Gian N Bisciotti
Groin Pain Syndrome Italian Consensus Conference update 2023.
Bisciotti, Gian N; Zini, Raul; Aluigi, Matteo; Aprato, Alessandro; Auci, Alessio; Bellinzona, Elena; Benelli, Piero; Bigoni, Marco; Bisciotti, Alessandro; Bisciotti, Andrea; Bona, Stefano; Brustia, Moreno; Bruzzone, Marco; Canata, Gian L; Carulli, Christian; Cassaghi, Gabriella; Coli, Michael; Corsini, Alessandro; Costantini, Alberto; Dallari, Dante; Danelli, Giorgio; Danesi, Giustino; Della Rocca, Federico; DE Nardo, Pasquale; DI Benedetto, Paolo; DI Marzo, Francesco; DI Pietto, Francesco; Eirale, Cristiano; Ferretti, Andrea; Fogli, Marco; Foglia, Andrea; Guardoli, Alberto; Guglielmi, Antonio; Lama, Davide; Maffulli, Nicola; Manunta, Andrea F; Massari, Leo; Mazzoni, Gianni; Moretti, Biagio; Moretti, Lorenzo; Nanni, Gianni; Niccolai, Roberto; Occhialini, Marcello; Panascì, Manlio; Parra, Maria F; Pigalarga, Giovanni; Randelli, Filippo; Sacchini, Michaela; Salini, Vincenzo; Santori, Nicola; Tenconi, Paolo; Tognini, Giuseppe; Vegnuti, Marco; Zanini, Antonio; Volpi, Piero
Raul Zini
Matteo Aluigi
Alessandro Aprato
Alessio Auci
Elena Bellinzona
Piero Benelli
Marco Bigoni
Alessandro Bisciotti
Andrea Bisciotti
Stefano Bona
Moreno Brustia
Marco Bruzzone
Gian L Canata
Christian Carulli
Gabriella Cassaghi
Michael Coli
Alessandro Corsini
Alberto Costantini
Dante Dallari
Giorgio Danelli
Giustino Danesi
Federico Della Rocca
Pasquale DE Nardo
Paolo DI Benedetto
Francesco DI Marzo
Francesco DI Pietto
Cristiano Eirale
Andrea Ferretti
Marco Fogli
Andrea Foglia
Alberto Guardoli
Antonio Guglielmi
Davide Lama
Nicola Maffulli
Andrea F Manunta
Leo Massari
Gianni Mazzoni
Biagio Moretti
Lorenzo Moretti
Gianni Nanni
Roberto Niccolai
Marcello Occhialini
Manlio Panascì
Maria F Parra
Giovanni Pigalarga
Filippo Randelli
Michaela Sacchini
Vincenzo Salini
Nicola Santori
Paolo Tenconi
Giuseppe Tognini
Marco Vegnuti
Antonio Zanini
Piero Volpi
Groin pain syndrome (GPS) is a controversial topic in Sports Medicine. The GPS Italian Consensus Conference on terminology, clinical evaluation and imaging assessment of groin pain in athletes was organized by the Italian Society of Arthroscopy in Milan, on 5 February 2016. In this Consensus Conference (CC) GPS etiology was divided into 11 different categories for a total of 63 pathologies. The GPS Italian Consensus Conference update 2023 is an update of the 2016 CC. The CC was based on a sequential, two-round online Delphi survey, followed by a final CC in the presence of all panelists. The panel was composed of 55 experts from different scientific and clinical backgrounds. Each expert discussed 6 different documents, one of which regarded the clinical and imaging definition of sports hernias, and the other 5 dealt with 5 new clinical situations thought to result in GPS. The panelists came to an agreement on the definition of a sports hernia. Furthermore, an agreement was reached, recognizing 4 of the 5 possible proposed pathologies as causes to GPS. On the contrary, the sixth pathology discussed did not find consensus given the insufficient evidence in the available scientific literature. The final document includes a new clinical and imaging definition of sports hernia. Furthermore, the etiology of GPS was updated compared to the previous CC of 2016. The new taxonomic classification includes 12 categories (versus 11 in the previous CC) and 67 pathologies (versus 63 in the previous CC).
Bisciotti, G. N., Zini, R., Aluigi, M., Aprato, A., Auci, A., Bellinzona, E., …Volpi, P. (in press). Groin Pain Syndrome Italian Consensus Conference update 2023. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.15517-4.
Journal Article Type | Review |
Acceptance Date | Dec 21, 2023 |
Online Publication Date | Dec 21, 2023 |
Deposit Date | Jan 8, 2024 |
Journal | The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness |
Print ISSN | 0022-4707 |
Electronic ISSN | 1827-1928 |
Publisher | Edizioni Minerva Medica |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Pages | 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.15517-4 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Sports; Hernia; Consensus Development Conference |
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