
Mann, A., Strange, R. C., König, C. S., Hackett, G., Haider, A., Haider, K. S., …Ramachandran, S. (in press). Testosterone replacement therapy: association with mortality in high‐risk patient subgroups. Andrology,

We describe studies determining the association between testosterone therapy (TTh) and mortality.

Materials & methods
We used a registry database of 737 men with adult-onset testosterone deficiency defined as presenting with low serum... Read More about Testosterone replacement therapy: association with mortality in high‐risk patient subgroups.

Magnetic Coagulometry: Towards a New Nanotechnological Tool for ex vivo Monitoring Coagulation in Human Whole Blood (2023)
Journal Article
Santana-Otero, A., Harper, A., Telling, N. D., Ortega, D., & Cabrera, D. (in press). Magnetic Coagulometry: Towards a New Nanotechnological Tool for ex vivo Monitoring Coagulation in Human Whole Blood. Nanoscale,

Blood clotting disorders consisting of unwanted blood clot formation or excessive bleeding are some of the main causes of death worldwide. However, there are significant limitations in the current methods used to clinically monitoring the dynamics of... Read More about Magnetic Coagulometry: Towards a New Nanotechnological Tool for ex vivo Monitoring Coagulation in Human Whole Blood.

Groin Pain Syndrome Italian Consensus Conference update 2023. (2023)
Journal Article
Bisciotti, G. N., Zini, R., Aluigi, M., Aprato, A., Auci, A., Bellinzona, E., …Volpi, P. (in press). Groin Pain Syndrome Italian Consensus Conference update 2023. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.15517-4.

Groin pain syndrome (GPS) is a controversial topic in Sports Medicine. The GPS Italian Consensus Conference on terminology, clinical evaluation and imaging assessment of groin pain in athletes was organized by the Italian Society of Arthroscopy in Mi... Read More about Groin Pain Syndrome Italian Consensus Conference update 2023..