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Outputs (48)

Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization (2020)
Journal Article
Stott, C., Ho, L., Radburn, M., Chan, Y. T., Kyprianides, A., & Morales, P. S. (2021). Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization. Policing, 14(4), 814-835.

Across the latter half of 2019, Hong Kong became the focus of world attention as it was rocked by a wave of increasingly violent confrontations between police and protesters. Both inside and outside the Territory, several powerful political actors ha... Read More about Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization.

Self-categorization as a basis of behavioural mimicry: Experiments in The Hive. (2020)
Journal Article
Stott. (2020). Self-categorization as a basis of behavioural mimicry: Experiments in The Hive. PloS one, e0241227 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Do we always do what others do, and, if not, when and under what conditions do we do so? In this paper we test the hypothesis that mimicry is moderated by the mere knowledge of whether the source is a member of the same social category... Read More about Self-categorization as a basis of behavioural mimicry: Experiments in The Hive..

Social Order and Disorder (2020)
Book Chapter
Stott, C., & Radburn, M. (2020). Social Order and Disorder. In Together Apart The Psychology of COVID-19. (1). SAGE Publications

How do police officers talk about their encounters with ‘the public’? Group interaction, procedural justice and officer constructions of policing identities (2020)
Journal Article
Stott, & Radburn. (2020). How do police officers talk about their encounters with ‘the public’? Group interaction, procedural justice and officer constructions of policing identities. Criminology and Criminal Justice,

Despite widespread empirical support for Procedural Justice Theory, understanding the role of police psychology in shaping encounters with ‘citizens’ is relatively opaque. This article seeks to address this gap in the literature by exploring how offi... Read More about How do police officers talk about their encounters with ‘the public’? Group interaction, procedural justice and officer constructions of policing identities.

COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology. (2020)
Journal Article
Stott. (2020). COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology,

Notions of psychological frailty have been at the forefront of debates around the public response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, there is the argument that collective selfishness, thoughtless behaviour, and over-reaction would make the effe... Read More about COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology..

COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology. (2020)
Journal Article
Stott. (2020). COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 686 - 693.

Notions of psychological frailty have been at the forefront of debates around the public response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, there is the argument that collective selfishness, thoughtless behaviour, and over-reaction would make the effe... Read More about COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology..

How crowd violence arises and how it spreads (2020)
Book Chapter
Drury, J., Ball, R., Neville, F., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. (2020). How crowd violence arises and how it spreads. In The Handbook of Collective Violence (175-187). Routledge.

This chapter critically reviews theory and research on the emergence and spread of crowd violence. The chapter is divided into two parts, the first focused on violence within crowd events, and the second concerned with the spread of conflict between... Read More about How crowd violence arises and how it spreads.

Policing the Coronavirus Outbreak: Processes and Prospects for Collective Disorder (2020)
Journal Article
Stott. (2020). Policing the Coronavirus Outbreak: Processes and Prospects for Collective Disorder. Policing,

This briefing is divided into three parts. First, we outline the factors which lead to incidents of collective disorder (or riots). Secondly, we consider how the overall response to the coronavirus outbreak and the role of the police within this resp... Read More about Policing the Coronavirus Outbreak: Processes and Prospects for Collective Disorder.