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Outputs (95)

Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Cell Fusing Agent Virus in Aedes aegypti (2022)
Journal Article
Logan, R., Quek, S., Muthoni, J., von Eicken, A., Brettell, L., Anderson, E., …Patterson, E. (2022). Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Cell Fusing Agent Virus in Aedes aegypti. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,

Cell fusing agent virus (CFAV) is an insect-specific flavivirus (ISF) found in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. ISFs have demonstrated the ability to modulate the infection or transmission of arboviruses such as dengue, West Nile, and Zika viruses. It is th... Read More about Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Cell Fusing Agent Virus in Aedes aegypti.

Past climatic refugia and landscape resistance explain spatial genetic structure in Oriental beech in the South Caucasus (2022)
Journal Article
Sękiewicz, K., Danelia, I., Farzaliyev, V., Gholizadeh, H., Iszkuło, G., Naqinezhad, A., …Dering, M. (2022). Past climatic refugia and landscape resistance explain spatial genetic structure in Oriental beech in the South Caucasus. Ecology and Evolution, 12(9), Article e9320.

Predicting species-level effects of climatic changes requires unraveling the factors affecting the spatial genetic composition. However, disentangling the relative contribution of historical and contemporary drivers is challenging. By applying landsc... Read More about Past climatic refugia and landscape resistance explain spatial genetic structure in Oriental beech in the South Caucasus.

Changes in NMDA Receptor Function in Rapid Ischemic Tolerance: A Potential Role for Tri-Heteromeric NMDA Receptors (2022)
Journal Article
Xie, M., Leng, T., Maysami, S., Pearson, A., Simon, R., Xiong, Z.-G., & Meller, R. (2022). Changes in NMDA Receptor Function in Rapid Ischemic Tolerance: A Potential Role for Tri-Heteromeric NMDA Receptors. Biomolecules, 12(9), Article 1214.

In this study, we characterize biophysical changes in NMDA receptor function in response to brief non-injurious ischemic stress (ischemic preconditioning). Electrophysiological studies show NMDA receptor function is reduced following preconditioning... Read More about Changes in NMDA Receptor Function in Rapid Ischemic Tolerance: A Potential Role for Tri-Heteromeric NMDA Receptors.

Measures, Gaps, and Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh’s COVID-19 Response (2022)
Journal Article
Haider, N. (2022). Measures, Gaps, and Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh’s COVID-19 Response. EcoHealth, 378 - 389.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread rapidly from China to most other countries around the world in early 2020 killing millions of people. To prevent virus spread, world governments implemented a var... Read More about Measures, Gaps, and Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh’s COVID-19 Response.

Small molecule mediated inhibition of protein cargo recognition by peroxisomal transport receptor PEX5 is toxic to Trypanosoma (2022)
Journal Article
Napolitano, V., Softley, C. A., Blat, A., Kalel, V. C., Schorpp, K., Siebenmorgen, T., …Dubin, G. (in press). Small molecule mediated inhibition of protein cargo recognition by peroxisomal transport receptor PEX5 is toxic to Trypanosoma. Scientific reports, 12(1), Article 14705.

Trypanosomiases are life-threatening infections of humans and livestock, and novel effective therapeutic approaches are needed. Trypanosoma compartmentalize glycolysis into specialized organelles termed glycosomes. Most of the trypanosomal glycolytic... Read More about Small molecule mediated inhibition of protein cargo recognition by peroxisomal transport receptor PEX5 is toxic to Trypanosoma.

Dynamics of DNA Replication during Male Gametogenesis in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Falciparum (2022)
Journal Article
Matthews, H., McDonald, J., Totanes, F., & Merrick, C. (2022). Dynamics of DNA Replication during Male Gametogenesis in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Falciparum. Cellular Microbiology,

Malaria parasites undergo a single phase of sexual reproduction in their complex lifecycle. It involves specialised, sexually committed cells called gametocytes, which develop rapidly into mature gametes and mate upon entering the mosquito midgut. Ga... Read More about Dynamics of DNA Replication during Male Gametogenesis in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Falciparum.

A requirement for astrocyte IP3R2 signaling for whisker experience-dependent depression and homeostatic upregulation in the mouse barrel cortex. (2022)
Journal Article
Butcher, J., Sims, R., Ngum, N., Bazzari, A. H., Jenkins, S. I., King, M., …Glazewski. (2022). A requirement for astrocyte IP3R2 signaling for whisker experience-dependent depression and homeostatic upregulation in the mouse barrel cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16, Article 905285.

Changes to sensory experience result in plasticity of synapses in the cortex. This experience-dependent plasticity (EDP) is a fundamental property of the brain. Yet, while much is known about neuronal roles in EDP, very little is known about the role... Read More about A requirement for astrocyte IP3R2 signaling for whisker experience-dependent depression and homeostatic upregulation in the mouse barrel cortex..

Hands-on training in structural biology, a tool for sustainable development in Africa series 4. (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Hands-on training in structural biology, a tool for sustainable development in Africa series 4. Biology open BiO / Company of Biologists, 1-4.

Structural biology is an essential tool for understanding the molecular basis of diseases, which can guide the rational design of new drugs, vaccines, and the optimisation of existing medicines. However, most African countries do not conduct structur... Read More about Hands-on training in structural biology, a tool for sustainable development in Africa series 4..